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Employee Experience RMarkdown Report Template


The following parameters describe the arguments that will be passed to within the report function.

  • data: the input must be a data frame with the columns as a Standard Person Query, which is built using the sq_data inbuilt into the 'wpa' package.
  • hrvar: string specifying the HR attribute that will be passed into the single plot.
  • mingroup: numeric value specifying the minimum group size to filter the data by.

Report Type

This is a flexdashboard RMarkdown report.

The standard YAML header would be as follows:

    orientation: rows
    vertical_layout: fill

Query Spec


Run a single daily person query:

  • Group by Day
  • At least 3 months
  • Ensure that IsActive flag is not applied

All metrics

Note: Custom metrics shown in bolded italics

  1. Meeting hours 1 on 1 [SEE SPEC BELOW]
  2. Meeting hours 1 on 1 with same level [SEE SPEC BELOW]
  3. Time in self organized meetings
  4. Open 2 hour blocks
  5. Collaboration hours external
  6. Meetings with skip level
  7. Meeting hours with skip level
  8. Meeting hours 3 to 8 [SEE SPEC BELOW]
  9. Internal network size
  10. Meeting hours with manager
  11. Meeting hours
  12. Meetings
  13. Meetings with manager
  14. Meeting hours with manager 1 on 1
  15. Instant messages sent
  16. Emails sent
  17. Workweek span
  18. Collaboration hours
  19. Meeting hours with skip level max 8 [SEE SPEC BELOW]
  20. Meeting hours with manager with 3 to 8 [SEE SPEC BELOW]

Custom metrics

  1. Meeting Hours 1 on 1: where Total attendees == 2
  2. Meeting Hours 1 on 1 with same level: All attendee's and/or recipient's where LevelDesignation == @RelativeToPerson AND Total attendees == 2
  3. Meeting hours 3 to 8: Total attendees >= 3 AND Total attendees <= 8
  4. Meeting hours with skip level max 8: Total attendees <= 8, using Meeting hours with skip level.
  5. Meeting hours with manager 3 to 8: Total attendees >= 3 AND Total attendees <= 8, using Meeting hours with manager. This is used to calculate small group meetings without manager by deducting this from Meeting hours for 3 to 8 attendees.

Report output

This report contains one single plot and a print out of the data diagnostics.

Data preparation

No data preparation is required as long as it is a Standard Person Query.


For an example of the report output, see minimal report.html.

To run this report, you may run:

  output_format = rmarkdown::html_document(toc = TRUE, toc_depth = 6, theme = "cosmo"),
  output_file = "minimal report.html",
  output_dir = here("minimal-example"), # path for output
  report_title = "Minimal Report",
  rmd_dir = here("minimal-example", "minimal.Rmd"), # path to RMarkdown file,

  # Custom arguments to pass to `minimal-example/minimal.Rmd`
  data = sq_data,
  hrvar = "Organization",
  mingroup = 5