2019-03-01 21:24:54 +03:00
2020-07-14 23:36:25 +03:00
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License.
This module contains helper functions for dealing with Shared Access Signatures
(SAS) tokens for Azure Blob Storage.
2019-03-01 21:24:54 +03:00
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
The default Azure Storage SAS URI format is:
2020-09-11 02:33:43 +03:00
This module assumes azure-storage-blob version 12.5.
2020-07-16 08:53:44 +03:00
2019-03-01 21:24:54 +03:00
Documentation for Azure Blob Storage:
2020-09-11 02:33:43 +03:00
2019-03-01 21:24:54 +03:00
Documentation for SAS:
2020-09-11 02:33:43 +03:00
2019-03-01 21:24:54 +03:00
2020-07-14 23:36:25 +03:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import io
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
import re
2020-07-14 23:36:25 +03:00
from typing import (
Any, AnyStr, Dict, IO, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union)
from urllib import parse
import uuid
from tqdm import tqdm
from azure.storage.blob import (
2019-03-01 21:24:54 +03:00
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
def build_azure_storage_uri(
account: str,
container: Optional[str] = None,
blob: Optional[str] = None,
sas_token: Optional[str] = None,
account_url_template: str = 'https://{account}.blob.core.windows.net'
) -> str:
account: str, name of Azure Storage account
container: optional str, name of Azure Blob Storage container
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blob: optional str, name of blob, not URL-escaped
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
if blob is given, must also specify container
sas_token: optional str, Shared Access Signature (SAS)
does not start with '?'
account_url_template: str, Python 3 string formatting template,
contains '{account}' placeholder, defaults to default Azure
Storage URL format. Set this value if using Azurite Azure Storage
Returns: str, Azure storage URI
uri = account_url_template.format(account=account)
if container is not None:
uri = f'{uri}/{container}'
if blob is not None:
assert container is not None
2020-08-20 21:47:39 +03:00
blob = parse.quote(blob)
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
uri = f'{uri}/{blob}'
if sas_token is not None:
2020-07-21 23:45:28 +03:00
assert sas_token[0] != '?'
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
uri = f'{uri}?{sas_token}'
return uri
def _get_resource_reference(prefix: str) -> str:
return '{}{}'.format(prefix, str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', ''))
def get_client_from_uri(container_uri: str) -> ContainerClient:
"""Gets a ContainerClient for the given container URI."""
return ContainerClient.from_container_url(container_uri)
def get_account_from_uri(sas_uri: str) -> str:
Assumes that sas_uri points to Azure Blob Storage account hosted at
a default Azure URI. Does not work for locally-emulated Azure Storage
or Azure Storage hosted at custom endpoints.
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
loc = url_parts.netloc # "<account>.blob.core.windows.net"
return loc.split('.')[0]
def get_container_from_uri(sas_uri: str, unquote: bool = True) -> str:
"""Gets the container name from a Azure Blob Storage URI.
Assumes that sas_uri points to Azure Blob Storage account hosted at
a default Azure URI. Does not work for locally-emulated Azure Storage
or Azure Storage hosted at custom endpoints.
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage URI, may include SAS token
unquote: bool, whether to replace any %xx escapes by their
single-character equivalent, default True
Returns: str, container name
Raises: ValueError, if sas_uri does not include a container
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
raw_path = url_parts.path.lstrip('/') # remove leading "/" from path
container = raw_path.split('/')[0]
if container == '':
raise ValueError('Given sas_uri does not include a container.')
if unquote:
container = parse.unquote(container)
return container
def get_blob_from_uri(sas_uri: str, unquote: bool = True) -> str:
"""Return the path to the blob from the root container if this sas_uri
is for an individual blob; otherwise returns None.
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage URI, may include SAS token
unquote: bool, whether to replace any %xx escapes by their
single-character equivalent, default True
Returns: str, blob name (path to the blob from the root container)
Raises: ValueError, if sas_uri does not include a blob name
# Get the entire path with all slashes after the container
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
raw_path = url_parts.path.lstrip('/') # remove leading "/" from path
parts = raw_path.split('/', maxsplit=1)
if len(parts) < 2 or parts[1] == '':
raise ValueError('Given sas_uri does not include a blob name')
blob = parts[1] # first item is an empty string
if unquote:
blob = parse.unquote(blob)
return blob
def get_sas_token_from_uri(sas_uri: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Get the query part of the SAS token that contains permissions, access
times and signature.
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage SAS token
Returns: Query part of the SAS token, or None if URI has no token.
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
sas_token = url_parts.query or None # None if query is empty string
return sas_token
def get_resource_type_from_uri(sas_uri: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Get the resource type pointed to by this SAS token.
2020-07-16 22:49:47 +03:00
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage URI with SAS token
Returns: A string (either 'blob' or 'container') or None.
2020-07-16 22:49:47 +03:00
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
data = parse.parse_qs(url_parts.query)
if 'sr' in data:
types = data['sr']
if 'b' in types:
return 'blob'
elif 'c' in types:
return 'container'
return None
2019-03-01 21:24:54 +03:00
2020-08-11 03:13:53 +03:00
def get_endpoint_suffix(sas_uri):
"""Gets the endpoint at which the blob storage account is served.
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage URI with SAS token
2020-08-20 21:47:39 +03:00
Returns: A string, usually 'core.windows.net' or 'core.chinacloudapi.cn', to
use for the `endpoint` argument in various blob storage SDK functions.
2020-08-11 03:13:53 +03:00
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
suffix = url_parts.netloc.split('.blob.')[1].split('/')[0]
return suffix
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
def get_permissions_from_uri(sas_uri: str) -> Set[str]:
"""Get the permissions given by this SAS token.
sas_uri: str, Azure blob storage URI with SAS token
Returns: A set containing some of 'read', 'write', 'delete' and 'list'.
Empty set returned if no permission specified in sas_uri.
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
data = parse.parse_qs(url_parts.query)
permissions_set = set()
if 'sp' in data:
permissions = data['sp'][0]
if 'r' in permissions:
if 'w' in permissions:
if 'd' in permissions:
if 'l' in permissions:
return permissions_set
def get_all_query_parts(sas_uri: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Gets the SAS token parameters."""
url_parts = parse.urlsplit(sas_uri)
return parse.parse_qs(url_parts.query)
2020-08-23 07:45:49 +03:00
def check_blob_exists(sas_uri: str, blob_name: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
"""Checks whether a given URI points to an actual blob.
sas_uri: str, URI to a container or a blob
if blob_name is given, sas_uri is treated as a container URI
otherwise, sas_uri is treated as a blob URI
2020-08-20 21:47:39 +03:00
blob_name: optional str, name of blob, not URL-escaped
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
must be given if sas_uri is a URI to a container
Returns: bool, whether the sas_uri given points to an existing blob
if blob_name is not None:
sas_uri = build_blob_uri(
container_uri=sas_uri, blob_name=blob_name)
with BlobClient.from_blob_url(sas_uri) as blob_client:
2020-09-11 02:33:43 +03:00
return blob_client.exists()
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
def list_blobs_in_container(
container_uri: str,
blob_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
blob_suffix: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str]]] = None,
2020-07-20 21:28:29 +03:00
rsearch: Optional[str] = None,
limit: Optional[int] = None
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
) -> List[str]:
"""Get a sorted list of blob names in this container.
container_uri: str, URI to a container, may include SAS token
blob_prefix: optional str, returned results will only contain blob names
to with this prefix
blob_suffix: optional str or tuple of str, returned results will only
contain blob names with this/these suffix(es). The blob names will
be lowercased first before comparing with the suffix(es).
rsearch: optional str, returned results will only contain blob names
that match this Python regex pattern at any point in the blob name.
Use '^' character to only match from the beginning of the blob name.
2020-07-20 21:28:29 +03:00
limit: int, maximum # of blob names to list
if None, then returns all blob names
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
sorted list of blob names, of length limit or shorter.
print('listing blobs...')
if (get_sas_token_from_uri(container_uri) is not None
and get_resource_type_from_uri(container_uri) != 'container'):
raise ValueError('The SAS token provided is not for a container.')
if blob_prefix is not None and not isinstance(blob_prefix, str):
raise ValueError('blob_prefix must be a str.')
if (blob_suffix is not None
and not isinstance(blob_suffix, str)
and not isinstance(blob_suffix, tuple)):
raise ValueError('blob_suffix must be a str or a tuple of strings')
list_blobs = []
with get_client_from_uri(container_uri) as container_client:
generator = container_client.list_blobs(
if blob_suffix is None and rsearch is None:
list_blobs = [blob.name for blob in tqdm(generator)]
i = len(list_blobs)
i = 0
2020-07-16 08:53:44 +03:00
for blob in tqdm(generator):
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
i += 1
suffix_ok = (blob_suffix is None
or blob.name.lower().endswith(blob_suffix))
regex_ok = (rsearch is None
or re.search(rsearch, blob.name) is not None)
if suffix_ok and regex_ok:
2020-07-14 23:36:25 +03:00
2020-07-16 08:53:44 +03:00
if limit is not None and len(list_blobs) == limit:
2020-07-14 23:36:25 +03:00
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
print(f'Enumerated {len(list_blobs)} matching blobs out of {i} total')
return sorted(list_blobs) # sort for determinism
def generate_writable_container_sas(account_name: str,
account_key: str,
container_name: str,
access_duration_hrs: float,
account_url: Optional[str] = None
) -> str:
"""Creates a container and returns a SAS URI with read/write/list
account_name: str, name of blob storage account
account_key: str, account SAS token or account shared access key
container_name: str, name of container to create, must not match an
existing container in the given storage account
access_duration_hrs: float
account_url: str, optional, defaults to default Azure Storage URL
Returns: str, URL to newly created container
Raises: azure.core.exceptions.ResourceExistsError, if container already
NOTE: This method currently fails on non-default Azure Storage URLs. The
initializer for ContainerClient() assumes the default Azure Storage URL
format, which is a bug that has been reported here:
if account_url is None:
account_url = build_azure_storage_uri(account=account_name)
container_client = ContainerClient(account_url=account_url,
permissions = ContainerSasPermissions(read=True, write=True, list=True)
container_sas_token = generate_container_sas(
expiry=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=access_duration_hrs))
return f'{account_url}/{container_name}?{container_sas_token}'
def upload_blob(container_uri: str, blob_name: str,
data: Union[Iterable[AnyStr], IO[AnyStr]]) -> str:
"""Creates a new blob of the given name from an IO stream.
container_uri: str, URI to a container, may include SAS token
blob_name: str, name of blob to upload
data: str, bytes, or IO stream
if str, assumes utf-8 encoding
2020-08-20 21:47:39 +03:00
Returns: str, URL to blob, includes SAS token if container_uri has SAS token
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
blob_url = build_blob_uri(container_uri, blob_name)
upload_blob_to_url(blob_url, data=data)
return blob_url
def download_blob_to_stream(sas_uri: str) -> Tuple[io.BytesIO, BlobProperties]:
"""Downloads a blob to an IO stream.
sas_uri: str, URI to a blob
output_stream: io.BytesIO, remember to close it when finished using
blob_properties: BlobProperties
Raises: azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError, if sas_uri points
to a non-existant blob
with BlobClient.from_blob_url(sas_uri) as blob_client:
output_stream = io.BytesIO()
blob_properties = blob_client.get_blob_properties()
return output_stream, blob_properties
def build_blob_uri(container_uri: str, blob_name: str) -> str:
container_uri: str, URI to blob storage container
2020-08-20 21:47:39 +03:00
blob_name: str, name of blob, not URL-escaped
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
2020-08-20 21:47:39 +03:00
Returns: str, blob URI <account_url>/<container>/<blob_name>?<sas_token>,
<blob_name> is URL-escaped
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
account_container = container_uri.split('?', maxsplit=1)[0]
account_url, container_name = account_container.rsplit('/', maxsplit=1)
sas_token = get_sas_token_from_uri(container_uri)
2020-08-20 21:47:39 +03:00
blob_name = parse.quote(blob_name)
2020-07-18 03:29:59 +03:00
blob_uri = f'{account_url}/{container_name}/{blob_name}'
if sas_token is not None:
blob_uri += f'?{sas_token}'
return blob_uri