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# Scalable Runtime Verification of Distributed Middleboxes
## Table of Content
* [Technologies](#technologies)
* [Setup](#setup)
* [Run](#run)
* [Authors](#authors)
## Techonologies
* JAVA 9.0.4
* Maven
* z3
* Symbolic Automata
* Cppkafka
* Apache Flink
## Setup
Below are the instructions to run the firewall experiment. To set up verifier for you own cloud, please refer to `aragog/Setup/`.
The firewall experiment information can be found at `aragog/firewall/`. We have automated the setup using scripts, but details can be found in `aragog/firewall/`.
### How to set up cloud lab machines
First click on experiments and then create experiment profile.
Second step is to fill out the name (anything would work). Click on edit source, copy the file `./Setup/cloudlabProfile.txt` and paste it in the textbox. Click Accept. Click Create.
In the next screen. Click Instantiate.
Select APT UTAH as the cluster and finish.
Wait for the experiment to get ready.
### Invariant Compilation
We have already compiled invariants for firewall and put it `out/` folder.
Invariant compilation was tested on MacOS. It requires JDK and maven to run. Instructions to install maven can be found [here]( For compiling invariants by yourself, please follow these:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd aragog/generateSFA
mvn clean package
Example Compilation:
cd aragog/generateSFA
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="--packet_format ../out/packetformat.json --invar_file ../config/firewall/new_established.invar"
### Verifier Setup
Assuming Cloublab is up and running with ssh key in all the servers. Please paste the server list in Setup/servers.txt.
It can executed at both macOS and Linux. The default bash on macOS is still bash v3, the script need `>= 4`. Please follow the instructions [here](
cd Setup
For experiment details, please see firewall/
It installs the required software and sets up Apache Flink, Kafka and install the firewall rules accordingly.
## Run
It can executed at both macOS and Linux. The default bash on macOS is still bash v3, the script need `>= 4`. Please follow the instructions [here](
To run the firewall experiment:
cd runme
### Output
The output will be `.txt` files. Each file for specific invariant. Each line will show the alerts raised.
## Authors
This code was mainly written by:
Nofel Yaseen and Vincent Liu
# Contributing
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