Gustavo Rosa 9878997477 chore(root): Renames devices to devops as it deploys on-device calculations. 2022-12-16 18:42:02 -03:00
.. chore(root): Renames devices to devops as it deploys on-device calculations. 2022-12-16 18:42:02 -03:00 chore(root): Renames devices to devops as it deploys on-device calculations. 2022-12-16 18:42:02 -03:00 chore(root): Renames devices to devops as it deploys on-device calculations. 2022-12-16 18:42:02 -03:00 chore(root): Renames devices to devops as it deploys on-device calculations. 2022-12-16 18:42:02 -03:00 chore(root): Renames devices to devops as it deploys on-device calculations. 2022-12-16 18:42:02 -03:00 chore(root): Renames devices to devops as it deploys on-device calculations. 2022-12-16 18:42:02 -03:00 chore(root): Renames devices to devops as it deploys on-device calculations. 2022-12-16 18:42:02 -03:00 chore(root): Renames devices to devops as it deploys on-device calculations. 2022-12-16 18:42:02 -03:00 chore(root): Renames devices to devops as it deploys on-device calculations. 2022-12-16 18:42:02 -03:00 chore(root): Renames devices to devops as it deploys on-device calculations. 2022-12-16 18:42:02 -03:00


This folder contains code for running models using the Qualcomm SNPE Neural Processing SDK, including quantizing those models and running them on the Qualcomm DSP.

  1. Snapdragon 888 Dev Kit - get one of these Snapdragon 888 HDK boards.

  2. Download dataset. Get the dataset from The best way is using azcopy. You could put them in a datasets folder, for example: d:\datasets\FaceSynthetics. Then set your INPUT_DATASET environment variable pointing to this folder.

  3. Install Android NDK. You need a working version of adb in your PATH. If you are on Windows you can use the VS 2022 installer to install the mobile development package which includes the Android NDK and adb lives in C:\Microsoft\AndroidSDK\25\platform-tools\. If you are on Linux, just download the zip file from and unzip it then you can set your ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variable pointing to the folder containing the unzipped bits.

  4. Check Device USB. Check you can run adb shell to connect to your Snapdragon over USB. (You won't be able to do this on WSL2, but you can do it from Windows). So the that uses the SNPE SDK runs in Ubuntu, but everything else can run on the Windows side. You may need to run sudo usermod -aG plugdev $LOGNAME.

  5. Install SNPE SDK on Ubuntu 18.04. See SNPE Setup. See Neural Processing SDK Download. It works in Windows WSL2 with an Anaconda Python 3.6 environment. You can skip the Caffe setup, but use the requirements.txt pip install list, the one posted in the Qualcomm setup page has conflicting versions. Then set your SNPE_ROOT environment variable pointing to the folder containing the unzipped bits.

  6. Install python packages. In your Python 3.6 Conda environment run pip install -r requirements.txt

  7. Create experiment folder. The subsequent scripts all assume you are in a folder for running your experiment.

mkdir experiment1
cd experiment1

In this folder we will build the following files:

  • data/test - the test image set for the device
  • data/quant - the image dataset for quantizing the model
  • model - your original model to be converted to .dlc
  • snpe_models/model.quant.dlc - the quantized model

The azure/ does all this for you, but it's also nice to be able to do these steps manually if you need to double check something.

  1. Prepare data. Run python --help, this scripts creates data for both quantization and test and puts it in your local experiment folder under data/test and data/quant. For example:

    python --input d:\datasets\FaceSynthetics --count 100 --dim 256
  2. Copy your tensorflow model. In your experiment folder create a folder named model and copy your trained tensorflow model into this folder. You should have something like:

  3. Copy your onnx model. In your experiment folder create a folder named model and copy your trained ONNX model into this folder. You should have something like:

  4. Setup your snpe environment. For onnx toolset use the following:

    pushd ~/snpe/snpe-
    source bin/ -o ~/anaconda3/envs/snap/lib/python3.6/site-packages/onnx

    For tensorflow use:

    pushd ~/snpe/snpe-
    source bin/ -ot ~/anaconda3/envs/snap/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow
  5. Convert and quantize model. Inside your experiment folder, run bash or bash modelname which uses your SNPE SDK install to convert the tensorflow model in the model folder to a Qualcomm .dlc file, and then runs the SNPE quantization tool on that using the quant dataset to produce a quantized version of that model, so the output is snpe_models/model.dlc and snpe_models/model.quant.dlc and it is the quantized model we will run on the dev board using the DSP processor.

  6. Run test images on device. Inside your experiment folder, run python --help and you will see the args you need to pass in order to upload the test images to the device, upload the model, then run the test on the DSP processor, then download the results. For example:

    python --images --model model.quant.dlc --run --download
  7. Profile SNPE model. Update benchmark/config.json so it has the right paths and run cd benchmark && bash && cd .. The above command line will generate a csv file with per layer profiling result. See Performance Analysis Using Benchmarking Tools