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244 строки
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Input method smoke test. VS Code is powered by [Monaco](https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor), a browser based code editor which supports IE 9/10/11, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera, so when we make changes to the editor part, we should make sure it still works on all browsers Monaco support.
The golden standard is Word
# Table of Contents
* [[Windows/Mac] Japanese](#windowsmac-japanese)
* [[Windows] Korean](#windows-korean)
* [[Windows] Vietnamese with UniKey](#windows-vietnamese-with-unikey)
* [[Windows] Chinese](#windows-chinese)
* [[Windows] Sogou pinyin Chinese input method](#windows-sogou-pinyin-chinese-input-method)
* [[Mac] Zhuyin Input Method (Chinese)](#mac-zhuyin-input-method-chinese)
* [[Linux] Japanese](#linux-japanese)
* [[Linux] Korean (Hangul)](#linux-korean)
* [[Linux] Chinese (Pinyin)](#linux-chinese-pinyin)
* [[Linux] Chinese (Sogou Pinyin)](#linux-chinese-sogou-pinyin)
## [Windows/Mac] Japanese
* Add the Japanese input method
* Windows: `Settings > Time & Language > Region & language > Add a language > Japanese`
* Mac: `Settings > Keyboard > Input Sources > Add a language > Japanese`
* Focus VS Code and switch OS input method to Japanese and choose Hiragana:
* Windows: ![Windows Japanese statusbar](images/ime/windows-japanese-ime.png)
* Mac: Choose Hiragana in the menu bar
* Type the following words: `sennsei` or `konnnichiha` or `mikann` followed by the enter key. Here is how Word looks like doing this:
* `sennsei` should result in "せんせい" or "先生"
* `konnnichiha` should result in "こんにちは"
* `mikann` should result in "みかん" or "蜜柑"
![Windows Japanese Word](images/ime/windows-japanese-word.gif)
* After typing some Japanese words, try to type space or enter key a few times to see if the composition works correctly.
![Japanese Composition](images/ime/windows-japanese-composition.gif)
## [Windows] Korean
* Add the Korean input method
* `Settings > Time & Language > Region & language > Add a language > Korean`
* Focus VS Code and switch OS input method to Korean and choose Hangul:
![Windows Korean statusbar](images/ime/windows-korean-ime.png)
* Type `gksrmf` and press space. Here is how Word looks like doing this (it should be "한글"):
![Windows Korean Word 1](images/ime/windows-korean-word1.gif)
* Type `dkssudgktpdy` in a new file. Here is how Word looks like doing this:
![Windows Korean Word 2](images/ime/windows-korean-word2.gif)
* Type `dks`, it should be read `안`. Now backspace should result in `아`, backspace again should result in `ㅇ`
## [Windows] Vietnamese with UniKey
* Download and Run [UniKey](http://www.unikey.org/bdownload.php#uk)
* Click the button with a down arrow:
![Windows Vietnamese UniKey Setup 1](images/ime/windows-vietnamese-ime-1.png)
* Get the following settings:
![Windows Vietnamese UniKey Setup 2](images/ime/windows-vietnamese-ime-2.png)
* Focus VS Code and click once UniKey's system tray entry (next to the date) to toggle on Vietnamese mode (get it to be a V):
![Windows Vietnamese UniKey StatusBar](images/ime/windows-vietnamese-ime-3.png)
* Type `Tooi` => it should transform to => Tôi. Here is how Word looks like doing this:
![Windows Vietnamese UniKey Word](images/ime/windows-vietnamese-word.gif)
## [Windows] Chinese
* Add the Chinese (Simplified) input method
* `Settings > Time & Language > Region & language > Add a language > Chinese (Simplified)`
* Focus VS Code and switch OS input method to Chinese and choose Chinese mode and make sure the input method's name is Microsoft Pinyin:
![Windows Chinese Setup](images/ime/windows-chinese-ime.png)
* Type `.` or `,` in full width form. They should be typed in immediately. Here is how Word looks like doing this:
![Windows Chinese Word](images/ime/windows-chinese-word.gif)
* Type `ni` press `Space` and then `hao` and press `Space`. They should be typed in immediately. Here is how Word looks like doing this:
![Windows Chinese Word](images/ime/windows-chinese2-word.gif)
* Type `hazni` press `Space`. It should result into `哈祝你` or `汉子` or `哈子你`. The result might differ due to different implementation of the algorithm the IME uses, just make sure it's the same as what you get in Notepad or whatever.
* Type `a` and press space key twice. The result should be `啊 `(Please note it ends with a single space)。
## [Windows] Sogou pinyin Chinese input method
* Install Sogou pinyin Chinese input method
* Download Sogou pinyin Chinese input method from [this link](http://pinyin.sogou.com/)
![download Sogou](images/ime/sogou-install.png)
* Double click downloaded install exe
![install exe](images/ime/sogou-install2.png)
* Click YES if UAC dialog show
![accept uac](images/ime/sogou-install3.png)
* Click Install immediately in the install UI
![install immediately](images/ime/sogou-install4.png)
* Wait for the process complete, UNCHECK the "install the Sogou browser"
![uncheck sogou browser](images/ime/sogou-install5.png)
* Uncheck all options, click finish
![uncheck all options](images/ime/sogou-install6.png)
* Focus VS Code and switch OS input method to Chinese and choose Chinese mode and make sure the input method's name is Sogou Pinyin:
![sogou pinyin statusbar](images/ime/sogou-statusbar.png)
* Type `ni` press `Space` and then `hao` and press `Space`. They should be typed in immediately. Here is how Word looks like doing this:
![sogou word](images/ime/sogou-word.gif)
* It should result into `你好`
## [Mac] Zhuyin Input Method (Chinese)
* `System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources > Add > Chinese, Tranditional > Zhuyin`
![mac Zhuyin setup 1](images/ime/mac-zhuyin-setup1.png)
* Focus VS Code and switch OS input method to Zhuyin (press Command + space)
![mac Zhuyin setup 2](images/ime/mac-zhuyin-setup2.png)
* Type `su3cl3` and press Enter. Here is how World looks like doing this (It should be "你好")
![mac Zhuyin Word](images/ime/mac-zhuyin-word.gif)
## [Mac] The hold input method
* Long press `e`
* A pop-up should appear
* Choose a different variant, like an `e` with an accute accent
## [Mac] The emoji inserter
## [Linux] Japanese
Use [mozc](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mozc).
### Ubuntu
Follow [this guide](https://moritzmolch.com/1453), from the **Mozc** section:
- `sudo apt-get install ibus-mozc`
- `System Settings > Text Entry`, add `Japanese (Mozc)(IBus)` to the list
- In the system menu bar, switch the input language to Mozc and the input mode to Hiragana
### Elementary OS
### Test
| Input | Output |
| `sennsei` | "せんせい" or "先生" |
| `konnnichiha` | "こんにちは" |
| `mikann` | "みかん" or "蜜柑" |
## [Linux] Korean
### Ubuntu
* guide: https://10wontips.blogspot.com/2019/03/typing-in-korean-on-lubuntu-1810.html
* Follow [this guide](http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/07/2-best-chinese-pinyin-im-ubuntu-16-04/) to install and setup fcitx.
### Elementary OS
* Install fcitx: Follow instructions [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/elementaryos/comments/33cfha/multiple_inputs_under_freya_chinese_case_pinyin/)
* Install Korean-Hangul support: `sudo apt-get install fcitx-hangul`
### Test
| Input | Output |
| `gksrmf` | "한글" |
## [Linux] Chinese (Pinyin)
### Ubuntu
* Follow [this guide](http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/07/2-best-chinese-pinyin-im-ubuntu-16-04/) to install and setup fcitx.
### Elementary OS
* Install fcitx: Follow instructions [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/elementaryos/comments/33cfha/multiple_inputs_under_freya_chinese_case_pinyin/)
* Select Google Pinyin
### Test
| Input | Output |
| `ni` <kbd>Space</kbd> `hao` <kbd>Space</kbd> | "你好" |
## [Linux] Chinese (Sogou Pinyin)
* Install fcitx as above
* Install the deb images (32/64 bit) from http://pinyin.sogou.com/linux/?r=pinyin
### Test
| Input | Output |
| `ni` <kbd>Space</kbd> `hao` <kbd>Space</kbd> | "你好" |
Content created from:
* [#1168](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/1168)
* [#2250](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/2250)
* [#2374](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/2374)
* [#5615](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/5615)
* [#7997](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/7997)
* [#10937](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/10937) |