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Jeff Delmerico редактировал(а) эту страницу 2022-11-30 20:41:45 +01:00


This is a ROS wrapper for the Azure Spatial Anchors Linux SDK, allowing robots (and other devices equipped with a vision-based sensors and a pose estimation system) to create and query Azure Spatial Anchors, allowing the robot to co-localize with AR-enabled phones and Hololens devices.

You can sign up to get access to the Azure Spatial Anchors Linux SDK here: aka.ms/ASALinuxSDKSignup. This is REQUIRED to use this repo. It may take us up to 2 business days to add you.

You should have an Azure Spatial Anchors account in Azure to use this SDK and wrapper. Please see instructions for the ASA Quickstarts to create one. Keep the Account ID, and Account Key, and Account Domain nearby. This is free up to 10k queries/month.


System Requirements

  • x86-64 computer with amd64 architecture. (ARM64 is not yet supported)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic or Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic. (16.04 + Kinetic should be usable with GCC7+).
  • This package also uses glog and gflags.


Requirements for using your own sensors

Though we provide sample data you can work with, to make full use of this you need:

  • Undistorted grayscale camera images
  • 6 DoF poses of the camera frame, time-synchronized to camera images.

We recommend the Intel Realsense T265 which fulfills these requirements out of the box. (This isn't free, it costs ~$200). Instructions for using data from the T265 are here.

Getting Started

Head over to the Prerequisites page to get started with Azure or the Installation instructions to get started with installing the code.