contributing to Bot Builder
There are many ways to contribute to the Bot Builder SDK V4 project: logging bugs, submitting pull requests, reporting issues, and creating suggestions.
Contributing code
Before you contribute to Bot Builder, make sure you read the Contributer License Agreement (CLA).
To contribute code you will need to build the sdk
Work Branches
Even if you have push rights on the Microsoft/BotBuilder-dotnet repository, you should work of a personal fork and create feature branches as needed. This keeps the main repository clean and your personal workflow cruft out of sight.
Pull Requests
Before we can accept a pull request from you, you'll need to sign a Contributer License Agreement (CLA). It is an automated process and you only need to do it once.
To enable us to quickly review and accept your pull requests, always create one pull request per issue and link the issue in the pull request. Never merge multiple requests in one unless they have the same root cause. Be sure to follow our Coding Guidelines and keep code changes as small as possible. Avoid pure formatting changes to code that has not been modified otherwise. Pull requests should contain tests whenever possible.
Reporting Security Issues
Security issues and bugs should be reported privately, via email, to the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) at You should receive a response within 24 hours. If for some reason you do not, please follow up via email to ensure we received your original message. Further information, including the MSRC PGP key, can be found in the Security TechCenter.
Bot Builder dotnet
- How to Contribute
- Submiting Bugs and Suggestions
- Feedback Channels and asking questions
- Conrtibutor License Agreement