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**[Bot Builder SDK - AI](../README.md)**
> [Globals](undefined) / [botbuilder-ai](../README.md) / LuisRecognizerTelemetryClient
# Interface: LuisRecognizerTelemetryClient
## Hierarchy
* **LuisRecognizerTelemetryClient**
## Implemented by
* [LuisRecognizer](../classes/botbuilder_ai.luisrecognizer.md)
## Index
### Properties
* [logPersonalInformation](botbuilder_ai.luisrecognizertelemetryclient.md#logpersonalinformation)
* [telemetryClient](botbuilder_ai.luisrecognizertelemetryclient.md#telemetryclient)
### Methods
* [recognize](botbuilder_ai.luisrecognizertelemetryclient.md#recognize)
## Properties
### logPersonalInformation
• `Readonly` **logPersonalInformation**: boolean
*Defined in libraries/botbuilder-ai/lib/luisRecognizer.d.ts:76*
Gets a value indicating whether determines whether to log personal information that came from the user.
### telemetryClient
• `Readonly` **telemetryClient**: BotTelemetryClient
*Defined in libraries/botbuilder-ai/lib/luisRecognizer.d.ts:80*
Gets the currently configured botTelemetryClient that logs the events.
## Methods
### recognize
▸ **recognize**(`context`: TurnContext, `telemetryProperties?`: { [key:string]: string; }, `telemetryMetrics?`: { [key:string]: number; }): Promise\<RecognizerResult>
*Defined in libraries/botbuilder-ai/lib/luisRecognizer.d.ts:92*
Calls LUIS to recognize intents and entities in a users utterance.
Returns a [RecognizerResult](../botbuilder-core/recognizerresult) containing any intents and entities recognized by LUIS.
#### Parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`context` | TurnContext | Context for the current turn of conversation with the use. |
`telemetryProperties?` | { [key:string]: string; } | Additional properties to be logged to telemetry with the LuisResult event. |
`telemetryMetrics?` | { [key:string]: number; } | Additional metrics to be logged to telemetry with the LuisResult event. |
**Returns:** Promise\<RecognizerResult>
A promise that resolves to the recognizer result.