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# Dataset & Chart Boston weather data collected from the National Centers for Environmental Information. In this tutorial, we create a radial chart showing the temperature and precipitation in Boston over the course of a year.
# Create a Data-Driven Guide
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0.00 3.00 Add a data-driven guide to the glyph editor
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3.00 8.09 Add `Avg. Temperature`, `Min. Temperature`, and `Max. Temperature` to the data-driven guide
# Create the Glyph
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8.09 12.31 Add a line mark, anchored between the maximum tempearture and the minimum temperature
# Arrange the Glyphs in a Radial Layout
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12.31 14.99 Apply a circular scaffold to the chart canvas
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14.99 17.90 Arrange the glyphs along the angular axis
# Style the Glyphs
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17.90 28.83 Map `Avg. Temperature` to the line stroke color and select a Spectral gradient
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28.83 35.07 Adjust the inner radius and outer radius
# Add a Circle Mark to the Glyph The circle mark will represent precipitation.
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35.07 45.90 Add a circle mark to the glyph anchored to the average temperature
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45.90 55.20 Map `Precipitation` to the circle size and set the end of the size range to 3000
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55.20 67.70 Set the color of circles to light blue and set the opacity to 0.2
# Style the Chart
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67.70 76.70 Set the colors of Axis to Gray
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76.70 84.27 Anchor the top of the Title text to the center of the chart
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84.27 94.10 Change the font family and font color of the Title text
# Finalize the Chart
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94.10 101.27 Change the chart size
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101.27 104.99 Adjust the top margin of the chart