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Manages the signing of Contributor License Agreements (CLAs) within GitHub Flow.
Short Description
Streamline your workflow and let CLA assistant handle the legal side of contributions to a repository for you. CLA assistant enables contributors to sign CLAs from within a pull request.
To get started, simply store your CLA as a GitHub Gist file then link it with the repository in CLA assistant. Then sit back and relax while CLA assistant:
- Comments on each opened pull request to ask the contributor to sign the CLA
- Allows contributors to sign a CLA from within a pull request
- Authenticates the signee with his or her GitHub account
- Updates the status of a pull request when the contributor agrees to the CLA
- Automatically asks users to re-sign the CLA for each new pull request in the event the associated Gist & CLA has changed
Repository owners can review a list of users who signed the CLA for each version of it. To get started, visit https://cla-assistant.io.
- technical support contact – tools@sap.com
- escalation contact - t.jansen@sap.com
- Documentation - https://cla-assistant.io/
- Terms of service - https://gist.github.com/CLAassistant/3a73e4cd729c9d0a6e30
- Privacy Policy - same
- Support - tools@sap.com
- Status - https://twitter.com/cla_assistant
- Pricing - for free. For all. For everything