5.3 KiB
ArtifactType | Documentation | Language | Platform | Stackoverflow | Tags | ms.reviewedAt | ms.reviewedBy |
nupkg, zip | https://1dsdocs.azurewebsites.net | C, C++, C++11, GoLang | Windows, UWP, Mac OS X, Linux | N/A | 1DS,telemetry,C,C++,data ingestion,events | 02/20/2019 | maxgolov |
Microsoft Applications Telemetry C/C++ SDK
Microsoft Applications Telemetry C/C++ SDK enables cross-platform telemetry collection from various Microsoft products. It enables data / telemetry upload to 1DS Collector++.
This project collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft to help improve our products and services. Read our privacy statement to learn more.
What is 1DS and Collector++?
One Data Strategy (1DS) is a cross-org initiative with five teams across the company coming together to unify multiple telemetry efforts at Microsoft. This includes the teams that built Asimov, Aria, Shared Data Platform, Geneva, OMS, App Insights, and Visual Studio App Center. We aim to create a unified data production, collection, and set of tools for key scenarios for the entire company. Collector++ is the externally-facing destination end-point where data/telemetry is uploaded to that subsequently routes the data to Microsoft internal data pipeline.
We need a data culture where every engineer, every day, is looking at the usage data, learning from that usage data,
questioning what new things to test out with our products, and being on that improvement cycle which is the lifeblood
of Microsoft...
-- Satya Nadella
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit [https://cla.microsoft.com] (https://cla.microsoft.com). When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA. This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.
Please read our CONTRIBUTING.md which outlines all of our policies, procedures, and requirements for contributing to this project.
Getting Started
Please follow instructions published at our Team SharePoint site These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Running the tests
There are two sets of tests available:
- 'tests/functests' - functional tests that verify customer-facing APIs and Features
- 'tests/unittests' - internal unit tests that verify operation of each individual component
These tests use Google Test / Google Mock framework and get built alongside with SDK. Launch 'functests' and 'unittests' binary executables to capture the test results.
End-to-end tests
'functests' include several E2E tests that verify the flow of data to Collector++.
Unit tests
'unittests' cover various internal component tests, such as LogManager, ILogger, HTTP uploader, IStorage, etc.
SDK is integrated as a static or dynamic library runing in-proc within your executable on Windows, Linux and Mac.
Built With
Please follow Getting started instructions to learn how to build.
We support building SDK on:
- Windows with Visual Studio 2017
- Windows with cmake + llvm-clang compiler
- Linux with gcc
- Mac OS X with cmake and XCode standard clang compiler
Please read our CONTRIBUTING.md which outlines all of our policies, procedures, and requirements for contributing to this project.
Versioning and changelog
We use SemVer for versioning.
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Project authors and contributors:
- Max Golovanov maxgolov@microsoft.com - Azure PIE 1DS C++ SDK team
- Miguel Angel Casillas Maldonado micasill@microsoft.com - Azure PIE 1DS C++ SDK team
- Matt Koscumb (OTEL) makoscum@microsoft.com - Microsoft Office Telemetry team
- David Brown (OTEL) dabrow@microsoft.com - Microsoft Office Telemetry team
- Trevor Lacey tlacey@microsoft.com - Micorosft Information Protection
- Jason Bray Jason.Bray@microsoft.com - Microsoft Edge (Anaheim)
Please refer to owners.txt file.
This project has adopted the internal open source model. (c) Microsoft - All Rights Reserved. We are currently working on contributing this project to open source under MIT license by April 2019. Please DO NOT SHARE THIS PROJECT SOURCE CODE EXTERNALLY until we satisfy all the legal requirements.
Please see the LICENSE file for details.
We appreciate our long-term strategic partnership with Microsoft Office, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Edge (Anaheim), Microsoft Information Protection SDK, Cortana, Speech Services SDK, OneNote and many other of our customers.