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Neil Dalchau 2021-08-19 13:49:01 +01:00
Родитель 4545f9489f
Коммит d539d1bbc0
23 изменённых файлов: 5605 добавлений и 0 удалений

RulesDSD/RulesDSD.sln Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 16
VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.30907.101
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "RulesDSD", "RulesDSD\RulesDSD.fsproj", "{BA8017D3-FECC-4675-8529-BF66858E01DC}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "SiteGraphReactor", "..\SiteGraphReactor\SiteGraphReactor\SiteGraphReactor.fsproj", "{DD8A92D8-9520-4BF2-B399-08ED9B6E1F95}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "ParserCombinators", "..\ParserCombinators\ParserCombinators\ParserCombinators.fsproj", "{DD8FEC26-6D1D-4642-A706-04070B6D5494}"
Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "Filzbach.FSharp.Portable", "..\Filzbach.FSharp\Filzbach.FSharp.Portable.fsproj", "{7DE55D27-0DFE-4975-ABD9-AD36B56150C4}"
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{DD8A92D8-9520-4BF2-B399-08ED9B6E1F95}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{DD8A92D8-9520-4BF2-B399-08ED9B6E1F95}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{DD8A92D8-9520-4BF2-B399-08ED9B6E1F95}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{DD8FEC26-6D1D-4642-A706-04070B6D5494}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{DD8FEC26-6D1D-4642-A706-04070B6D5494}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{DD8FEC26-6D1D-4642-A706-04070B6D5494}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{DD8FEC26-6D1D-4642-A706-04070B6D5494}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
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{7DE55D27-0DFE-4975-ABD9-AD36B56150C4}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
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{7DE55D27-0DFE-4975-ABD9-AD36B56150C4}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
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HideSolutionNode = FALSE
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
SolutionGuid = {5B9EB4F4-CDA0-4D54-A047-0F1C49805094}

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
namespace RulesDSD.AssemblyInfo
open System.Reflection
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
[<assembly: AssemblyTitle("RulesDSD")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyDescription("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCompany("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyProduct("RulesDSD")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2017")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyCulture("")>]
// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible
// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from
// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.
[<assembly: ComVisible(false)>]
// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM
[<assembly: Guid("ba8017d3-fecc-4675-8529-bf66858e01dc")>]
// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
// Major Version
// Minor Version
// Build Number
// Revision
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
// [<assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>]

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="AssemblyInfo.fs" />
<Compile Include="syntax.fs" />
<Compile Include="concreteProcess.fs" />
<Compile Include="substitution.fs" />
<Compile Include="unification.fs" />
<Compile Include="processEquality.fs" />
<Compile Include="resolution.fs" />
<Compile Include="parser.fs" />
<None Include="App.config" />
<None Include="paket.references" />
<PackageReference Include="QuickGraph" Version="3.6.61119.7" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\CRNEngine\CRNEngineDotNet\CRNEngineDotNet.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\ParserCombinators\ParserCombinators\ParserCombinators.fsproj" />
<Reference Include="Oslo.FSharp">
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module RulesDSD.ConcreteProcess
open RulesDSD.Syntax
The main purpose of this module is to provide an intermediate data structure 'ProcessC' that strips a Syntax.Process
of Term-related components, thus providing a simpler data structure to render in the tool.
// the suffix 'C' is for 'concrete', and it helps to separate this module's namespace from Syntax's namespace

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

RulesDSD/RulesDSD/parser.fs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
module RulesDSD.Parser
open Parser
open RulesDSD.Syntax
open RulesDSD.Substitution
(* Terms syntax:
TERM ::=
(* standard logic programming terms *)
// standard Prolog structures
| <INT>
// lists
| '[' <TERM>* ']' // finite list of terms
| '[' <TERM>+ '|' <VAR> ']' // partial list of terms
// | TCONS // appends a term to a TList
(* Pattern related terms *)
// operations, such as "+(1, 2)"
OPERATION ::= <OP_NAME> '(' (<TERM> ',')* <TERM>')'
OP_NAME ::= '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | NAME
let pname = (name .>> spaces) <|> kw "_"
let pnick = kw ">" >>. kw "|" >>. kw "<"
let pnil st = (kw "nil" >>. preturn (Pattern<'s>.Nihil)) st
// grammar disambiguation types
type NextParser = PFunction | PPattern | PArithmetic | PVariable | PContext
let rec plocation idProvider =
let f x = if x = "_" then (-1, "_") else idProvider x
choice [ kw "@" >>. pname |>> (f >> Location.Var)
preturn (Location.Var (-1, "_")) ]
and ppattern (sp : Parser.t<'s>) idProvider =
let ppatternSite : t<'s * Location> = sp .>>. plocation idProvider
choice [
// naught pattern
// <... or <...> patterns
kw "<" >>. many1 ppatternSite >>= fun sites ->
choice [
kw ">" >>. preturn (Pattern.Strand sites)
preturn (Pattern.FivePrime sites)
// ... or ...> or ...> | <... patterns
many1 (sp .>>. plocation idProvider) >>= fun sites ->
choice [
kw ">" >>. choice [
// ...> | <...
kw "|" >>. kw "<" >>. many (sp .>>. plocation idProvider) |>> fun moreSites -> Pattern.Nicking (sites, moreSites)
// ...>
preturn (Pattern.ThreePrime sites)
preturn (Pattern.Inner sites)
and psystem sp =
(Parser.sepBy1 (between (kw "<") (kw ">") (many1 sp)) (kw "|")
|>> Process.OfList)
and doPTerm (sp:Parser.t<'s>) cle (isExp:bool) (isComplex:bool) (idProvider : string -> (int*string)) (domainKeywords: string list (* the list of keywords that distinguish a variable from a domain specific element (e.g. in DSD "!" turns A in A!i from a generic variable to a DSD variable) *))
st : Parser.Result<Term<'s>> =
let pexp = choice [ kw "+" >>. preturn PArithmetic
kw "-" >>. preturn PArithmetic
kw "*" >>. preturn PArithmetic
kw "/" >>. preturn PArithmetic
kw "**" >>. preturn PArithmetic
kw "%" >>. preturn PArithmetic ]
let termParser st : Parser.Result<Term<'s>> = doPTerm sp cle isExp isComplex idProvider domainKeywords st
// let termParserNoExp st : Parser.Result<Term<'s>> = doPTerm sp cle false idProvider domainKeywords st
let termParserNoExp st : Parser.Result<Term<'s>> = doPTerm sp cle true isComplex idProvider domainKeywords st
let ptermExpression st = (Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.parse termParserNoExp |>> Term<'s>.FromExpression) st
(choice [
// Naught pattern (like the empty reactant/product set 0 in CRNs)
pnil |>> Term.Pat
// term in parentheses
paren (termParser)
plookAheadWith (
pfloat >>. spaces >>. choice [ pexp
preturn PPattern] )
>>= fun disambiguation ->
match disambiguation with
| PArithmetic -> ptermExpression
| PPattern -> pfloat .>> spaces |>> Term.Float
| _ -> failwith ""
plookAheadWith (
pint32 >>. spaces >>. choice [ pexp
preturn PPattern] )
>>= fun disambiguation ->
match disambiguation with
| PArithmetic -> ptermExpression
| PPattern -> pint32 .>> spaces |>> (float >> Term.Float)
| _ -> failwith ""
kw "\"" >>. (manySatisfy ((<>) '"') .>> kw "\"")
|>> System.String.Concat
|>> Term.Const
<| choice [
sepBy termParser (kw ";") >>=
(fun listElements ->
choice [
kw "#" >>. pname |>> fun restOfList ->
let f x = if x = "_" then (-1, "_") else idProvider x
List.foldBack (fun x y -> TCons(x, y)) listElements (Term.Var (f restOfList))
preturn (TList listElements)
psystem sp |>> Term.Proc // >> (Term.Canonical CLE.empty))
// CRNs
(Parser.opt ( "|")
>>. Parser.sepBy1 (
// reaction parser with mass action or functional rate, mostly taken from CRNEngine
let pmset st = let counted =
(Parser.pint32 +>>+ termParserNoExp |>> fun (n,s) -> n, s)
<|> (termParserNoExp |>> (fun s -> 1, s))
Parser.sepBy counted ( "+") |>> Term.TMSet
<| st
// parse reactants
pmset .>>.
Parser.choice [ "~" >>. pmset |>> Some
Parser.preturn None
>>= fun (mset1, mset2) ->
//parse arrows and rate
let ptermExpression st = (Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.parse termParser |>> Term<'s>.FromExpression) st
let ptermSqExpression st = (Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.parse (Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.parse termParser)
|>> fun x -> Term<'s>.FromFuncExpression x) st
let defaultRate = Term.Float 1.0
let parseRate st =
choice [
Parser.bracket "{" "}" ptermExpression |>> fun x -> Term.Func(Keywords.massActionRate, [x])
Parser.bracket "[" "]" ptermSqExpression |>> fun x -> Term.Func (Keywords.functionalRate, [x])
] st
Parser.choice [ "->" >>. (parseRate |>> fun r -> (r,None)
<|> Parser.preturn (Term.Func (Keywords.massActionRate, [defaultRate]), None)) "<->" >>. (Parser.pTry (parseRate +>>+ parseRate)
<|> (Parser.braces (ptermExpression +>> "," +>>+ ptermExpression)
<|> Parser.preturn (defaultRate, defaultRate)
|>> fun (x,y) -> Term.Func (Keywords.massActionRate, [x]), Term.Func (Keywords.massActionRate, [y])))
|>> fun (r,r') -> (r,Some r')
//parse products
.>>. pmset >>= fun ((fwRate, bwRateOpt), products) ->
let bwRate = match bwRateOpt with | None -> Term.Func("",[]) | Some x -> x
//create reaction
Parser.preturn (
match mset2 with
| None -> Term.Func(Keywords.reaction, [Term.TMSet([]); mset1; fwRate; bwRate; products])
| Some reactants -> Term.Func(Keywords.reaction, [mset1; reactants; fwRate; bwRate; products]))
) (kw "|"))
|>> Term<'s>.TCRN
// disambiguation step
(choice [
(pname <|> kw "_") >>= fun str ->
let isVar = str = "_" || System.Char.IsUpper (str.Chars 0)
if isVar
choice [
kw "->" >>. preturn PVariable
kw "<->" >>. preturn PVariable
kw "[[" >>. preturn PContext
kw "[" >>. preturn PContext
Parser.choice (domainKeywords |> >>. preturn PPattern
if isExp then preturn PVariable else pexp
kw "is" >>. preturn PVariable
kw ">=" >>. preturn PVariable
kw "<=" >>. preturn PVariable
kw "<" >>. preturn PVariable
kw ">" >>. preturn PVariable
kw "=" >>. preturn PVariable
kw "->" >>. preturn PVariable
kw "<->" >>. preturn PVariable
// complex
kw ":" >>. preturn PVariable
preturn PVariable
elif List.contains str ["sum"; "prod"; "log"; "ceiling"; "floor"; "round"]
then preturn PArithmetic
choice [
kw "(" >>. preturn PFunction
Parser.choice (domainKeywords |> >>. preturn PPattern
kw "is" >>. preturn PPattern
kw ">=" >>. preturn PPattern
kw "<=" >>. preturn PPattern
kw "<" >>. preturn PPattern
kw ">" >>. preturn PPattern
kw "=" >>. preturn PPattern
kw "@" >>. preturn PPattern
// CRN
kw "->" >>. preturn PPattern
kw "<->" >>. preturn PPattern
kw ":" >>. preturn PPattern
// if there is another name, the first name is a domain and the rest is a pattern
pname >>. preturn PPattern
preturn PPattern
>>= fun disambiguationWithoutComplex ->
let disambiguation =
if not isComplex then disambiguationWithoutComplex
else match disambiguationWithoutComplex with
| PFunction _ -> PFunction
// ":" has higher binding priority than e.g. + from an expression
| PPattern _ -> PPattern
| PVariable
| PArithmetic _ -> PVariable
| PContext _ -> disambiguationWithoutComplex
let f x = if x = "_" then (-1, "_") else idProvider x
match disambiguation with
| PFunction -> pname .>>. paren (sepBy termParser (kw ",")) |>> Term.Func
| PPattern -> ppattern sp idProvider |>> Term.Pat
| PArithmetic -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.parse (doPTerm sp cle true isComplex idProvider domainKeywords) |>> Term.FromExpression
| PVariable -> choice [ pname |>> (f >> Term.Var)
kw "_" |>> fun x -> Term.Var (-1, x)]
// parses process parallel composition such as P1 | P2
>>= fun v ->
if isExp
then preturn v
else choice [ kw "|" >>. sepBy1 termParser (kw "|") |>> fun ts -> TList (v :: ts)
preturn v ]
| PContext -> (pname <|> kw "_") .>>.
choice [
kw "[[" >>. name .>> spaces .>> kw "]]" |>> (f >> Term.Var)
many1 (sqBrackets (ppattern sp idProvider)) |>> (fun ps -> ps |> Term.Pat |> TList)
] |>> fun (ctxName, holes) -> Func (Keywords.context, [Term.Var (f ctxName); holes])
>>= fun v -> choice [ kw "|" >>. sepBy1 termParser (kw "|") |>> fun ts -> Func ("|", v :: ts)
preturn v ]
] >>= fun t ->
Parser.plookAheadWith (choice [ kw "::" >>. preturn false
kw ":" >>. preturn true
preturn false ])
>>= fun isComplex ->
if isComplex
let pterm st = doPTerm sp cle isExp true idProvider domainKeywords st
kw ":" >>. Parser.sepBy pterm (kw ":") >>= fun ts ->
let ts' = t::ts |> (fun x-> 1, x)
preturn (Term.TMSet ts')
else preturn t
) st
and pterm (sp:Parser.t<'s>) cle (idProvider : string -> (int*string)) (domainKeywords: string list (* the list of keywords that distinguish a variable from a domain specific element (e.g. in DSD "!" turns A in A!i from a generic variable to a DSD variable) *))
st : Parser.Result<Term<'s>> = doPTerm sp cle false false idProvider domainKeywords st
let ppredicate cle sp idProvider domainKeywords st =
let z = (pterm sp cle idProvider domainKeywords >>= fun t1 ->
choice [
kw "is" >>. pterm sp cle idProvider domainKeywords |>> fun t2 -> Pred ("is", [t1; t2])
kw ">=" >>. pterm sp cle idProvider domainKeywords |>> fun t2 -> Pred (">=", [t1; t2])
kw "<=" >>. pterm sp cle idProvider domainKeywords |>> fun t2 -> Pred ("<=", [t1; t2])
kw "<" >>. pterm sp cle idProvider domainKeywords |>> fun t2 -> Pred ("<", [t1; t2])
kw ">" >>. pterm sp cle idProvider domainKeywords |>> fun t2 -> Pred (">", [t1; t2])
kw "=" >>. pterm sp cle idProvider domainKeywords |>> fun t2 ->
match t1 with
| Func ("_ctx", [Term.Var (i, ctxName); TList holes]) -> Pred ("is", [t2; Term.Var (i, ctxName); TList holes])
| Func ("_ctx", [Term.Var (i, ctxName); Term.Var (j, holes)]) -> Pred ("is", [t2; Term.Var (i, ctxName); Term.Var (j, holes)])
| Func ("|", _) -> Pred ("is", [t2; t1])
| _ -> match t2 with
| Func ("_ctx", [Term.Var (i, ctxName); TList holes]) -> Pred ("is", [t1; Term.Var (i, ctxName); TList holes])
| Func ("_ctx", [Term.Var (i, ctxName); Term.Var (j, holes)]) -> Pred ("is", [t1; Term.Var (i, ctxName); Term.Var (j, holes)])
| Func ("|", _) -> Pred ("is", [t1; t2])
| _ -> Pred ("=", [t1; t2])
// if the parser caught a function but there is no subsequent operation "is", "=", etc.
// then turn the function into a predicate
(match t1 with
| Term.Func (name, args) -> preturn <| Pred (name, args)
| _ -> let msg = sprintf "Unexpected predicate %s" (Term.ToStringWith cle t1)
failParser msg)
z st
(* Atoms syntax:
ATOM ::= <NAME> '(' <TERM>* ')'
let patom cle x y = ppredicate cle x y
(* Literals syntax:
| 'not' <ATOM>
let pliteral cle sp idProvider domainKeywords =
choice [
kw "not" >>. choice [ paren (patom cle sp idProvider domainKeywords); (patom cle sp idProvider domainKeywords)] |>> Neg
(patom cle sp idProvider domainKeywords) |>> Pos
(* clause syntax:
CLAUSE ::= <NAME> '(' <TERM>* ')' '.' // a stated fact in the prolog database
| <NAME> '(' <TERM>* ')' ':-' <LITERAL>* '.' // a derived fact, assuming its body ( the LITERAL* ) holds
let pclause (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) sp idProvider =
let cache = idProvider ()
let speciesParser = sp cache
pname .>>. paren (sepBy (pterm speciesParser cle cache cle.domainKeywords) (kw ",")) >>= fun p ->
let predicate = Pred p
choice [ kw "." >>. preturn (Clause.Create predicate)
kw ":-" >>. Parser.sepBy1 (pliteral cle speciesParser cache cle.domainKeywords) (kw ",") .>> kw "." >>= fun atoms ->
preturn (Clause.Create(predicate, atoms)) ]
|>> cle.disambiguateVars
(* program syntax: *)
let pprogram (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (sp : (string -> int * string) -> Parser.t<'s>) : Parser.t<RulesProgram<'s>> =
Parser.many (pclause cle sp idProvider)
|>> toProgram

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@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
module RulesDSD.ProcessEquality
open RulesDSD.Syntax
open RulesDSD.Substitution
open RulesDSD.Unification
// TODO: turn into unifyHole
let rec patternMatches cle (strand : Hole<'s>) (pattern : Hole<'s>) sol : Substitution<'s, 'a> list =
match strand,pattern with
| _, [] -> [sol] // match found
| [], _ -> [] // the empty strand never matches any pattern
| h1::hs1, h2::hs2 ->
let h1' = sol.Apply(h1, cle)
let h2' = sol.Apply(h2, cle)
(h1', h2')
|> unifyHoleEntry cle
|> List.collect (fun theta ->
let sol' = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Compose sol theta cle
patternMatches cle hs1 hs2 sol')
// find all pattern matches in a strand. acc is the set of matches found so far, pos is the pattern's index in the strand currently being matched
let rec fam cle (strand : Hole<'s>) (pattern : Hole<'s>) acc pos =
match strand, pattern with
| [], _ -> acc
| _, [] -> acc
| _::rest, _ ->
if strand.Length < pattern.Length
then acc
let acc' =
patternMatches cle strand pattern
|> (fun x -> x, pos)
|> Set.ofList
|> Set.union acc
fam cle rest pattern acc' (pos + 1)
let findAllMatches cle (strand : Hole<'s>) (sites : Hole<'s>) =
fam cle strand sites Set.empty 0
type ProcessEquality = PE
static member FindContexts(Process.Proc sys, patterns: Pattern<'s> list, cle) =
let contexts =
patterns |> List.fold
(fun acc pattern ->
match acc with
| None -> None // skip remaining patterns if a previous pattern failed to match
| Some (previousContexts: Set<Substitution<'s, 'a> * Pattern<'s> list>) ->
let dummyHole = []
let matches =
(fun acc (strandID:StrandID) (_strand:Strand<'s>) ->
let strand = _strand
|> List.mapi (fun i x -> x, Location.Loc (strandID, i))
//let _proc = Term.Proc (Process.ofList [_strand])
// TODO: optimization: apply substitutions to filter out bad matches early
let addPositions pos (sites:Hole<'s>) : Hole<'s> =
|> List.mapi (fun i s -> (fst s, Location.Loc (strandID, pos+i)))
match pattern with
//| Hole h -> Set.add (, h) acc
| Nihil -> Set.add (, Pattern.Nihil) acc
| Pattern.Inner sites ->
let matches = findAllMatches cle strand sites
if matches.IsEmpty
then acc
let newMatches =
|> (fun (sub, pos) ->
let hole = Pattern.Inner (addPositions pos sites)
(sub, hole))
Set.union acc newMatches
| Pattern.Strand sites ->
patternMatches cle strand sites Substitution<'s, 'a>.id
|> List.fold (fun acc sub ->
if sites.Length = strand.Length
let hole = Pattern.Strand (addPositions 0 sites)
Set.add (sub, sub.Apply(hole, cle)) acc
else acc) acc
| FivePrime p ->
patternMatches cle strand p
|> List.fold (fun acc sub ->
let hole = Pattern.FivePrime (addPositions 0 p)
Set.add (sub, hole) acc) acc
| ThreePrime p ->
let offset = strand.Length - p.Length
if offset < 0
then acc
let cutStrand = List.skip offset strand
patternMatches cle cutStrand p
|> List.fold (fun acc sub ->
let hole = Pattern.ThreePrime (addPositions offset p)
Set.add (sub, hole) acc
) acc
| Nicking (threePrime, fivePrime) ->
let offset = strand.Length - threePrime.Length
let threePrimeMatch =
if offset < 0
then []
let cutStrand = List.skip offset strand
patternMatches cle cutStrand threePrime
let fivePrimeMatch = patternMatches cle strand fivePrime
(* create two distinct pattern matches for Nicking, one with the matched 3' end and a dummy range, and one with the dummy range and a 5' matched range. This avoid creating a pattern match on two ends of the same strand (it could create a circular pattern).
After finding all such patterns in a system, dummy ranges will be replaced by 3' or 5' ranges from other strands. This second step is performed outside the fold loops.*)
let tpHole = addPositions offset threePrime
let fpHole = addPositions 0 fivePrime
let tpPattern = Pattern.Nicking (tpHole, dummyHole)
let fpPattern = Pattern.Nicking (dummyHole, fpHole)
match threePrimeMatch, fivePrimeMatch with
| [], [] -> acc
| tps, [] -> tps |> (fun tp -> tp, tpPattern) |> Set.ofList |> Set.union acc
| [], fps -> fps |> (fun fp -> fp, fpPattern) |> Set.ofList |> Set.union acc
| tps, fps -> let x = tps |> (fun tp -> tp, tpPattern) |> Set.ofList
let y = fps |> (fun fp -> fp, fpPattern) |> Set.ofList
Set.union (Set.union acc x) y
) Set.empty sys
|> (fun (s, h) -> s, s.Apply(h, cle))
// find all valid combinations of nicking patterns and remove all dummy ranges
let newMatches =
match pattern with
| Nicking _ ->
matches |> Set.fold
(fun acc nick1 ->
Set.remove nick1 matches
|> Set.fold (fun acc nick2 ->
match nick1, nick2 with
| (s1, Nicking (tp1, fp1)), (s2, Nicking (tp2, fp2)) ->
let tp1IsDummy = (tp1 = dummyHole)
let tp2IsDummy = (tp2 = dummyHole)
// skip if the non dummy ranges are both 3' or 5'
if (tp1IsDummy && tp2IsDummy)
|| (not tp1IsDummy && not tp2IsDummy)
then acc
// skip non-mergeable matches
match Substitution.TryMerge s1 s2 cle with
| None -> acc
| Some sub ->
let sid (x:Hole<'s>) = match snd x.[0] with
| Location.Loc (i, _) -> i
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected error in context finding"
let tp, fp = if tp1IsDummy
then tp2, fp1
else tp1, fp2
// skip pattern matches on the same strand
if sid tp = sid fp
then acc
else Set.add (sub, Pattern.Nicking (tp, fp)) acc
// this should not happen
| _,_ -> failwith "Unexpected patterns in nicking pattern matching"
) acc
) Set.empty
| _ -> matches
if newMatches.IsEmpty
then None
let currentContexts =
if previousContexts.IsEmpty
then // initialize the context by placing each hole in a different hole list
matches |> (fun (x, y) -> (x, [y]))
(* for each matched contex hole, add it to the previous matches only if they don't overlap *)
|> Set.fold (fun acc (prevSub, prevHoles) ->
|> Set.fold (fun acc (newSub, newHole) ->
if prevHoles |> List.forall (newHole.Overlaps >> not)
match Substitution.TryMerge prevSub newSub cle with
| Some mergedSub -> Set.add (mergedSub, prevHoles @ [newHole]) acc
| None -> acc
else acc
) acc
) Set.empty
if currentContexts.IsEmpty
then None
else Some currentContexts
) (Some Set.empty)
// create a new goal for each matched context
match contexts with
| None -> None
| Some cs ->
|> Set.toList
|> (fun (theta, holes) ->
let holes' = holes |> (fun x -> theta.Apply(x, cle) |> Pat) |> TList
let p = Process.Proc sys
let context = Func ("_ctx", [Term.Proc p; holes'])
(theta, context))
|> Some
static member Flatten (cle:CLE<'s,'a>) (t:Term<'s>) =
let rec flatten (t:Term<'s>) : Process<'s> option =
match t with
| Term.Proc p -> Some p
| Term.TList ps
| Func("|", ps) -> ps
|> List.fold (fun acc p ->
match acc, flatten p with
| Some p1, Some p2 -> Some (cle.ComposeProcesses p1 p2)
| _, _ -> None) (Process.OfList [] |> Some)
| Func("_ctx", [Func ("_ctx", [Proc (Process.Proc ctxSys); TList ctxHoles]); TList inputHoles])
| Func("_ctx", [Proc (Process.Proc ctxSys); TList ctxHoles; TList inputHoles]) ->
let newHoles =
|> (fun pattern ->
match pattern with
| Pat p -> p
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected term in context patterns.")
let newSys =
|> ctxHoles
|> List.fold
(fun (acc:Map<StrandID,Strand<'s>>) (ctxHole, newHole) ->
let replaceAt oldStrand (startIdx, endIdx) newSites =
let start = List.take startIdx oldStrand
let ending = List.skip endIdx oldStrand
start @ newSites @ ending
let freshStrandID (p:Map<StrandID, Strand<'s>>) =
let max = Map.toList p
|> fst
|> List.max
max + 1
let getStrandID (x:Hole<'s>) = match snd x.Head with
| Location.Loc (i, _) -> i
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected error in context finding"
let getStrandStart (x:Hole<'s>) = match snd x.Head with
| Location.Loc (_, i) -> i
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected error in context finding"
match ctxHole with
(* whole strand substitutions *)
| Term.Var _ -> failwith <| sprintf "Insufficiently instantiated variable \"%s\"" (Term.ToString ctxHole)
| Pat Pattern.Nihil ->
match newHole with
| Pattern.Nihil -> acc
| Pattern.Strand sites -> acc.Add(freshStrandID acc, fst sites)
| _ -> failwith "Mismatching context hole substitution."
| Pat (Pattern.Strand sites) ->
let strandID = getStrandID sites
match newHole with
| Pattern.Nihil ->
acc.Remove strandID
| Pattern.Strand sites ->
acc.Add(strandID, fst sites)
| _ -> failwith "Mismatching context hole substitution."
(* nick and inner sequences substitutions *)
| Pat (Pattern.Inner sites) ->
let strandID = getStrandID sites
let threePrimeStart = getStrandStart sites
let fivePrimeEnd = threePrimeStart + sites.Length
match newHole with
// replace an inner sequence
| Pattern.Inner newSites ->
let oldStrand = acc.[strandID]
let innerRange = (threePrimeStart, fivePrimeEnd)
let newStrand = replaceAt oldStrand innerRange ( fst newSites)
acc.Add(strandID, newStrand)
// introduce a new nick
| Pattern.Nicking (newThreePrimeEnd, newFivePrimeStart) ->
let oldStrand = acc.[strandID]
let newStrand1 = List.take threePrimeStart oldStrand
@ fst newThreePrimeEnd
let newStrand2 = fst newFivePrimeStart
@ List.skip fivePrimeEnd oldStrand
let acc' = acc.Add(strandID, newStrand1)
acc'.Add(freshStrandID acc', newStrand2)
| _ -> failwith "Mismatching context hole substitution."
| Pat (Pattern.Nicking (sites1, sites2)) ->
let strandID1 = getStrandID sites1
let strandID2 = getStrandID sites2
let tpStart = getStrandStart sites1
let fpEnd = sites2.Length
match newHole with
// replace a nick
| Pattern.Nicking (newThreePrimeEnd, newFivePrimeStart) ->
let oldStrand1 = acc.[strandID1]
let oldStrand2 = acc.[strandID2]
let newStrand1 = List.take tpStart oldStrand1
@ fst newThreePrimeEnd
let newStrand2 = fst newFivePrimeStart
@ List.take fpEnd oldStrand2
acc.Add(strandID1, newStrand1).Add(strandID2, newStrand2)
// ligate a nick
| Pattern.Inner newSites ->
let oldStrand1 = acc.[strandID1]
let oldStrand2 = acc.[strandID2]
let newStrand = List.take tpStart oldStrand1
@ fst newSites
@ List.take fpEnd oldStrand2
acc.Remove(strandID2).Add(strandID1, newStrand)
| _ -> failwith "Mismatching context hole substitution."
(* 3' end substitution *)
| Pat (Pattern.ThreePrime sites) ->
let strandID = getStrandID sites
let tpStart = getStrandStart sites
match newHole with
| Pattern.ThreePrime newSites ->
let oldStrand = acc.[strandID]
let newStrand = List.take tpStart oldStrand @ fst newSites
acc.Add(strandID, newStrand)
| _ -> failwith "Mismatching context hole substitution."
(* 5' end substitution *)
| Pat (Pattern.FivePrime sites) ->
let strandID = getStrandID sites
match newHole with
| Pattern.FivePrime newSites ->
let oldStrand = acc.[strandID]
let fpEnd = sites.Length
let newStrand = fst newSites @ List.skip fpEnd oldStrand
acc.Add(strandID, newStrand)
| _ -> failwith "Mismatching context hole substitution."
| _ -> failwith <| sprintf "Unexpected term \"%s\" in process \"%s\"" (Term.ToString ctxHole) (Process.ToString (Process.Proc ctxSys))
) ctxSys
(* CS: the commented out code below is a well-formedness restriction, that has been lifted up for the time being.
By enforcing that dangling bonds are not deleted in a context, and that all other bonds are either
deleted or added in pairs, result of applying holes to a context is always well-formed.
Unfortunately this doesn't let programmers write code that splits complexes and adds bonds to them
separately. For example:
reaction([P1 ; P2], ...) :-
P1 = C1 [D], P2 = C2 [D'],
compl(D, D'),
Q1 = C1 [D!i], Q2 = C2[D'!i] <----- two dangling bonds
Maybe the safety check can be implemented in a separate type system for the rules.
//let newBondsMap = getBondsMap Pattern.Fold newHoles
//if newBondsMap.[0].Length > 0
// then None
// else
// // Dangling pointers check
// let rec termFold (f:(Map<Bond,int> -> (SiteT* _) -> Map<Bond,int>))
// (acc:Map<Bond,int>)
// (t:Term) : Map<Bond,int> =
// let g x y = f x (fst y)
// match t with
// //| Term.Hole h -> Hole.Fold g acc h
// | Term.Pat p -> Pattern.Fold f acc p
// | Term.Var _ -> acc
// // these should not happen
// | Term.TList ts -> List.fold (termFold f) acc ts
// | Term.TCons (t,t') -> List.fold (termFold f) acc [t;t']
// | Term.Float _ -> acc
// | Term.Const _ -> acc
// | Term.Func _ -> acc // List.fold (termFold f) acc ts
// | Term.Proc _ -> acc
//| Term.Ctx _ -> acc
//let oldBondsMap = getBondsMap termFold ctxHoles
//let oldDanglingBonds = oldBondsMap.[1]
//let newDanglingBonds = newBondsMap.[1]
//if oldDanglingBonds <> newDanglingBonds
// then None
// else
// // TODO: bond variables
// Some (Process.Proc newSys) // |> Process.Canonical)
Some (Process.Proc newSys)
| _ -> None
flatten t

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@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
module RulesDSD.Resolution
open RulesDSD.Syntax
open RulesDSD.Substitution
open RulesDSD.Unification
open RulesDSD.ProcessEquality
open System.Diagnostics
#if JavaScript
open QuickGraph
type Mode = SingleAnswer | AllAnswers
type TJVertex = {n : int; index : int; lowlink : int; onStack:bool}
// Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm, from
let tarjan (vertices : TJVertex seq) (edges: (int * int) list) =
let index = ref 0
let S = ref []
let result = ref []
let state : TJVertex [] = Array.ofSeq vertices
let rec strongconnect (v:int) =
// Set the depth index for v to the smallest unused index
let updatedNode = {n = state.[v].n; index = !index; lowlink = !index; onStack = true}
Array.set state v updatedNode
index := !index + 1
S := v :: !S
// Consider successors of v
for (v, w) in edges |> List.filter (fun x -> fst x = v) do
if state.[w].index = -1
// Successor w has not yet been visited; recurse on it
Array.set state v { state.[v] with lowlink = min state.[v].lowlink state.[w].lowlink }
elif state.[w].onStack
// Successor w is in stack S and hence in the current SCC
// If w is not on stack, then (v, w) is an edge pointing to an SCC already found and must be ignored
// Note: The next line may look odd - but is correct.
// It says w.index not w.lowlink; that is deliberate and from the original paper
then Array.set state v { state.[v] with lowlink = min state.[v].lowlink state.[w].index }
// If v is a root node, pop the stack and generate an SCC
if state.[v].lowlink = state.[v].index then
// start a new strongly connected component
let x = ref []
let c = ref -1
while !c = -1 || state.[!c] <> state.[v] do
let sHead, sTail =
match !S with
| x::y -> x,y
| [] -> failwith "Unexpected error in SCC computation."
S := sTail
Array.set state sHead { state.[sHead] with onStack = false }
// add w to current strongly connected component
c := sHead
x := !c :: !x
// output the current strongly connected component
result := !x :: !result
// traverse graph
let n = Seq.length vertices
for v in [0..n-1] do
if (state.[v]).index = -1
then strongconnect(v)
// return result
type Goal<'s, 'a when 's : equality and 'a :equality> =
{ goals : Literal<'s> list
rule : Clause<'s>
solution : Substitution<'s, 'a> }
static member Create (s, g, r) = { goals = g; rule = r; solution = s}
static member Create (g, r) = { goals = g; rule = r; solution = Substitution<'s, 'a>.id }
static member Create (g, cle) =
let sol =
|> (fvl cle)
|> Set.unionMany
|> Set.fold (fun (acc:Substitution<'s, 'a>) v ->
match v with
| Variable.TVar x -> acc.Add(v, Term.Var x, cle)
| Variable.SVar (x,s) -> acc.Add(x, Choice3Of4 s, cle)
| Variable.IVar (x,a) -> acc.Add(x, Choice4Of4 a, cle)
| Variable.LVar x -> acc.Add(v, Location.Var x, cle)
) Substitution<'s, 'a>.id
{ goals = g; rule = Clause.Create(Pred("", [])); solution = sol }
static member OK : Literal<'s> list = []
static member ToString(this:Goal<'s, 'a>, cle) =
sprintf "{%s} {%s}" (this.goals |> (fun x -> x.String) |> String.concat ", " ) (this.solution.String cle)
member this.String() = Goal.ToString(this, CLE.empty)
let optionMap2 f x y =
match x, y with
| (Some x', Some y') -> Some (f x' y')
| (None, _) -> None
| (_, None) -> None
let rec eval (cle:CLE<'s,_> ) (t:Term<'s>) =
match t with
| Term.Var _ -> None
| Term.Float i -> Some i
| Term.Const c -> None
// TODO: print context
| Term.Func (op, ts) ->
if Term.IsExpression t
let e = Term.ToExpression t
let err _ = let msg = e |> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.to_string (Term.ToStringWith cle)
failwithf "Cannot evaluate expression %s" msg
e |> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.eval err
|> Some
match op with
| "length" -> match ts with
| [TList ts] -> Some (float ts.Length)
| _ -> None
| _ ->
let ts' = ts |> (eval cle)
let ts'' = ts' |> List.fold (optionMap2 (fun x y -> x@[y])) (Some [])
match ts'' with
| None -> None
| Some ns ->
match op with
| "+" -> Some <| List.sum ns
| "*" -> Some <| List.fold (*) 1.0 ns
| "-" -> match ns with
| [a; b] -> Some (a - b)
| _ -> None
|_ -> None
| Term.TList _ -> None
| Term.TCons _ -> None
| Term.Pat _ -> None
| Term.Proc _ -> None
| Term.TMSet _ -> None
| Term.TCRN _ -> None
let applyP cle (theta:Substitution<'s, 'a>) (Pred (psym, pargs)) =
Pred(psym, pargs |> (fun x -> theta.Apply(x, cle)))
let applyL cle (theta:Substitution<'s, 'a>) lit =
match lit with
| Pos p -> Pos (applyP cle theta p)
| Neg p -> Neg (applyP cle theta p)
let applyG cle (theta:Substitution<'s, 'a>) goal =
match goal with
| Pos p -> Pos (applyP cle theta p)
| Neg p -> Neg (applyP cle theta p)
let freshID counter =
let n = !counter
counter := n + 1
let freshName counter =
let n = !counter
counter := n + 1
(* Core LSDNF resolution step: unify a goal
predicate with some predicate from the program *)
let rec resolveGoal (program:RulesProgram<'s>) (theta:Substitution<'s, 'a>) (cle:CLE<'s,'a>) varCounter g (*(debugMap:Map<string,System.TimeSpan> ref)*) : (Substitution<'s, 'a> *Substitution<'s, 'a> * Literal<'s> list * Clause<'s>) list option =
let extendSolutions cle (theta:Substitution<'s,'a>) debug solutions =
match solutions with
| [] -> None
| sols -> sols |> List.fold (fun acc sol ->
let theta' = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Update theta sol cle
(sol, theta', Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, debug) :: acc
) []
|> Some
// let t = System.DateTime.Now // uncomment this line, debugMap and related code below to enable performance profiling
let r =
match cle.resolveGoal (match g with Pred (a,b) -> a,b) (match theta with Sub t -> t) with
| Some sols -> Some (sols |> (fun (a,b) -> Sub a, Sub b, Goal<'s,'a>.OK, Clause.Create(Pred("custom", []))))
| None ->
match g with
(* Context setup *)
| Pred ("is", [Term.Var (x,y); Func("|", procs)])
-> let flatProcs = procs
|> List.choose (ProcessEquality.Flatten cle (*false*))
if flatProcs.Length <> procs.Length
then None
else let flatProc = flatProcs |> List.fold (cle.ComposeProcesses (*false*)) (Process.OfList [])
let sol = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create ((x,y), Term.Proc flatProc)
let theta' = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Update theta sol cle
Some [sol, theta', Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred("is",[]))]
// holes must be instantiated in order to find a context
| Pred ("is", [p; ctx; TCons (x,y)]) ->
match TCons (x, y) |> Term.FlattenList with
| Choice1Of2 flattenedHoles -> let g' = Pred ("is", [p; ctx; TList flattenedHoles])
resolveGoal program theta cle varCounter g' (*debugMap*)
| _ -> None
| Pred ("is", [Term.TList ps; ctx; ts]) ->
match Term.TList ps |> ProcessEquality.Flatten cle (*false*) with
| Some p -> let g' = Pred ("is", [Term.Proc p; ctx; ts])
resolveGoal program theta cle varCounter g' (*debugMap*)
| None -> None
(* Context finding *)
| Pred ("is", [Term.Proc p; Term.Var (ctx,y); ts]) ->
match ts |> Term.FlattenList with
| Choice2Of2 _ -> None
| Choice1Of2 patternTerms ->
let patterns =
|> List.choose (fun t -> match t with
| Pat p -> Some p
| _ -> None)
if patterns.Length <> patternTerms.Length
then None // i.e. resolution fails because one of the holes is not a pattern but some other term
match ProcessEquality.FindContexts(p, patterns, cle) with
| None -> None
| Some cs ->
|> List.distinct
|> (fun (sub, context) ->
let ctxSub = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create ((ctx,y), context)
let sol = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Compose sub ctxSub cle
let theta' = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Update theta sol cle
(sol, theta', Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause<'s>.Create( Pred("is ctx",[]))))
|> Some
(* Context substitution *)
// Replace the holes in a context with the patterns
| Pred ("is", [sys; Func("_ctx", [Term.Proc (Process.Proc ctxSys); ctxTerm]); ts]) ->
match ts |> Term.FlattenList with
| Choice2Of2 _ -> None
| Choice1Of2 inputHoles ->
match ctxTerm with
| Term.Var (-1, "_") ->
Some [Substitution<'s, 'a>.id, theta, Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred("is ctx",[]))]
| Term.Var (x,y) -> // generate a variable for each input hole, in order to postpone holes unification
let varHoles = inputHoles |> (fun _ -> Var (freshID varCounter, "_X"))
let sol = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create((x,y), TList varHoles)
let theta' = theta.Add(TVar (x,y), TList varHoles, cle)
Some [sol, theta', Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred("is ctx",[]))]
(* // TODO: double check that this is context holes unification
| TList ctxHoles ->
match ProcessEquality.Flatten cle (Func("_ctx", [Proc (Process.Proc ctxSys); TList ctxHoles; TList inputHoles]) ) with
| None -> None
| Some p ->
match sys with
| Term.Var (-1, "_") ->
let sol = Substitution<'s, 'a>.id
Some [sol, theta, Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred("is ctx",[]) ) ]
| Term.Var (sysVar, y) ->
let sol = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create((sysVar, y), Term.Proc p)
let theta' : Substitution<'s, 'a> = theta.Add(TVar (sysVar, y), Term.Proc p, cle)
Some [sol, theta', Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred("is ctx",[]) ) ]
| Proc q ->
if cle.toCanonicalFormProcess p = cle.toCanonicalFormProcess q
then Some [Substitution<'s, 'a>.id, theta, Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred("is ctx",[]) ) ]
else None
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
(* Strand conversions *)
| Pred ("length", [t1; t2])
-> match Term.FlattenList t1 with
| Choice1Of2 ts -> unify cle [TEq (Float (float ts.Length), t2) ]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create(Pred("length",[])))
| Choice2Of2 _ -> None
(* Graph operations *)
| Pred ("tscc", [t1; t2])
| Pred ("scc", [t1; t2])
-> match Term.FlattenList t1 with
| Choice1Of2 ts1 ->
// t1 must be a list of pairs (node n, list of neighbours of n)
let pairs : ((Process<'s> * Process<'s> list) list) option =
ts1 |> List.fold (fun acc x ->
match acc with
| Some accx ->
match x with
| TList [Term.Proc source; ts2] ->
match ts2 with
| TList procs ->
procs |> List.fold (fun accy y ->
match accy with
| None -> None
| Some ps -> match y with
| Term.Proc py -> Some (py::ps)
| _ -> None) (Some [])
|> fun tgs -> match tgs with
| Some targets -> Some ((source, targets) :: accx)
| None -> None
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
| None -> None
) (Some [])
match pairs with
| None -> None
| Some edges ->
// manual implementation of Tarjan's Strongly Connected Components algorithm, from
#if JavaScript
let e =
|> (fun (source, ts) ->
|> (fun target -> (source, target)))
|> List.concat
let procs =
|> List.collect (fun (x,y) -> [x;y])
|> List.distinct
let iProcs = procs |> List.indexed
let procToIndex = iProcs |> (fun (x,y) -> y,x) |> Map.ofList
let indexToProc = iProcs |> Map.ofList
let prefs = iProcs |> (fun (x, y) -> x, { n = procToIndex.[y]; index = -1; lowlink = -1; onStack = false})
let indexToRef = prefs |> Map.ofList
let edgess = e |> (fun (x,y) -> procToIndex.[x], procToIndex.[y])
let vertices =
|> List.collect (fun (x, y) -> [x; y])
|> List.distinct
|> (fun i -> indexToRef.[i])
let sccs = tarjan vertices edgess
let sccDict =
|> List.indexed
|> List.collect (fun (i, procIndexes) -> procIndexes |> (fun x -> indexToProc.[x], i))
|> Map.ofList
// create QuickGraph digraph g
let e = edges |> (fun (source, ts) ->
ts |> (fun target ->
new SEdge<Process<'s>>(source, target)
|> List.concat
let agraph = e.ToAdjacencyGraph()
// compute strongly connected components of g
let sccAlgo = QuickGraph.Algorithms.ConnectedComponents.StronglyConnectedComponentsAlgorithm agraph
// convert sccs into Terms
let sccDict = sccAlgo.Components
let procs = sccDict.Keys
let toTerm = (fun (_, cc) -> TList (cc |> Term.Proc |> Seq.toList))
>> Seq.toList
>> TList
let scc = procs |> Seq.groupBy (fun p -> sccDict.[p])
if g.Name = "tscc"
let componentsMap =
|> (fun (x, ys) -> x, ys |> (fun y -> sccDict.[y]) |> List.distinct)
|> Map.ofList
let tscc =
|> Seq.filter ( fun (i, cc) ->
let targetCcs =
|> (fun i -> componentsMap.[i])
|> Seq.concat
|> Seq.distinct
let l = targetCcs |> Seq.length
if l = 1
then targetCcs |> Seq.head = i
else l = 0
unify cle [TEq (tscc |> toTerm, t2) ]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create(Pred("tscc",[])))
unify cle [TEq (scc |> toTerm, t2) ]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create(Pred("scc",[])))
| Choice2Of2 _ -> None
(* Arithmetics *)
| Pred ("is", [Term.Var (x,y); aExpr])
| Pred ("is", [aExpr; Term.Var (x,y)]) ->
(* eval evaluates an expression to a number*)
match eval cle aExpr with
| Some n ->
let sol = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create((x,y), Float n)
let theta' : Substitution<'s, 'a> = theta.Add(TVar (x,y), Float n, cle)
Some [sol, theta', Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred("is",[]) ) ]
| None -> None
(* Boolean operations *)
| Pred ("<", [aExpr; bExpr]) ->
match eval cle aExpr with
| Some n1 ->
match eval cle bExpr with
| Some n2 ->
if n1 < n2
then Some [, theta, Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred("<",[]) ) ]
else None
| None -> None
| None -> None
| Pred ("<", _ ) -> failwith <| sprintf "unsupported arithmetic operation \"%s\"" g.String
| Pred ("<=", [aExpr; bExpr]) ->
match eval cle aExpr with
| Some n1 ->
match eval cle bExpr with
| Some n2 ->
if n1 <= n2
then Some [, theta, Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred("<=",[]) ) ]
else None
| None -> None
| None -> None
| Pred ("<=", _ ) -> failwith <| sprintf "unsupported arithmetic operation \"%s\"" g.String
| Pred (">", [aExpr; bExpr]) ->
match eval cle aExpr with
| Some n1 ->
match eval cle bExpr with
| Some n2 ->
if n1 > n2
then Some [, theta, Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred(">",[]) )]
else None
| None -> None
| None -> None
| Pred (">", _ ) -> failwith <| sprintf "unsupported arithmetic operation \"%s\"" g.String
| Pred (">=", [aExpr; bExpr]) ->
match eval cle aExpr with
| Some n1 ->
match eval cle bExpr with
| Some n2 ->
if n1 >= n2
then Some [, theta, Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred(">=",[]) ) ]
else None
| None -> None
| None -> None
| Pred (">=", _ ) -> failwith <| sprintf "unsupported arithmetic operation \"%s\"" g.String
// unify two terms
| Pred ("=", [t1; t2]) ->
unify cle [TEq(t1, t2)]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create( Pred("=",[])))
(* List operations *)
// list membership
| Pred ("member", [t; t']) ->
match Term.FlattenList t' with
| Choice1Of2 ts -> ts
|> (fun t' ->, theta, [Pos (Pred ("=", [t;t']))], Clause.Create (Pred("member",[]))
|> Some
| _ -> None
// list containment check (no unification is called)
| Pred ("contains", [t; t']) ->
match Term.FlattenList t' with
| Choice1Of2 ts -> if ts |> List.contains t
then Some [, theta, Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred("contains",[]) )]
else None
| _ -> None
// reverse a list
| Pred ("reverse", [ts; x]) ->
match Term.FlattenList ts with
|Choice1Of2 t ->
unify cle [TEq(List.rev t |> TList, x)]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create( Pred("reverse",[]) ) )
| Choice2Of2 _ -> None
// append two lists together
| Pred ("append", [ts1; ts2; x]) ->
match Term.FlattenList ts1, Term.FlattenList ts2 with
|Choice1Of2 t1, Choice1Of2 t2 ->
let t3 = t1@t2
unify cle [TEq (t3 |> TList, x)]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create( Pred("append",[]) ) )
| _ -> None
// similar to List.concat
| Pred ("concat", [ts; x]) ->
let concat x =
|> List.fold (fun acc t -> match t |> Term.FlattenList with
| Choice1Of2 ts -> (List.rev ts) @ acc
| _ -> failwith <| sprintf "Cannot concat indeterminate list %s " (Term.ToString t)) []
|> List.rev
match Term.FlattenList ts with
| Choice1Of2 tlist ->
unify cle [TEq (x, concat tlist |> TList)]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create(Pred("concat",[])))
| Choice2Of2 (tlist, rest) ->
unify cle [TEq (x, TCons(concat tlist |> TList, rest))]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create( Pred("concat",[])))
// sorts a list; duplicates are maintained
| Pred ("sort", [ts; x]) ->
match Term.FlattenList ts with
|Choice1Of2 t ->
unify cle [TEq(List.sort t |> TList, x)]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create( Pred("reverse",[]) ) )
| Choice2Of2 _ -> None
// removes duplicates from a list
| Pred ("distinct", [ts; x]) ->
match Term.FlattenList ts with
|Choice1Of2 t ->
unify cle [TEq(t |> List.distinct |> TList, x)]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create( Pred("reverse",[]) ) )
| Choice2Of2 _ -> None
| Pred ("difference", [ts1; ts2; x]) ->
match Term.FlattenList ts1, Term.FlattenList ts2 with
| Choice1Of2 t1, Choice1Of2 t2 ->
let d = t1 |> List.filter (fun t -> not (List.contains t t2))
unify cle [TEq(TList d, x)]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create( Pred("reverse",[]) ) )
| _, _ -> None
| Pred ("intersection", [ts1; ts2; x]) ->
match Term.FlattenList ts1, Term.FlattenList ts2 with
| Choice1Of2 t1, Choice1Of2 t2 ->
let terms, theta' =
|> List.fold (fun (tAcc, sol:Substitution<'s, 'a>) t ->
let sol' = t2
|> (fun x -> sol.Apply(x, cle))
|> List.collect (fun z -> unify cle [TEq(z, t)])
match sol' with
| [] -> (tAcc, Substitution.Update sol theta cle)
| thetas -> (t::tAcc, Substitution.Update sol theta cle)
) ([],
|> fun (ts, sol) -> let ts' = ts |> List.rev |> (fun x-> theta.Apply(x, cle)) |> TList
ts', sol
match unify cle [TEq (x, terms)] with
| [] -> None
| thetas ->
|> (fun theta'' ->
let sol = Substitution.Compose theta' theta'' cle
let theta''' = theta
|> fun x -> Substitution.Update x theta' cle
|> fun x -> Substitution.Update x theta'' cle
sol, theta''', Goal<'s, 'a>.OK, Clause.Create( Pred("intersection",[]) ))
|> Some
| _ -> None
(* meta predicates *)
// findAll(+X, +p(a1, ..., X, ... aN), -Xs)
// returns Xs, the list of all variables X such that satisfy predicate p(a1, ..., X, ... aN)
| Pred ("findAll", [t; Term.Func(f, args); Term.Var (xs,ys)]) ->
let p = Pred (f, args)
let g = Goal<'s, 'a>.Create ([Pos p], cle)
match resolveInner [g] cle varCounter program [] AllAnswers (*debugMap*) with
| Some gmatches ->
let res = gmatches
|> (fun (sub:Substitution<'s, 'a>)-> sub.Apply(t, cle))
|> List.distinct
|> TList
unify cle [TEq(res, Term.Var (xs,ys))]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create( Pred("reverse",[]) ) )
| None -> unify cle [TEq(TList [], Term.Var (xs,ys))]
|> extendSolutions cle theta (Clause.Create( Pred("reverse",[]) ) )
(* Unify query with program clause *)
| Pred (gSym, gArgs) ->
let key = gSym, gArgs.Length
if not <| program.ContainsKey key
then None
program.Item key
|> Set.toList // TODO: replace with Set.filter
|> List.choose (fun rule ->
match rule.head with
| Pred (pSym, pArgs) ->
if pSym = gSym && pArgs.Length = gArgs.Length
then // unify goal with a clause in the program
let idCache : Map<string, int> ref = emptyIdCache ()
let idProvider = cachedIdProvider varCounter idCache >> fst
let freshArgs = pArgs |> (Term.refresh cle idProvider)
let eqs = gArgs freshArgs
|> TEq
match unify cle eqs with
| [] -> None
| sols -> sols
|> List.fold (fun acc sol ->
let theta' = Substitution.Update theta sol cle
let freshBody = rule.body |> (Literal<'s>.refresh cle idProvider >> applyG cle sol)
(sol, theta', freshBody, rule) :: acc) []
|> Some
else None)
|> List.concat
|> fun x -> if x.IsEmpty then None else Some x
(* // performance profiling
let dt = System.DateTime.Now - t
match (!debugMap).TryFind g.Name with
| None -> debugMap := (!debugMap).Add(g.Name, dt)
| Some t' -> debugMap := (!debugMap).Add(g.Name, t' + dt)
and resolveInner (slds:Goal<'s, 'a> list) cle varCounter program oldSolutions mode (*debugMap*) =
match slds with
| [] -> None
| _ ->
let expandGoal (sld:Goal<'s, 'a>) : Goal<'s, 'a> list =
match sld.goals with
// SLD resolution
| Pos atom :: gs ->
if mode = AllAnswers && atom |> fvp cle |> Set.isEmpty
let oneQueryOnly = Goal<'s, 'a>.Create([Pos atom], cle)
|> List.singleton
match resolveInner oneQueryOnly cle varCounter program [] SingleAnswer (*debugMap*) with
| Some _ -> (sld.solution, gs, Clause.Create (Pred (sprintf "not(%s)" atom.String,[])))
|> Goal<'s, 'a>.Create
|> List.singleton
| None -> []
match resolveGoal program sld.solution cle varCounter atom (*debugMap*) with
// create a new SLD node for each match
| Some gmatches ->
|> (fun (tmpSol, sol', newGoals, rule) ->
let gs' = newGoals @ (gs |> (applyL cle tmpSol) )
Goal<'s, 'a>.Create(sol', gs', rule.head |> applyP cle tmpSol |> Clause.Create))
// resolution failed; remove the SLD node from the list
| None -> []
// negation-as-failure (NF)
| Neg atom :: gs ->
// Floundering check: try to disprove ground atoms only (otherwise SLDNF might be unsound)
(* TODO: this check could be relaxed by allowing goals to have variables,
and fail NF only if all solutions always contain the empty substitution.
Some Prolog implementations do not check for floundering at all.
(see pg. 74, "Logic, Programming and Prolog" by U. Nilsson, J. Maluszynski *)
if Set.isEmpty (fvp cle atom)
let counterProof = Goal<'s, 'a>.Create([Pos atom], cle)
match resolveInner [counterProof] cle varCounter program [] SingleAnswer (*debugMap*) with
| None -> [sld.solution, gs, Clause<'s>.Create (Pred (sprintf "not(%s)" atom.String,[]))]
|> Goal<'s, 'a>.Create
| Some _ -> [] // negation failed
else []
| [] -> []
match mode with
| SingleAnswer ->
let slds' = slds |> List.collect expandGoal
match slds' |> List.tryFind (fun s -> s.goals.IsEmpty) with
| Some sld -> Some [sld.solution]
| None -> if slds' = slds
then None
else resolveInner slds' cle varCounter program [] mode (*debugMap*)
| AllAnswers ->
let g, gs = slds.Head, slds.Tail
let successfulSlds, newSlds = g |> expandGoal |> List.partition (fun s -> s.goals.IsEmpty)
let newSolutions = successfulSlds |> (fun g -> g.solution)
let sols = oldSolutions @ newSolutions
if newSlds.IsEmpty && gs.IsEmpty
then if sols.IsEmpty
then None
else Some sols
else resolveInner (newSlds @ gs) cle varCounter program sols mode (*debugMap*)
let resolve goal (program:RulesProgram<'s>) (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (*debugMap*) =
let counter = fvl cle goal |> Set.count |> fun x -> x + 1 |> ref
resolveInner [Goal<'s, 'a>.Create([goal], cle)] cle counter program [] SingleAnswer (*debugMap*)
|> List.head
let resolveAll (goal:Literal<'s>) (program:RulesProgram<'s>) (cle:CLE<'s,'a>) =
let counter = fvl cle goal |> Set.count |> fun x -> x + 1 |> ref
resolveInner [Goal<'s, 'a>.Create([goal], cle)] cle counter program [] AllAnswers

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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
module RulesDSD.Substitution
open RulesDSD.Syntax
open System.Diagnostics
let mapUnion (loses: Map<_,_>) (wins: Map<_,_>) =
Seq.fold (fun m (KeyValue(k,v)) -> Map.add k v m) loses wins
type Substitution<'s, 'a when 's :equality and 'a :equality> = Sub of Map<Var, Choice<Term<'s>, Location, 's, 'a>>
static member Apply (Sub sub:Substitution<'s, 'a>, s:'s, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) : 's = cle.applyAll sub (Choice1Of2 s)
static member Apply (Sub sub:Substitution<'s, 'a>, a:'a, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) : 'a = cle.applySubVar sub a
(* identity substitution *)
static member id : Substitution<'s, 'a> = Sub Map.empty
static member Create (x:Var, t:Term<'s>) : Substitution<'s, 'a> = Sub (Map.ofList [x, Choice1Of4 t])
static member Create (x:Var, l:Location) : Substitution<'s, 'a> = Sub (Map.ofList [x, Choice2Of4 l])
static member Create (x:Var, s:'s) : Substitution<'s, 'a> = Sub (Map.ofList [x, Choice3Of4 s])
static member Create (x:Var, s:'a) : Substitution<'s, 'a> = Sub (Map.ofList [x, Choice4Of4 s])
(* add a binding *)
member this.Add(k:Variable<'s, 'a>, t:Term<'s>, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) =
match k with
| TVar x ->
let sub : Substitution<'s, 'a> = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create(x, t)
Substitution.Compose this sub cle
| _ -> failwith <| sprintf "Substitution extension failed: cannot extend %s with %s" (this.String cle) k.String
member this.Add(k:Variable<'s, 'a>, l:Location, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) =
match k with
| LVar x ->
let sub : Substitution<'s, 'a> = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create(x, l)
Substitution.Compose this sub cle
| _ -> failwith <| sprintf "Substitution extension failed: cannot extend %s with %s" (this.String cle) k.String
member this.Add(k, x:'a, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) =
let sub = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create(k, x)
Substitution.Compose this sub cle
member this.Add(k, c:Choice<Term<'s>, Location, 's, 'a>, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) =
let sub = match c with
| Choice1Of4(x) -> Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create(k, x)
| Choice2Of4(x) -> Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create(k, x)
| Choice3Of4(x) -> Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create(k, x)
| Choice4Of4(x) -> Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create(k, x)
Substitution.Compose this sub cle
(* map values *)
member this.Map (f : Var -> Term<'s> -> Term<'s>) =
let wrapper x y = match y with
| Choice1Of4 z -> Choice1Of4 (f x z)
| _ -> y
match this with Sub m -> Sub ( wrapper m)
member this.Map (f : Var -> Location -> Location) =
let wrapper x y = match y with
| Choice2Of4 z -> Choice2Of4 (f x z)
| _ -> y
match this with Sub m -> Sub ( wrapper m)
member this.Map (f : Var -> 's -> 's) =
let wrapper x y = match y with
| Choice3Of4 z -> Choice3Of4 (f x z)
| _ -> y
match this with Sub m -> Sub ( wrapper m)
member this.Map (f : Var -> 'a -> 'a) =
let wrapper x y = match y with
| Choice4Of4 z -> Choice4Of4 (f x z)
| _ -> y
match this with Sub m -> Sub ( wrapper m)
static member Apply (Sub sub:Substitution<'s, 'a>, loc:Location) : Location =
match loc with
| Location.Var (-1, "_") -> Location.Var (-1, "_")
| Location.Var v -> match sub.TryFind(v) with
| Some (Choice2Of4 l) -> l
| Some (Choice1Of4 _)
| Some (Choice3Of4 _)
| Some (Choice4Of4 _)
| None -> loc
| Location.Loc _ -> loc
static member Apply (sub, (s:'s, l:Location), cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(sub, s, cle), Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(sub, l)
static member Apply (Sub sub, p:Pattern<'s>, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) = p |> Pattern.Map (fun (s, l) -> (cle.applyAll sub (Choice1Of2 s), Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(Sub sub, l)))
static member Apply (Sub s : Substitution<'s, 'a>, t:Term<'s>, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) : Term<'s> =
let sub : Substitution<'s, 'a> = Sub s
match t with
| Term.Var (-1, "_") -> t
| Term.Var (x,y) -> match s.TryFind((x,y)) with
| Some (Choice1Of4 t') -> t'
| Some (Choice2Of4 l) -> Pat <| Pattern.Inner [cle.underscore(), l]
| Some (Choice3Of4 sp) -> Pat <| Pattern.Inner [cle.applyAll s (Choice1Of2 sp), Location.Var (-1,"_")]
| Some (Choice4Of4 sp) -> Pat <| Pattern.Inner [cle.applySubVar s sp |> cle.cast, Location.Var (-1,"_")]
| None -> t
| Term.Const _ -> t
| Term.Float _ -> t
| Term.Func (f, ts) -> Term<'s>.Func (f, ts |> (fun t -> sub.Apply(t, cle)))
| Term.TList ts -> Term<'s>.TList (ts |> (fun t -> sub.Apply(t, cle)))
| Term.TCons (t, t') -> Term<'s>.TCons (sub.Apply(t, cle), sub.Apply(t', cle))
| Term.Pat p -> Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(sub, p, cle) |> Pat
| Term.Proc s -> s |> Process<'s>.Map (fun (x:'s) -> Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(sub, x, cle)) |> Proc
| Term.TCRN ts -> ts
|> (fun t -> sub.Apply(t, cle))
|> List.distinct
| Term.TMSet ts -> ts
|> (fun (n, t) -> n, sub.Apply(t, cle))
|> TMSet
member this.Apply(term:Term<'s>, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(this, term, cle)
member this.Apply(loc:Location) = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(this, loc)
member this.Apply(sp:'s, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(this, sp, cle)
member this.Apply(a:'a, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(this, a, cle)
member this.Apply(x:Choice<Term<'s>, Location, 's, 'a>, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) =
match x with
| Choice1Of4 t -> this.Apply(t, cle) |> Choice1Of4
| Choice2Of4 l -> this.Apply l |> Choice2Of4
| Choice3Of4 s -> this.Apply(s, cle) |> Choice3Of4
| Choice4Of4 a -> this.Apply(a, cle) |> Choice4Of4
member this.Apply(p:Pattern<'s>, cle:CLE<'s,'a>) = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(this, p, cle)
member this.Apply((s:'s, l:Location), cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) = Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(this, s, cle), Substitution<'s, 'a>.Apply(this, l)
member this.Apply(p:RulesDSD.Syntax.Predicate<'s>, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) =
match p with
| RulesDSD.Syntax.Predicate.Pred(x,y) -> RulesDSD.Syntax.Predicate<'s>.Pred(x, (y |> (fun x -> this.Apply(x, cle))))
member this.Apply(l:Literal<'s>, cle) = match l with
| Neg p -> Neg (this.Apply(p, cle))
| Pos p -> Pos (this.Apply(p, cle))
member this.Apply(c:Clause<'s>, cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) =
let head = this.Apply(c.head, cle)
let body = c.body |> (fun x -> this.Apply(x, cle))
Clause<'s>.Create(head, body)
member this.Add(that:Substitution<'s, 'a>) =
match this, that with | Sub m1, Sub m2 -> Sub (mapUnion m1 m2)
member this.Keys () = match this with Sub s -> s |> Map.toList |> fst
static member Update (Sub x:Substitution<'s, 'a>) (y:Substitution<'s, 'a>) (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) =
x |> (fun _ i -> y.Apply(i, cle))
|> Sub
(* Substitution composition. NB: this operation is NOT commutative; the left operand has precedence over *)
static member Compose (Sub x:Substitution<'s, 'a>) (Sub y:Substitution<'s, 'a>) (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) =
|> (fun _ v ->
match v with
| Choice1Of4 t -> Choice1Of4 ((Sub y).Apply(t, cle))
| Choice2Of4 l -> Choice2Of4 ((Sub y).Apply(l))
| Choice3Of4 s -> Choice3Of4 (cle.applySub y s)
| Choice4Of4 s -> Choice4Of4 (cle.applySubVar y s))
|> fun x -> (Sub x).Add(Sub y)
(* Composes two substitutions only if they have disjoint domains *)
static member TryMerge (Sub x:Substitution<'s, 'a>) (Sub y:Substitution<'s, 'a>) (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) : Substitution<'s, 'a> option =
|> Map.fold (fun acc k v ->
match acc with
| None -> None
| Some (Sub x') ->
match x'.TryFind(k) with
| Some v' -> if v = v'
then Some (Sub x')
else None
| None -> let sub' = (Sub x').Add(k,v, cle)
Some sub'
) (Some (Sub x))
(* display *)
member this.String (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) =
let mappings = match this with
| Sub s -> s |> Map.toList
|> (fun (k,v) -> let txt = match v with
| Choice1Of4 t -> Term.ToStringWith cle t
| Choice2Of4 l -> Location.ToString l
| Choice3Of4 sp -> cle.toString sp
| Choice4Of4 sp -> cle.toStringTempVar sp
sprintf "%s -> %s" (printVar k) txt)
String.concat "; " mappings
(* free variables *)
let unionFold f = List.fold (fun x y -> Set.union x (f y)) Set.empty
let fvLocation l =
match l with
| Location.Loc _ -> Set.empty
| Location.Var (-1, "_") -> Set.empty
| Location.Var x -> Set.singleton (LVar x)
let rec fvPattern (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) p =
let fv (x, y) = cle.fvs x |> Set.union (fvLocation y)
match p with
| Pattern.Inner a -> unionFold fv a
| Pattern.Nicking (a, b) -> Set.union (unionFold fv a) (unionFold fv b)
| Pattern.Strand a -> unionFold fv a
| Pattern.ThreePrime a -> unionFold fv a
| Pattern.FivePrime a -> unionFold fv a
| Pattern.Nihil -> Set.empty
and fvSystem (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (Process.Proc s) =
s |> Map.toList
|> (snd >> unionFold cle.fvs)
|> Set.unionMany
and fvt (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) t =
match t with
| Term.Var (-1, "_") -> Set.empty
| Term.Var (x,y) -> Set.singleton (TVar (x,y))
| Term.Const _ -> Set.empty
| Term.Float _ -> Set.empty
| Term.Func (_, ts) -> ts |> unionFold (fvt cle)
| Term.TList ts -> ts |> unionFold (fvt cle)
| Term.TCons (t,t') -> [t;t'] |> unionFold (fvt cle)
| Term.Pat p -> p |> fvPattern cle
| Term.Proc s -> s |> fvSystem cle
| Term.TCRN ts -> ts |> unionFold (fvt cle)
| Term.TMSet ts -> ts |> snd |> unionFold (fvt cle)
let fvp (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (Pred (_, ts)) = ts |> unionFold (fvt cle)
let rec fvl (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) lit =
match lit with
| Pos p -> fvp cle p
| Neg p -> fvp cle p

RulesDSD/RulesDSD/syntax.fs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
module RulesDSD.Syntax
open System
open System.Diagnostics
// Position is an internal index, that pinpoints a domain within a strand graph.
// The first int indexes a strand in a strand graph, the second int indexes a domain within that strand.
// This is for internal use only.
type StrandID = int
type SiteIndex = int
type BondID = int
type Var = int * string
type Pos = StrandID * SiteIndex
type Range = StrandID * (SiteIndex * SiteIndex)
let GT = 1
let LT = -1
let EQ = 0
let printVar (x,y) = if x >=0 then sprintf "%s(%i)" y x else y
(* CRN reaction encoding keywords *)
type Keywords = Base of unit
static member context = "_ctx"
static member reaction = "_rxn"
static member mset = "_mset"
static member massActionRate = "_massActionRate"
static member functionalRate = "_functionalRate"
(* Variables distinguished by type *)
[<DebuggerDisplay("{this.String}"); CustomEquality; CustomComparison>]
type Variable<'s, 'a> = TVar of Var // terms
| LVar of Var // locations
| SVar of Var * 's // species
| IVar of Var * 'a // sub-species
member this.String =
match this with
| TVar x -> printVar x
| LVar x -> printVar x
| SVar (x, _) -> printVar x
| IVar (x, _) -> printVar x
static member ToVar (this :Variable<'s, 'a>) =
match this with | TVar x | SVar (x, _) | LVar x | IVar (x, _) -> x
override this.Equals that =
match that with
| :? Variable<'s, 'a> as that' -> Variable<_,_>.ToVar this = Variable<_,_>.ToVar that'
| _ -> invalidArg "yobj" "cannot compare values of different types"
override this.GetHashCode() = Variable<_,_>.ToVar this |> hash
interface System.IComparable with
member this.CompareTo that =
match that with
| :? Variable<'s, 'a> as that' -> compare (Variable<_,_>.ToVar this) (Variable<_,_>.ToVar that')
| _ -> invalidArg "yobj" "cannot compare values of different types"
(* variable ID provider *)
let emptyIdCache () = ref Map.empty
let cachedIdProvider counter =
fun (cache:Map<'s, int> ref) name ->
if (!cache).ContainsKey name
then ((!cache).[name], name)
let n = !counter
counter := n + 1
cache := (!cache).Add(name, n)
(n, name)
let newIdProvider () =
cachedIdProvider (ref 0)
let makeProvider () =
newIdProvider () (emptyIdCache ())
let idProvider () : 's -> int * 's =
let cache = ref Map.empty
newIdProvider () cache
type Location = Loc of StrandID * SiteIndex
| Var of Var
static member ToString(l:Location) =
match l with
| Location.Loc (i, j) -> sprintf "(%i, %i)" i j
| Location.Var v -> printVar v
static member Compare (l1:Location) (l2:Location) =
match l1, l2 with
| Location.Var (_,X), Location.Var (_,Y) -> System.String.Compare(X,Y)
| Location.Var _, Location.Loc _ -> LT
| Location.Loc _, Location.Var _ -> GT
| Location.Loc (x1, y1), Location.Loc(x2, y2) ->
if x1 = x2
then compare y1 y2
else compare x1 x2
static member refresh idProvider loc =
match loc with
| Location.Loc _ -> loc
| Location.Var (-1, "_") -> loc
| Location.Var (x, n) -> Location.Var (idProvider n, n)
static member wildcard = Location.Var (-1, "_")
type Hole<'s> = ('s * Location) list
and Sub<'s, 'a when 's : equality> = Map<Var, Choice<Term<'s>, Location, 's, 'a>> // this is the inner type of a Substitution; not ideal
Custom Logic Engine
A Custom Logic Engine (CLE) offers a programmatic interface that to domain specific elements into a general logic programming language with graph grammars.
For example, Logic DSD is obtained by implementing a CLE for sites (domains + bonds); predicates, contexts and patterns are then obtained "for free".
The CLE is polymorphic in two parameters 's and 'a. 's stands for the main domain-specific species captured by the language (e.g. a site).
'a stands for the sub-species that 's might contain (e.g. a domain or a bond). Roughly, 's and 'a correspond to the kind of logic variables that
are domain-specific (e.g. variable X in d!X is different from the same variable in N is X + 1).
and CLE<'s , 'a when 's : equality> =
{ toString : 's -> string // print 's
toStringTempVar : 'a -> string // print 'a
compare : 's -> 's -> int // compare two 's, used for sorting; the actual ordering is unimportant, as long as it is a partial order
cast : 'a -> 's // cast a 'a into a 's (e.g. a bond X can be cast into a site _!X); used in substitutions
toCanonicalForm : 's -> 's // find the canonical form of 's
toCanonicalFormProcess : Process<'s> -> Process<'s> // find the canonical form of a process. Since species 's might reference each other (e.g. as in bonds), it is necessary to have a Process level canonical form function
unify : 's * 's -> Sub<'s, 'a> list // species unification. The core algorithm that find a 's and 'a variable substitution such that two species are equivalent after applying it
underscore : unit -> 's // wildcard "_" for 's
applyAll : Sub<'s, 'a> -> Choice<'s, 'a> -> 's // apply a substitution to a species or subspecies
applySub : Sub<'s, 'a> -> 's -> 's // apply a species substitution
applySubVar : Sub<'s, 'a> -> 'a -> 'a // apply a substitution to a subspecies
fvs : 's -> Set<Variable<'s, 'a>> // free variables in 's
refresh : (string -> int) -> 's -> 's // provide a copy of 's where variables have been renamed by an ID provider. Used in resolution
disambiguateVars : Clause<'s> -> Clause<'s> // post-parsing step applied to each parsed clause. In Logic DSD this is used to disambiguate the use of domain variables (e.g. in P = C[D][D!i], D can be cast down to an unbound domain rather than a generic site)
ComposeProcesses : Process<'s> -> Process<'s> -> Process<'s> // compose two processes together (possibly forming a complex in Logic DSD)
resolveGoal : (string * Term<'s> list) // a predicate // species-specific predicates resolution. The core resolution algorithm that executes custom predicates for species (e.g. "compl(D, E)" is a custom predicate in Logic DSD to find the complement E of a domain D)
-> Sub<'s, 'a> // the current unification solution theta
-> (Sub<'s, 'a> * Sub<'s, 'a>) list option // a list of expanded solutions theta', together with the solution sigma such that theta' = sigma \circ theta
domainKeywords : string list
static member empty : CLE<'s, 'a> =
{ toString = fun x -> x.ToString()
toStringTempVar = fun x -> x.ToString()
cast = fun _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
compare = fun _ _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
toCanonicalForm = id
toCanonicalFormProcess = id
unify = fun _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
underscore = fun _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
applyAll = fun _ _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
applySub = fun _ _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
applySubVar = fun _ _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
fvs = fun _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
refresh = fun _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
disambiguateVars = fun _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
ComposeProcesses = fun _ _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
resolveGoal = fun _ _ -> failwith "Internal error (CLE)"
domainKeywords = []
Pattern<'s when 's : equality> =
| Nicking of Hole<'s> * Hole<'s>
| Inner of Hole<'s>
| Strand of Hole<'s>
| ThreePrime of Hole<'s>
| FivePrime of Hole<'s>
| Nihil
static member ToStringWith (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (p:Pattern<'s>) =
let printHole (x:Hole<'s>) = x
|> (fun (s, l) ->
match l with
| Location.Var (-1,"_") -> cle.toString s
| _ -> sprintf "%s @ %s" (cle.toString s) (Location.ToString l))
|> String.concat " "
match p with
| Nihil -> "0"
| Inner s -> printHole s |> sprintf "%s"
| Nicking (l, r) -> let left = printHole l
let right = printHole r
sprintf "%s> | <%s" left right
| Strand s -> printHole s |> sprintf "<%s>"
| ThreePrime s -> printHole s |> sprintf "%s>"
| FivePrime s -> printHole s |> sprintf "<%s"
static member ToString(p:Pattern<'s>) = Pattern.ToStringWith CLE.empty p
static member Map(f : ('s * Location) -> ('t * Location)) (p:Pattern<'s>) =
let g s = s |> f
match p with
| Nihil -> Nihil
| Inner s -> Inner (g s)
| Nicking (s1, s2) -> Nicking (g s1, g s2)
| Strand s -> Strand (g s)
| ThreePrime s -> ThreePrime (g s)
| FivePrime s -> FivePrime (g s)
static member Fold (f:'a -> ('s * Location) -> 'a) (acc : 'a) (h:Pattern<'s>) =
match h with
| ThreePrime hole -> List.fold f acc hole
| FivePrime hole -> List.fold f acc hole
| Nicking (h1, h2) -> List.fold f (List.fold f acc h1) h2
| Strand hole -> List.fold f acc hole
| Inner hole -> List.fold f acc hole
| Nihil -> acc
member this.Overlaps(that:Pattern<'s>) =
let holes (p:Pattern<'s>) =
match p with
| ThreePrime hole -> [hole]
| FivePrime hole -> [hole]
| Nicking (h1, h2) -> [h1; h2]
| Strand hole -> [hole]
| Inner hole -> [hole]
| Nihil -> []
let toRange p (h:Hole<'s>) : Range =
match snd h.Head with
| Location.Loc (sid, idx) -> (sid, (idx, idx+h.Length-1))
| Location.Var _ -> failwith <| sprintf "Unexpected uninstantiated pattern %s" (Pattern.ToString p)
let overlaps ((sid1, (x1, y1)) : Range) ((sid2, (x2, y2)) : Range) =
sid1 = sid2
&& (x1 <= y2 && y1 >= x2)
// all ranges are disjoint
|> holes
|> (toRange this)
|> List.exists (fun r1 ->
|> holes
|> (toRange that)
|> List.exists (overlaps r1))
static member Canonical (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (p:Pattern<'s>) =
p |> Pattern.Map (fun (x,y) -> (x |> cle.toCanonicalForm, y))
static member refresh (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (idProvider : string -> int) (p : Pattern<'s>) =
let refreshHole (sp, loc) =
let loc' = Location.refresh idProvider loc
let sp' = cle.refresh idProvider sp
(sp', loc')
match p with
| Pattern.Nihil -> Pattern.Nihil
| Pattern.Inner hs -> Pattern.Inner (hs |> refreshHole)
| Pattern.ThreePrime hs -> Pattern.ThreePrime (hs |> refreshHole)
| Pattern.FivePrime hs -> Pattern.FivePrime (hs |> refreshHole)
| Pattern.Strand hs -> Pattern.Strand (hs |> refreshHole)
| Pattern.Nicking(hs1, hs2) -> let hs1' = hs1 |> refreshHole
let hs2' = hs2 |> refreshHole
Pattern.Nicking(hs1', hs2')
(* System *)
and Strand<'s> = 's list
Process<'s when 's : equality> = Proc of Map<StrandID, Strand<'s>>
static member ToStringWith (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (Proc s:Process<'s>) =
s |> Map.toList
|> (snd
>> (cle.toString)
>> String.concat " "
>> sprintf "<%s>")
|> String.concat " | "
static member ToString(p:Process<'s>) = Process.ToStringWith CLE.empty p
static member Map(f:'s -> 't) (Proc s:Process<'s>) =
Proc (s |> (fun _ -> f))
static member Fold(f:'State -> 's -> 'State) (acc:'State) (Proc s:Process<'s>)=
s |> Map.fold (fun st _ x -> x |> List.fold f st) acc
static member ToList(Proc p:Process<'s>) = p |> Map.toList
|> snd
static member OfList(ss:Strand<'s> list) = ss |> List.mapi (fun i x -> i, x)
|> Map.ofList
|> Process.Proc
static member Compare (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (p:Process<'s>) (q:Process<'s>) : int =
(p |> Process<'s>.ToList)
(q |> Process<'s>.ToList)
static member Canonical (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (p:Process<'s>) : Process<'s> =
cle.toCanonicalFormProcess p
static member refresh (cle : CLE<'s, 'a>) (idProvider : string ->int) (p : Process<'s>) =
p |> Process.Map (cle.refresh idProvider)
(** End of processes canonical form ******************************)
(* terms *)
and Mset<'s when 's : equality> = (int * Term<'s>) list
Term<'s when 's : equality> =
(* standard logic programming terms *)
| Var of int * string // variable ID (int), debug string (the string field can be erased in principle)
| Const of string // "some string"
| Float of float
| Func of string * Term<'s> list // f(t1, ..., tn)
| TList of Term<'s> list // [t1; t2; ...; tN]
| TCons of Term<'s> * Term<'s> // [t1; ...; tK # Rest] // TODO: change? E.g. to a "partial list" type TListp of (Term list * Var), where Var is the rest of the list
| TCRN of Term<'s> list // a CRN with a set { R1, ... Rk } of k reactions. Each reaction is encoded as Prolog terms as Term.Func("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet; Term.Func("_massActionRate", [Term expression]); Term.TMSet])
| TMSet of Mset<'s> // a multiset {| n1 t1, ... nk tk |}, where ni is the multiplicity of term ti. An example of a TMSet is 2a + 3b, which is written as {| 2 a, 3 b|} in multiset notation
// The multiplicity ni must be a concrete integer number (e.g. 2 in "2 a + 3 b"), it cannot be a generic logic variable X currently
(* TODO: possible future extensions:
- add undefined CRNs, e.g. {t1, ..., tk # X}, where X is some undefined set; X must be computed through unification
- add undefined multisets, e.g. {| n1 t1, ..., nk tk # X |}, where X is the same as above
- add undefined multiplicities, e.g. n1 can be either an integer or a variable X *)
(* DSD specific terms *)
| Proc of Process<'s>
| Pat of Pattern<'s>
static member Wildcard : Term<'s>= Term.Var (-1, "_")
static member FlattenList t =
let rec flatten t =
match t with
| TCons (x, ts) ->
match flatten ts with
| Choice1Of2 groundList -> Choice1Of2 (x :: groundList)
| Choice2Of2 (leadingItems, listVar) -> Choice2Of2 (x::leadingItems, listVar)
| TList x -> Choice1Of2 x
| Var(x,y) -> Choice2Of2 ([], Var(x,y)) // unexpanded list that ends in a variable
| _ -> failwith <| sprintf "Ill-formed list: %s" (Term<'s>.ToString t)
flatten t
static member ToStringWith (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (x:Term<'s>) =
let printer = Term.ToStringWith cle
match x with
| Var(x,y) -> printVar (x,y)
| Const c -> sprintf "\"%s\"" c
| Float f -> sprintf "%f" f
| Func (f, ts) -> let printRate r = match r with
| Term.Func("_functionalRate", [e])
| Term.Func("_massActionRate", [e]) ->
if e = Term.Float 1.0
then ""
else match r with
| Term.Func("_massActionRate", _) -> sprintf "{%s}" (e |> Term<'s>.ToExpression |> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.to_string (Term.ToStringWith cle))
| Term.Func("_functionalRate", _) -> sprintf "[%s]" (e |> Term<'s>.ToFuncExpression |> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.to_string (Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.to_string (Term.ToStringWith cle)))
| _ -> failwith ""
| _ -> failwithf "Ill-formed rate %s" (Term.ToStringWith cle r)
match f with
| "_ctx" -> match ts with
| [_; Var (x,y)] -> sprintf "ctx(%s)" (printVar (x,y))
| [_; TList hs] -> sprintf "ctx(%s)" (hs |> printer |> String.concat "")
| _ -> sprintf "Ill-formed context %s in" (printer x)
| "_rxn" -> match ts with
| [cata; mset1; r; bwr; mset2] ->
let reactants = printer mset1
let products = printer mset2
let x = r
let rate = printRate r
let hasCata = cata <> Term.TMSet([])
let catalysts = if hasCata then printer cata else ""
let hasBwRate = bwr <> Term.Func("",[])
let bwRate = if hasBwRate then printRate bwr else ""
match hasCata, hasBwRate with
| false, false -> sprintf "%s ->%s %s" reactants rate products
| true, false -> sprintf "%s ~ %s ->%s %s" catalysts reactants rate products
| true, true -> sprintf "%s ~ %s <->%s%s %s" catalysts reactants rate bwRate products
| false, true -> sprintf "%s <->%s%s %s" reactants rate bwRate products
| _ -> sprintf "Ill-formed reaction %s in" (printer x)
| _ -> sprintf "%s(%s)" f (ts |> printer |> String.concat ", ")
| TList ts -> ts |> printer |> String.concat "; " |> sprintf "[%s]"
| TCons _ -> match Term<'s>.FlattenList x with
| Choice1Of2 groundList -> TList groundList |> printer
| Choice2Of2 (leadingItems, terminator) ->
let leads = leadingItems
|> printer
|> String.concat "; "
let trailer = terminator |> printer
sprintf "[%s # %s]" leads trailer
| TCRN ts -> ts |> printer |> String.concat " | " |> sprintf "{ %s }"
| TMSet ts -> ts
|> (fun (i, t) -> (if i = 1 then printer t else sprintf "%i %s" i (printer t))) |> String.concat ":" // |> sprintf "_complex(%s)"
| Pat p -> Pattern.ToStringWith cle p
| Proc s -> Process.ToStringWith cle s
static member ToString(x:Term<'s>) = Term<'s>.ToStringWith CLE.empty x
static member FromExpression(e:Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.t<Term<'s>>) : Term<'s> =
match e with
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Float n -> Term.Float n
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Key k -> Term.Func("_key", [k])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Times xs -> Term.Func("_Times", xs |> Term.FromExpression)
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Plus xs -> Term.Func("_Plus", xs |> Term.FromExpression)
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Divide xs -> Term.Func("_Divide", [Term.FromExpression xs.div1; Term.FromExpression xs.div2])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Power xs -> Term.Func("_Power", [Term.FromExpression xs.base_; Term.FromExpression xs.exponent])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Minus xs -> Term.Func("_Minus", [Term.FromExpression xs.sub1; Term.FromExpression xs.sub2])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Absolute x -> Term.Func("_Absolute", [Term.FromExpression x])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Log x -> Term.Func("_Log", [Term.FromExpression x])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Modulo x -> Term.Func("_Modulo", [Term.FromExpression x.div; Term.FromExpression x.modulo])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Ceiling x -> Term.Func("_Ceiling", [Term.FromExpression x])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Floor x -> Term.Func("_Floor", [Term.FromExpression x])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Round x -> Term.Func("_Round", [Term.FromExpression x])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.If(x, y, z) -> failwith "Conditional expression are not supported yet."
static member FromFuncExpression(e:Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.t<Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key<Term<'s>>>) : Term<'s> =
match e with
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Float n -> Term.Float n
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Key k -> match k with
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Species s -> Term.Func("_key_species", [s])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Parameter p -> Term.Func("_key_param", [Term.Const p])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Rate r -> Term.Func("_key_rate", [Term.Const r])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Time -> Term.Const "_time"
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Times xs -> Term.Func("_Times", xs |> Term.FromFuncExpression)
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Plus xs -> Term.Func("_Plus", xs |> Term.FromFuncExpression)
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Divide xs -> Term.Func("_Divide", [Term.FromFuncExpression xs.div1; Term.FromFuncExpression xs.div2])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Power xs -> Term.Func("_Power", [Term.FromFuncExpression xs.base_; Term.FromFuncExpression xs.exponent])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Minus xs -> Term.Func("_Minus", [Term.FromFuncExpression xs.sub1; Term.FromFuncExpression xs.sub2])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Absolute x -> Term.Func("_Absolute", [Term.FromFuncExpression x])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Log x -> Term.Func("_Log", [Term.FromFuncExpression x])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Modulo x -> Term.Func("_Modulo", [Term.FromFuncExpression x.div; Term.FromFuncExpression x.modulo])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Ceiling x -> Term.Func("_Ceiling", [Term.FromFuncExpression x])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Floor x -> Term.Func("_Floor", [Term.FromFuncExpression x])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Round x -> Term.Func("_Round", [Term.FromFuncExpression x])
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.If(x, y, z) -> failwith "Conditional expression are not supported yet."
static member IsExpression (e:Term<'s>) : bool =
match e with
| Term.Float _ -> true
| Term.Func("_key", [_]) -> true
| Term.Func("_key_species", [_]) -> true
| Term.Func("_key_param", [_]) -> true
| Term.Func("_key_rate", [_]) -> true
| Term.Func("_Times", ts) -> (ts |> List.forall Term.IsExpression)
| Term.Func("_Plus", ts) -> (ts |> List.forall Term.IsExpression)
| Term.Func("_Divide", [div1; div2]) -> Term.IsExpression div1 && Term.IsExpression div2
| Term.Func("_Power", [bas; exponent]) -> Term.IsExpression bas && Term.IsExpression exponent
| Term.Func("_Minus", [sub1; sub2]) -> Term.IsExpression sub1 && Term.IsExpression sub2
| Term.Func("_Absolute", [x]) -> Term.IsExpression x
| Term.Func("_Log", [x]) -> Term.IsExpression x
| Term.Func("_Modulo", [div; modulo]) -> Term.IsExpression div && Term.IsExpression modulo
| Term.Func("_Ceiling", [x]) -> Term.IsExpression x
| Term.Func("_Floor", [x]) -> Term.IsExpression x
| Term.Func("_Round", [x]) -> Term.IsExpression x
| _ -> false
static member ToExpression (e:Term<'s>) : Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.t<Term<'s>> =
match e with
| Term.Float n -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Float n
| Term.Func("_key", [Term.Float n]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Float n
| Term.Func("_key", [k]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Key k
| Term.Func("_Times", ts) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Times (ts |> Term.ToExpression)
| Term.Func("_Plus", ts) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Plus (ts |> Term.ToExpression)
| Term.Func("_Divide", [div1; div2]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Divide {Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.div1 = Term.ToExpression div1; Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.div2 = Term.ToExpression div2}
| Term.Func("_Power", [bas; exponent]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Power {Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.base_ = Term.ToExpression bas; Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.exponent = Term.ToExpression exponent}
| Term.Func("_Minus", [sub1; sub2]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Minus {Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.sub1 = Term.ToExpression sub1; Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.sub2 = Term.ToExpression sub2}
| Term.Func("_Absolute", [x]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Absolute (Term.ToExpression x)
| Term.Func("_Log", [x]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Log (Term.ToExpression x)
| Term.Func("_Modulo", [div; modulo]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Modulo {Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.div = Term.ToExpression div; Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.modulo = Term.ToExpression modulo }
| Term.Func("_Ceiling", [x]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Ceiling (Term.ToExpression x)
| Term.Func("_Floor", [x]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Floor (Term.ToExpression x)
| Term.Func("_Round", [x]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Round (Term.ToExpression x)
| _ -> failwithf "Conversion of term %s to expression not supported." (Term.ToString e)
static member ToFuncExpression (e:Term<'s>) : Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.t<Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key<Term<'s>>> =
match e with
| Term.Const "_time" -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Key Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Time
| Term.Const s -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Key (Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Parameter s)
| Term.Float n -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Float n
| Term.Func("_key", [Term.Float n]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Float n
| Term.Func("_key", [k]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Key (Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Species k)
| Term.Func("_key_species",[s]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Key (Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Species s)
| Term.Func("_key_param", [Term.Const p]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Key (Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Parameter p)
| Term.Func("_key_rate", [Term.Const r]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Key (Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Rate r)
| Term.Func("_Times", ts) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Times (ts |> Term.ToFuncExpression)
| Term.Func("_Plus", ts) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Plus (ts |> Term.ToFuncExpression)
| Term.Func("_Divide", [div1; div2]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Divide {Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.div1 = Term.ToFuncExpression div1; Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.div2 = Term.ToFuncExpression div2}
| Term.Func("_Power", [bas; exponent]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Power {Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.base_ = Term.ToFuncExpression bas; Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.exponent = Term.ToFuncExpression exponent}
| Term.Func("_Minus", [sub1; sub2]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Minus {Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.sub1 = Term.ToFuncExpression sub1; Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.sub2 = Term.ToFuncExpression sub2}
| Term.Func("_Absolute", [x]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Absolute (Term.ToFuncExpression x)
| Term.Func("_Log", [x]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Log (Term.ToFuncExpression x)
| Term.Func("_Modulo", [div; modulo]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Modulo {Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.div = Term.ToFuncExpression div; Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.modulo = Term.ToFuncExpression modulo }
| Term.Func("_Ceiling", [x]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Ceiling (Term.ToFuncExpression x)
| Term.Func("_Floor", [x]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Floor (Term.ToFuncExpression x)
| Term.Func("_Round", [x]) -> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.Round (Term.ToFuncExpression x)
| _ -> failwithf "Conversion of term %s to expression not supported." (Term.ToString e)
// decode a term into a CRN rate
static member ToRate (t:Term<'s>) : Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Rate<Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Value, Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.t<Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key<Term<'s>>>> option =
let toMassActionRate (x:Term<'s>) =
let exp = x |> Term.ToExpression
let isConvertible = Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.mentions exp
|> List.forall (fun x -> match x with
| Term.Const _ -> true
| _ -> false)
if not isConvertible
then None // TODO: throw an exception?
exp |> (fun x -> match x with
| Term.Const s -> s
| _ -> failwith "")
|> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.MassAction
|> Some
let toFunctionalRate (x:Term<'s>) =
let exp = x |> Term.ToFuncExpression
let isConvertible = Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.mentions exp
|> List.forall (fun x -> match x with
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Species (Term.Const _)
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Species (Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner [_, _]))
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Parameter _
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Rate _
| Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key.Time -> true
| _ -> false)
if not isConvertible
then None
exp (*|> (fun x -> match x with
| Key.Parameter s -> Key.Parameter s
| Key.Rate r -> Key.Rate r
| Key.Time -> Key.Time
| Key.Species (Term.Const)
| Term.Const s -> Key.Parameter s
| _ -> Key.Species x)*)
//| Term.Proc p -> Key.Species p
//| Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner [sp, _]) -> Key.Species (Process.OfList [[sp]])
//| _ -> failwith "")
|> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Function
|> Some
match t with
| Term.Func (fwRateKind, [fr]) ->
if not (Term.IsExpression fr)
then None
else match fwRateKind with
| "_massActionRate" -> toMassActionRate fr
| "_functionalRate" -> toFunctionalRate fr
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
// decode a term into a CRN reaction
static member ToReactions (t:Term<'s>) : Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Reaction<Term<'s>, Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Value, Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.t<Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key<Term<'s>>>> list =
let toReaction (t:Term<'s>) : Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Reaction<Term<'s>, Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Value, Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.t<Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Key<Term<'s>>>> option =
match t with
| Term.Func ("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet catalysts
; Term.TMSet reactants
; fwr
; bwr
; Term.TMSet products]) ->
let fwRateOpt = Term.ToRate fwr
match fwRateOpt with
| None -> None
| Some fwRate ->
let bwRate = Term.ToRate bwr
let toCrnMset (x:(int * Term<'s>) list) : Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Mset.t<Term<'s>> =
x |> List.fold (fun acc (i, t) -> { Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Mset.element = t;
Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Mset.multiplicity = i } :: acc) []
(*match accOpt with
| None -> None
| Some acc -> match t with
| Term.Proc p -> Some ({ element = p; multiplicity = i } :: acc)
| Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner [sp, _]) -> Some ({ element = Process.OfList [[sp]]; multiplicity = i } :: acc)
// | Term.TMSet ts ->
| _ -> None) (Some [])*)
let cata = toCrnMset catalysts
let reac = toCrnMset reactants
let prod = toCrnMset products
// TODO: the compiler cannot link to Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Reaction.create for unknown reasons; substitute mkR with Reaction.create
let mkR c r br fr p = { Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.catalysts = c;
Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.reactants = r;
Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.reverse = br;
Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.rate = fr;
Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.products = p}
if cata.IsEmpty
then Some <| mkR Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Mset.empty reac bwRate fwRate prod
else Some <| mkR cata reac bwRate fwRate prod
| _ -> None
match t with
| Term.TCRN ts
| Term.TList ts -> ts |> List.choose toReaction
| _ -> match toReaction t with
| Some r -> [r]
| None -> []
/// NB: Compare is only meant to be used in the normal form algorithm
static member Compare (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (t1:Term<'s>) (t2:Term<'s>) =
let termNumber t =
match t with
| Term.Func _ -> 0
| Term.Const _ -> 1
| Term.Float _ -> 2
| Term.Pat _ -> 3
| Term.Proc _ -> 4
| Term.TCons _ -> 5
| Term.TList _ -> 6
| Term.Var _ -> 7
| Term.TCRN _ -> 8
| Term.TMSet _ -> 9
let n1, n2 = termNumber t1, termNumber t2
if n1 < n2 then LT
elif n1 > n2 then GT
else (* same type*)
match t1 , t2 with
| Term.Func(name1, args1), Term.Func(name2,args2) ->
let nameComparison = String.Compare(name1, name2)
if nameComparison < 0 then LT
elif nameComparison > 0 then GT
else args1 args2
|> List.fold (fun acc (a1, a2) -> if acc = GT || acc = LT
then acc
else Term.Compare cle a1 a2) EQ
| Term.Const name1, Term.Const name2 -> String.Compare(name1, name2)
| Term.Float f1, Term.Float f2 -> if f1 < f2 then LT
elif f1 > f2 then GT
else EQ
| Term.Var (_,v1), Term.Var (_,v2) -> String.Compare(v1, v2)
| Term.Pat p1, Term.Pat p2 ->
match p1, p2 with
| Pattern.Inner s1, Pattern.Inner s2 ->
s2 |> List.compareWith (fun (x1, y1) (x2, y2) ->
let cmp = x1 x2
if cmp = EQ
then Location.Compare y1 y2
else cmp) s1
| _, _ -> failwith "Tagging a domain with a pattern is not supported yet."
| Term.TList ts1, Term.TList ts2 -> if ts1.IsEmpty && ts2.IsEmpty then EQ
elif ts1.IsEmpty then GT
else let t1 = ts1.Head
let t2 = ts2.Head
let comp = Term<'s>.Compare cle t1 t2
if comp = EQ
then Term.Compare cle (Term.TList ts1.Tail) (Term.TList ts2.Tail)
else comp
| Term.TCons(t1, ts1), Term.TList ts2 -> if ts2.IsEmpty then LT
else let t2 = ts2.Head
let comp = Term.Compare cle t1 t2
if comp = EQ
then Term.Compare cle ts1 (Term.TList ts2.Tail)
else comp
| Term.TList ts1, Term.TCons (t2, ts2) -> if ts1.IsEmpty then LT
else let t1 = ts1.Head
let comp = Term.Compare cle t1 t2
if comp = EQ
then Term.Compare cle (Term.TList ts1.Tail) ts2
else comp
| Term.TCons(t1, ts1), Term.TCons (t2, ts2) -> let comp = Term.Compare cle t1 t2
if comp = EQ
then Term.Compare cle ts1 ts2
else comp
| Term.TMSet ts1, Term.TMSet ts2 -> match ts1, ts2 with // Assumption: ts1 and ts2 are in canonical form, therefore sorted
| [], [] -> EQ
| [], _ -> LT
| _, [] -> GT
| (n1, t1)::tail1, (n2, t2)::tail2 ->
if n1 = n2
then let x = Term.Compare cle t1 t2
if x <> EQ then x else Term.Compare cle (Term.TMSet tail1) (Term.TMSet tail2)
else compare n1 n2
| Term.TCRN ts1, Term.TCRN ts2 -> Term.Compare cle (Term.TList ts1) (Term.TList ts2) // Assumption: ts1 and ts2 are in canonical form, therefore sorted
| Term.Proc p1, Term.Proc p2 -> Process.Compare cle p1 p2
| _, _ -> failwith ""
static member Canonical cle (t:Term<'s>) =
match t with
| Term.Func(x, ts) -> Term<'s>.Func(x, ts |> (Term<'s>.Canonical cle))
| Term.Const _ -> t
| Term.Float _ -> t
| Term.Pat p -> p |> fun z -> Pattern<'s>.Canonical cle z |> Term<'s>.Pat
| Term.Proc p -> p |> Process<'s>.Canonical cle |> Term<'s>.Proc
| Term.TCons (t1, t2) -> (Term.Canonical cle t1, Term.Canonical cle t2) |> Term.TCons
| Term.TList ts -> ts |> (Term.Canonical cle) |> Term.TList
| Term.Var _ -> t
| Term.TMSet ts -> ts
|> (fun (n, t) -> n, Term.Canonical cle t)
|> List.sortWith (fun (n1, t1) (n2, t2) -> let x = compare n1 n2
if x <> EQ
then x
else Term.Compare cle t1 t2)
|> Term.TMSet
| Term.TCRN ts -> ts
|> (Term.Canonical cle)
|> List.sortWith (Term.Compare cle)
|> List.distinct
|> Term.TCRN
static member refresh (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (idProvider : string -> int) (t:Term<'s>) =
match t with
| Term.Var (-1, "_") -> t
| Term.Var (x, y) -> Term.Var (idProvider y, y)
| Term.Func(x, ts) -> Term<'s>.Func(x, ts |> (Term.refresh cle idProvider))
| Term.Const _ -> t
| Term.Float _ -> t
| Term.Pat p -> Term.Pat (p |> Pattern.refresh cle idProvider)
| Term.Proc p -> Term.Proc (p |> Process.refresh cle idProvider)
| Term.TCons (t1, t2) -> let t1' = Term.refresh cle idProvider t1
let t2' = Term.refresh cle idProvider t2
Term.TCons (t1', t2')
| Term.TList ts -> Term<'s>.TList (ts |> (Term.refresh cle idProvider))
| Term.TCRN ts -> Term<'s>.TCRN (ts |> (Term.refresh cle idProvider))
| Term.TMSet ts -> Term<'s>.TMSet (ts |> (fun (i, t) -> i, t |> Term.refresh cle idProvider))
static member Map (f:'s -> 't) (t:Term<'s>) : Term<'t> =
match t with
| Term.Var (-1, "_") -> Term.Var (-1, "_")
| Term.Var (x, y) -> Term.Var (x, y)
| Term.Func(x, ts) -> Term<'t>.Func(x, ts |> (Term.Map f) )
| Term.Const x -> Term.Const x
| Term.Float x -> Term.Float x
| Term.Pat p -> Term.Pat (p |> Pattern.Map (fun (x,y) -> f x, y))
| Term.Proc p -> Term.Proc (p |> Process.Map f)
| Term.TCons (t1, t2) -> let t1' = Term.Map f t1
let t2' = Term.Map f t2
Term.TCons (t1', t2')
| Term.TList ts -> Term<'t>.TList (ts |> (Term.Map f))
| Term.TCRN ts -> Term<'t>.TCRN (ts |> (Term.Map f))
| Term.TMSet ts -> Term<'t>.TMSet (ts |> (fun (i, t) -> i, t |> Term.Map f))
static member wildcard : Term<'s> = Term.Var (-1, "_")
static member Species (t:Term<'s>) : 's list =
let rec f x =
match x with
| Term.Var _
| Term.Const _
| Term.Float _ -> []
| Term.TCRN ts
| Term.Func (_, ts)
| Term.TList ts -> ts |> List.collect f
| Term.TCons (t1, t2) -> f t1 @ f t2
| Term.TMSet s -> s |> List.collect (snd >> f)
| Term.Proc p -> p |> Process.ToList |> List.concat
| Term.Pat p -> p |> Pattern.Fold (fun acc (x, _) -> x::acc) []
f t |> List.distinct
(* predicates *)
Predicate<'s when 's : equality> = Pred of string * Term<'s> list
static member ToStringWith cle (Pred (p, ts)) = sprintf "%s(%s)" p (ts |> (Term<'s>.ToStringWith cle)
|> String.concat ", ")
static member ToString (Pred (p, ts)) = Predicate.ToStringWith CLE.empty (Pred (p, ts))
member this.String = Predicate.ToString this
member this.Name = match this with Pred (n,_) -> n
member this.Args = match this with Pred (_,a) -> a
static member refresh cle idProvider (Pred (n, ts)) = Pred (n, ts |> (Term.refresh cle idProvider))
static member Map (f:Term<'s> -> Term<'s>) (Pred (p, ts):Predicate<'s>) = Pred (p, ts |> f)
static member Species (Pred (_, ts):Predicate<'s>) = ts |> List.collect Term.Species
(* formulas *)
Literal<'s when 's : equality> = Pos of Predicate<'s>
| Neg of Predicate<'s>
static member ToStringWith cle (l:Literal<'s>) =
match l with
| Pos p -> Predicate.ToStringWith cle p
| Neg p -> sprintf "not %s" (Predicate.ToStringWith cle p)
static member ToString(l:Literal<'s>) = Literal.ToStringWith CLE.empty l
member this.String = Literal<'s>.ToString this
static member Map (f:Term<'s> -> Term<'s>) (l:Literal<'s>) = match l with
| Pos p -> Pos (p |> Predicate<'s>.Map f)
| Neg p -> Neg (p |> Predicate<'s>.Map f)
static member Species (l:Literal<'s>) =
match l with
| Pos p
| Neg p -> Predicate.Species p
static member refresh cle idProvider (l:Literal<'s>) =
match l with
| Pos p -> Pos (Predicate.refresh cle idProvider p)
| Neg p -> Neg (Predicate.refresh cle idProvider p)
type Formula = Atom of Predicate<'s>
| Not of Formula
| And of Formula * Formula
| Or of Formula * Formula
| Implies of Formula * Formula
| Iff of Formula * Formula
| ForAll of Variable * Formula
| Exists of Variable * Formula
(* logic programs *)
Clause<'s when 's : equality> = { head: Predicate<'s>
body: Literal<'s> list } with
static member Create(p:Predicate<'s>, bs:Literal<'s> list) = {head=p; body=bs}
static member Create(p:Predicate<'s>) = {head=p; body=[]}
static member Map (f:Term<'s> -> Term<'s>) (c:Clause<'s>) = { head = c.head |> Predicate<'s>.Map f
body = c.body |> (Literal<'s>.Map f)}
static member Species (c:Clause<'s>) = Predicate.Species(c.head) @ (c.body |> List.collect Literal.Species) |> List.distinct
static member ToStringWith cle (c:Clause<'s>) =
if c.body.IsEmpty
then sprintf "%s." (Predicate.ToStringWith cle c.head)
else sprintf "%s :- %s." (Predicate.ToStringWith cle c.head)
(c.body |> (Literal.ToStringWith cle) |> String.concat ", ")
static member ToString(c:Clause<'s>) = Clause.ToStringWith CLE.empty c
member this.String = Clause<'s>.ToString this
type Signature = string * int // the name and the number of arguments of a predicate (the head of a Horn clause in the program)
type RulesProgram<'s when 's : comparison> = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Signature, Set<Clause<'s>>>
let toProgram p =
|> (List.fold (fun (acc:Map<Signature, Set<Clause<'s>>>) clause ->
let name = clause.head.Name
let args = clause.head.Args
let key = name, args.Length
if acc.ContainsKey(key)
then let set = acc.[key]
acc.Add(key, Set.add clause set)
else acc.Add(key, Set.singleton(clause))
) Map.empty
>> Map.toSeq
>> fun zz -> let x = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Signature, Set<Clause<'s>>>()
for k,v in zz do

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@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
module RulesDSD.Unification
open RulesDSD.Syntax
open RulesDSD.Substitution
open System
open System.Diagnostics
(******** Unification ***********)
(* Unification is the process of finding a substitution \theta such that
term_1\theta = term_2\theta for any term t_1 and t_2 [*].
If t_1 and t_2 are ground terms (i.e. they have no free variables),
unification reduces to checking that t_1 is equal to t_2.
In this case unification returns the identity substitution,
*: The notation t\theta means "apply substitution \theta to t".
It's a useful notation to express function composition:
which is parsed (t\theta_1)\theta_2) and means "apply \theta_1 and then \theta_2 to t".
type TermEquation<'s when 's : equality> = TEq of Term<'s> * Term<'s>
with member this.String = match this with
| TEq (t1, t2) -> sprintf "%s = %s" (Term.ToString t1) (Term.ToString t2)
let rec unifyLocation (l1, l2) : Substitution<'s, 'a> option=
match l1, l2 with
| Location.Loc(x1,y1),
Location.Loc(x2,y2) -> if (x1,y1) = (x2,y2)
then Some (Substitution<'s, 'a>.id)
else None
| Location.Var (-1,"_"), _
| _, Location.Var (-1,"_") -> Some (Substitution<'s, 'a>.id)
| Location.Var v, l
| l, Location.Var v -> Some (Substitution<'s, 'a>.Create(v, l))
and unifyHoleEntry (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) ((s1:'s, l1), (s2:'s, l2)) =
match cle.unify (s1, s2) with
| [] -> []
| thetas1 ->
match unifyLocation (l1, l2) with
| Some theta2 -> thetas1 |> (fun theta1 -> Substitution<'s, 'a>.Compose (Sub theta1) theta2 cle)
| None -> []
and unifyInner (theta:Substitution<'s, 'a>) (cle:CLE<'s, 'a>) (sys:TermEquation<'s> list) : Substitution<'s, 'a> list =
match sys with
| [] -> [theta]
| TEq (t1, t2) :: rest ->
match t1, t2 with
(*** list unification ***)
| TCons (t, ts), TList (t' :: ts')
| TList (t' :: ts'), TCons (t, ts) -> unifyInner theta cle (TEq (t, t') :: TEq (ts, TList ts') :: rest)
| TCons (t, Term.Var(X,Y)), TCons (t', ts)
| TCons (t', ts), TCons (t, Term.Var (X,Y))
-> unifyInner theta cle (TEq (t, t') :: TEq (Term.Var (X,Y), ts) :: rest)
| TCons (t, Term.Var (X,Y)), TList ts
| TList ts, TCons (t, Term.Var (X,Y))
-> match ts with
| [] -> []
| t' :: ts' -> unifyInner theta cle (TEq (t, t') :: TEq (Term.Var (X,Y), TList ts') :: rest)
| TCons (t, ts), TCons (t', ts')
| TCons (t', ts'), TCons (t, ts)
-> unifyInner theta cle (TEq (t, t') :: TEq (ts, ts') :: rest)
| TList ts1, TList ts2 ->
if ts1.Length = ts2.Length
let newEqs = ts1 ts2
|> TEq
unifyInner theta cle (newEqs @ rest)
else []
(*** Sets and Multisets unification ***)
// Unification in this section roughly follows the paper:
// "Integrating Lists, Multisets, and Sets in a Logic Programming Framework", A. Dovier, A. Policriti, G. Rossi at
| TCRN crn1, TCRN crn2 ->
// TODO: otimization: check if the CRN is ground?
if crn1.Length <> crn2.Length
then [] // unification fails
let rec g t1 crn2 acc crn1 sols =
match crn2 with
| [] -> sols
| t2::rest2 -> let crn1' = TCRN crn1
let crn2' = TCRN (rest2 @ acc)
let sols' = unifyInner theta cle (TEq (t1, t2) :: TEq (crn1', crn2') :: rest)
g t1 rest2 (t2::acc) crn1 (sols @ sols')
and f crn1 crn2 acc sols =
match crn1 with
| [] -> match crn2 with
| [] -> unifyInner theta cle rest
| _::_ -> sols
| t1::rest1 -> let crn1' = acc @ rest1
let sols' = g t1 crn2 [] crn1' sols
f rest1 crn2 (t1::acc) sols'
f crn1 crn2 [] [] |> List.distinct
(* set unification algorithm (adapted to the case {|X} with X = []):
t|s = t'|s' iff t=t' and:
s = s'
or t|s = s'
or s = t'|s'
| TMSet ts1, TMSet ts2 ->
if (ts1.Length = 0 && ts2.Length <> 0)
|| (ts2.Length = 0 && ts1.Length <> 0) // TODO: what if two elements in one mset are unified, and the lenghts become different?
then []
match ts1 with
| [] -> unifyInner theta cle rest
| (n1, t1)::tail1 ->
let rec f acc heads2 curr =
match curr with
| (n2, t2) :: tail2 ->
match unifyInner theta cle [TEq (t1, t2)] with
| [] -> // unify t1 with another element of the multiset
f acc ((n2, t2)::heads2) tail2
| thetas' ->
let sols =
|> List.collect (fun theta' ->
let t1' = if n1 = n2
then TMSet tail1
else TMSet ((abs (n1-n2), t1)::tail1)
|> fun x -> theta'.Apply(x, cle)
let t2' = TMSet (heads2@tail2)
|> fun x -> theta'.Apply(x, cle)
let rest' = rest |> (fun (TEq(t1, t2)) -> TEq (theta'.Apply(t1, cle), theta'.Apply(t2, cle)))
let newConstraints = TEq (t1', t2') :: rest'
unifyInner theta' cle newConstraints)
f (sols @ acc) ((n2, t2)::heads2) tail2
| [] -> acc
f [] [] ts2
|> List.collect (fun theta' -> unifyInner theta' cle rest)
|> List.distinct
(*** Operations unification ***)
| Func (f, xs), Func (g, ys) ->
if f <> g
then []
elif xs.Length <> ys.Length
then []
let newEqs = xs ys |> TEq
unifyInner theta cle (newEqs @ rest)
(*** Base terms unification ***)
| Float n1, Float n2 ->
if n1 = n2
then unifyInner theta cle rest
else []
| Const c1, Const c2 ->
if c1 = c2
then unifyInner theta cle rest
else []
(*** Variables unification ***)
| t, Term.Var (-1, "_")
| Term.Var (-1, "_"), t -> match t with
| Term.Var (-1, "_") -> unifyInner theta cle rest
| Term.Var (X, Y) -> let theta' : Substitution<'s, 'a> = theta.Add(TVar (X,Y), Term.Var (-1, "_"), cle)
rest |> (fun (TEq(t1, t2)) -> TEq (theta'.Apply(t1, cle), theta'.Apply(t2, cle)))
|> fun x -> unifyInner theta' cle x
| _ -> unifyInner theta cle rest
| Term.Var (X,Y), t -> if Term.Var (X,Y) = t
then unifyInner theta cle rest // skips "X = X"
elif (fvt cle t |> Variable<_,_>.ToVar).Contains (X,Y)
then [] // occurs-check failed
let theta' = theta.Add(TVar (X,Y), t, cle)
rest |> (fun (TEq(t1, t2)) -> TEq (theta'.Apply(t1, cle), theta'.Apply(t2, cle )))
|> unifyInner theta' cle
(*** Patterns unification ***)
| (Pat p1, Pat p2) ->
match p1, p2 with
| Nihil, Nihil -> [Substitution<'s, 'a>.id]
| Nicking (a1, b1), Nicking (a2, b2)
-> if a1.Length <> a2.Length
|| b1.Length <> b2.Length
then []
else let a3 = a1 a2
let b3 = b1 b2
let unifiedPatterns =
(a3 @ b3)
|> List.fold (fun subs (s1, s2) ->
|> List.collect (fun (sub : Substitution<'s, 'a>)-> unifyHoleEntry cle (sub.Apply(s1, cle), sub.Apply(s2, cle)))
|> List.allPairs subs
|> (fun (sub, sub') -> Substitution.Compose sub sub' cle))
|> List.choose (fun x -> Substitution.TryMerge theta x cle)
|> List.collect (fun (theta' : Substitution<'s, 'a>) ->
|> (fun (TEq (x, y)) -> TEq (theta'.Apply(x, cle), theta'.Apply(y, cle)))
|> unifyInner theta' cle)
| Pattern.Strand s1, Pattern.Strand s2
| Pattern.Inner s1, Pattern.Inner s2
| Pattern.ThreePrime s1, Pattern.ThreePrime s2
| Pattern.FivePrime s1, Pattern.FivePrime s2
-> if s1.Length <> s2.Length
then []
let unifiedPattern = s1 s2
|> List.fold (fun subs (s1, s2) ->
|> List.collect (fun (sub : Substitution<'s,'a>) -> unifyHoleEntry cle (sub.Apply(s1, cle), sub.Apply(s2, cle)))
|> List.allPairs subs
|> (fun (sub, sub') -> Substitution.Compose sub sub' cle))
|> List.choose (fun x -> Substitution.TryMerge theta x cle)
|> List.collect (fun (theta' : Substitution<'s,'a>) ->
|> (fun (TEq (x, y)) -> TEq (theta'.Apply(x, cle), theta'.Apply(y, cle)))
|> unifyInner theta' cle)
| _, _ -> [] // sprintf "Patterns mismatch: \"%s\", \"%s\" " (t1.ToString()) (t2.ToString())
| (Term.Proc p1, Term.Proc p2) -> // TODO: this assumes processes are in canonical form
if Process.Canonical cle p1 = Process.Canonical cle p2
then unifyInner theta cle rest
else []
// flip var on rhs
| (t1, Var (X,Y)) -> unifyInner theta cle (TEq (Var (X,Y), t1)::rest)
| _ -> [] // Choice2Of2 <| sprintf "Failed unification: cannot unify \"%s\" with \"%s\"" (Term.ToString t1) (Term.ToString t2)
and unify cle : TermEquation<'s> list -> Substitution<'s, 'a> list = unifyInner Substitution<'s,'a>.id cle

RulesDSD/RulesDSDHTML.sln Normal file
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2" />
<runtime><assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="FSharp.Core" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|AnyCPU'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|AnyCPU'">
<Compile Include="..\RulesDSD\AssemblyInfo.fs">
<Compile Include="..\RulesDSD\syntax.fs">
<Compile Include="..\RulesDSD\concreteProcess.fs">
<Compile Include="..\RulesDSD\substitution.fs">
<Compile Include="..\RulesDSD\unification.fs">
<Compile Include="..\RulesDSD\processEquality.fs">
<Compile Include="..\RulesDSD\resolution.fs">
<Compile Include="..\RulesDSD\parser.fs">
<Content Include="App.config" />
<None Include="paket.references" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\CRNEngine\CRNEngineJS\CRNEngineJS.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\PDESolvers\ReactionDiffusionJS\ReactionDiffusionJS.fsproj" />
<Reference Include="Oslo.FSharp.WebSharper">
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />

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//This comes from the default xUnit template
module Program = let [<EntryPoint>] main _ = 0

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="unification.test.fs" />
<Compile Include="resolution.test.fs" />
<Compile Include="parser.test.fs" />
<Compile Include="integration.test.fs" />
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
<None Include="paket.references" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\ClassicDSD\ClassicDSDDotNet\ClassicDSDDotNet.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\RulesDSD\RulesDSD.fsproj" />
<Import Project="..\..\.paket\Paket.Restore.targets" />

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module RulesDSD.IntegrationTests
open FsUnit
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
open RulesDSD.Syntax
open RulesDSD.Resolution
let cle = Microsoft.Research.DNA.LogicDSD.engine
let psite = Microsoft.Research.DNA.LogicDSD.psite cle
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Resolution - Context finding")>]
let testContextFinding () =
let provider = RulesDSD.Syntax.makeProvider ()
let ps = psite provider true
let strands = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.psystem ps)
"<a b!0> | <d e^!1> | <f c^!2 d!3> | <e^*!1 d*!3 c^*!2 b*!0>"
let program = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.pprogram cle (fun x -> psite x false))
"ok(P) :-
P = C [E!j D] [D!i] [D'!i F!k].
ok(P) :-
P = C [D E!j] [D!i] [F!k D'!i]."
let goal = Pos (Pred("ok", [Term.Proc strands]))
match resolveAll goal program cle with
| None -> failwith "Test failed."
| Some sols -> let xs = sols |> (fun theta -> theta.Apply (Term.Var (provider "C"), cle))
Assert.Equal(1, xs.Length)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Resolution - Context substitution")>]
let testContextSubs () =
let provider = RulesDSD.Syntax.makeProvider ()
let ps = psite provider true
let strands = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.psystem ps)
"<a b!0> | <d e^!1> | <f c^!2 d!3> | <e^*!1 d*!3 c^*!2 b*!0>"
let program = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.pprogram cle (fun x -> psite x false))
"ok(P, Q) :-
P = C [E!j D] [D!i] [D'!i F!k],
Q = C [E!j D!i] [D] [D'!i F!k].
ok(P, Q) :-
P = C [D E!j] [D!i] [F!k D'!i],
Q = C [D!i E!j] [D] [F!k D'!i]."
let goal = Pos (Pred("ok", [Term.Proc strands; Term.Var (provider "Q")]))
match resolveAll goal program cle with
| None -> failwith "Test failed."
| Some sols -> let xs = sols |> (fun theta -> theta.Apply (Term.Var (provider "Q"), cle))
Assert.Equal(1, xs.Length)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Resolution - Context displacement")>]
let testContextDispl () =
let provider = RulesDSD.Syntax.makeProvider ()
let ps = psite provider true
let strands = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.psystem ps)
"<a b!0> | <d e^!1> | <f c^!2 d!3> | <e^*!1 d*!3 c^*!2 b*!0>"
let program = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.pprogram cle (fun x -> psite x false))
"reaction([P], Rate, Q) :-
P = C [E!j D] [D!i] [D'!i F!k],
Q = C [E!j D!i] [D] [D'!i F!k],
Rate is 20,
junction(E!j, F!k, Q).
// junction(E!j, Q).
reaction([P], Rate, Q) :-
P = C [D E!j] [D!i] [F!k D'!i],
Q = C [D!i E!j] [D] [F!k D'!i],
Rate is 20,
junction(E!j, F!k, Q).
Q = C [F!k] [G!l E'!j] [E!j],
let goal = Pos (Pred("reaction", [TList [Term.Proc strands]; Term.Var (provider "Rate"); Term.Var (provider "Q")]))
match resolveAll goal program cle with
| None -> failwith "Test failed."
| Some sols -> let xs = sols |> (fun theta -> theta.Apply (Term.Var (provider "Q"), cle))
Assert.Equal(1, xs.Length)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Syntax - Canonical form")>]
let testCanonical () =
let provider = RulesDSD.Syntax.makeProvider ()
let ps = psite provider true
let canonize x = x |> Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.psystem ps) |> Process.Canonical cle
let a = canonize "<a!0 b!1> | <a!2 b!3> | <b!3 a!2 b!1 a!0>" |> Process.ToStringWith cle
let b = canonize "<a!2 b!3> | <a!0 b!1> | <b!3 a!2 b!1 a!0>" |> Process.ToStringWith cle
let c = canonize "<a!0 b!1> | <a!2 b!3> | <b!1 a!0 b!3 a!2>" |> Process.ToStringWith cle
let d = canonize "<a!2 b!3> | <a!0 b!1> | <b!1 a!0 b!3 a!2>" |> Process.ToStringWith cle
Assert.True( (a = b) )
Assert.True( (b = c) )
Assert.True( (c = d) )
let e = canonize "<b tx^!0> | <to^*!1 x*!2 tx^*!0 b*!3 tb^*!4> | <x!2 to^!1> | <tb^!4 b!3>" |> Process.ToStringWith cle
let f = canonize "<to^*!0 x*!1 tx^*!2 b*!3 tb^*!4> | <x!1 to^!0> | <b tx^!2> | <tb^!4 b!3>" |> Process.ToStringWith cle
Assert.True( (e = f) )
let g = canonize "<a^!0 c^*!1 a^*!2 c^!3 a^*!4 c^*!5 a^*!6 a^*!7 a^*!8 c^!9 c^*!10 a^!11 c^*!12 a^*!13 a^!14 a^!15> | <a^!16 a^*!17 c^*!18 a^!19 c^*!20 a^*!21 c^!22 a^!23 a^*!24 c^*!25 c^!26> | <a^*{\"O\"}!15 a^*!14 a^!13 c^!12 a^*!11 c^!10 c^*!9 a^!8 a^!7 a^!6 c^!5 a^!4 c^*!3 a^!2 c^!1 a^*!0 c^*!26 c^!25 a^!24 a^*!23 c^*!22 a^!21 c^!20 a^*!19 c^!18 a^!17 a^*!16>" |> Process.ToStringWith cle
let h = canonize "<a^!0 a^*!1 c^*!2 a^!3 c^*!4 a^*!5 c^!6 a^!7 a^*!8 c^*!9 c^!10> | <a^!11 c^*!12 a^*!13 c^!14 a^*!15 c^*!16 a^*!17 a^*!18 a^*!19 c^!20 c^*!21 a^!22 c^*!23 a^*!24 a^!25 a^!26> | <a^*{\"O\"}!26 a^*!25 a^!24 c^!23 a^*!22 c^!21 c^*!20 a^!19 a^!18 a^!17 c^!16 a^!15 c^*!14 a^!13 c^!12 a^*!11 c^*!10 c^!9 a^!8 a^*!7 c^*!6 a^!5 c^!4 a^*!3 c^!2 a^!1 a^*!0>" |> Process.ToStringWith cle
Assert.True( (g = h) )
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Resolution - Phosphate nucleotide")>]
let testPhopsho () =
let provider1 = RulesDSD.Syntax.makeProvider ()
let ps1 = psite provider1 true
let strands1 = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.psystem ps1)
"""<a!0 b{"phosphate"}> | <a*!0>"""
let program = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.pprogram cle (fun x -> psite x false))
"""polymerase(P,Q,A!i,B!j) :-
P = C [<A!i>] [<A'!i B'>], not (B' = _ {"phosphate"}), compl(B, B'),
Q = C [<A!i B!j>] [<B'!j A'!i>], freshBond(B!j, P)."""
let goal = Pos (Pred("polymerase", [Term.Proc strands1; Term.Var (-1, "_"); Term.Var (-1, "_"); Term.Var (-1, "_")]))
let result = resolveAll goal program cle
Assert.True( Option.isNone result)
let provider2 = RulesDSD.Syntax.makeProvider ()
let ps2 = psite provider2 true
let strands2 = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.psystem ps2)
"""<a!0 b{"phosphat"}> | <a*!0>"""
let goal = Pos (Pred("polymerase", [Term.Proc strands2; Term.Var (-1, "_"); Term.Var (-1, "_"); Term.Var (-1, "_")]))
let result = resolveAll goal program cle
Assert.True( Option.isSome result)
let provider3 = RulesDSD.Syntax.makeProvider ()
let ps3 = psite provider3 true
let strands3 = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.psystem ps3)
"""<a!0 b> | <a*!0>"""
let goal = Pos (Pred("polymerase", [Term.Proc strands3; Term.Var (-1, "_"); Term.Var (-1, "_"); Term.Var (-1, "_")]))
let result = resolveAll goal program cle
Assert.True( Option.isSome result)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Resolution - Pseudoknot formation")>]
let testPseudoknot () =
let provider1 = RulesDSD.Syntax.makeProvider ()
let ps1 = psite provider1 true
let program = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.pprogram cle (fun x -> psite x false)) """
bind(P,Q,D!i) :-
P = C [D] [D'], compl(D, D'),
Q = C [D!i] [D'!i], freshBond(D!i, P).
displace(P,Q,E!j,D!i) :-
P = C [E!j D] [D!i] [D'!i E'!j],
Q = C [E!j D!i] [D] [D'!i E'!j].
displaceL(P,Q,E!j,D!i) :-
P = C [D!i] [D E!j] [E'!j D'!i],
Q = C [D] [D!i E!j] [E'!j D'!i].
unbind(P,Q,D!i) :-
P = C [D!i] [D'!i], toehold(D),
Q = C [D] [D'], not adjacent(D!i,_,P).
adjacent(D!i,E!j,P) :- P = C [D!i E!j] [E'!j D'!i].
adjacent(D!i,E!j,P) :- P = C [E!j D!i] [D'!i E'!j].
reaction([P], "bind",Q) :- bind(P,Q,_).
reaction([P],"displace",Q) :- displace(P,Q,_,_).
reaction([P],"displace",Q) :- displaceL(P,Q,_,_).
reaction([P],"unbind",Q) :- unbind(P,Q,_)."""
let strands = Parser.from_string (RulesDSD.Parser.psystem ps1)
"""<a b a* b*>"""
let goal = Pos (Pred("reaction", [Term.TList [Term.Proc strands]; Term.Var (-1, "_"); Term.Var (-1, "Q")]))
let result = resolveAll goal program cle
Assert.True( Option.isSome result)

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module RulesDSD.ParserTests
open FsUnit
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
open RulesDSD.Syntax
open RulesDSD.Unification
open RulesDSD.Substitution
open RulesDSD.Resolution
open RulesDSD.Parser
open Parser
open ResolutionTests
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open Microsoft.Research.DNA.LogicDSD
let cle = Microsoft.Research.DNA.LogicDSD.engine
let flattenDict (x:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<(string * int),Set<Clause<SiteT>>>) =
|> Seq.concat
|> Seq.toList
let removeVarNumbers x = Regex.Replace(x, "\([0-9]*\)", "")
let print = (Clause.ToStringWith cle >> removeVarNumbers) >> Seq.sortWith (fun x y -> System.String.Compare(x, y)) >> String.concat "\n"
let printClause = Clause.ToStringWith cle >> removeVarNumbers
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Parsing - numbers")>]
let parsingNumbers() =
let text = """1"""
let cache = idProvider ()
let ps = fun _ -> failwith ""
let parsed = Parser.from_string (pterm ps cle cache engine.domainKeywords) text
Assert.Equal<Term<SiteT>>(Term.Float 1.0, parsed)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Parsing - anchored predicate")>]
let parsingAnchoredPredicateTest() =
let text = """
strandDisplacementRule(P, Q) :-
P = C [E!j D] [D!i] [D'!i F!k],
Q = C [E!j D!i] [D] [D'!i F!k],
junction(E!j, F!k, Q).
junction(E!j,F!k,Q) :-
Q = C [G!l E'!j] [E!j],
let parsed = Parser.from_string (pprogram cle (fun x -> psite cle x false)) text |> flattenDict
let expected = anchoredPredicateFailProgram |> flattenDict
// TODO: parse <a*!1> | <a!1 b> | <b!2> | <a!3> | <c!4> | <c*!4 b*!2 a*!3>
Assert.Equal<string>(print expected, print parsed)
let hiddenProgramText = """
hidden(D!i, P) :-
P = C [D!i] [A @ Start D'!i @ End],
path(A@Start, _@Start, End, P, "left", [], Path),
not (member(D!i, Path)).
path(_, End, End, _, _, Visited, Path) :-
reverse(Visited, Path).
path(X, Start, End, P, "left", Visited, Path) :-
not (Start = End),
P = C[ Y@Start' _@Start],
// prevDomain(Start, [Y; Start'], P),
not member([Y; Start'], Visited),
path(Y, Start', End, P, "left", [[X; Start] # Visited], Path).
path(X, Start, End, P, "right", Visited, Path) :-
not (Start = End),
// nextDomain(Start, [Y; Start'], P),
P = C[ _@Start Y@Start' ],
not member([Y; Start'], Visited),
path(Y, Start', End, P, "right", [[X; Start] # Visited], Path).
path(X, Start, End, P, "any", Visited, Path) :-
not (Start = End),
path(X, Start, End, P, "left", Visited, Path).
path(X, Start, End, P, "any", Visited, Path) :-
not (Start = End),
path(X, Start, End, P, "right", Visited, Path).
path(D!i, Start, _@End, P, _, Visited, Path) :-
not (Start = _@End),
P = C [D!i] [D'!i@Start'],
// pos(1, 0, C, Start'),
not member([D'!i; Start'], Visited),
path(D'!i, _@Start', _@End, P, "any", [[D!i; Start] # Visited], Path).
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Parsing - hidden predicate")>]
let parsingHiddenPredicateTest() =
let parsed = Parser.from_string (pprogram cle (fun x -> psite cle x false)) hiddenProgramText
|> fun x -> x.Values
|> Seq.concat
|> Seq.toList
let expected = hiddenProg
Assert.Equal<string>(print expected, print parsed)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Parsing - hierarchy")>]
let parsingHierarchyTest() =
let text = """rule("fast", P, Q) :-
P = C [E!j D] [D!i] [D'!i F!k],
Q = C [E!j D!i] [D] [D'!i F!k],
junction(E!j, F!k, Q).
// Q = C [G!l E'!j] [E!j] [F!k],
Q = C [F!k] [E!j] [G!l E'!j],
junction(G!l, F!k, Q).
rule("loop", P, Q, Q, V). // V for visited
rule("loop", P, Q, R, V) :-
rule("hierarchy", Q, R, V).
rule("hierarchy", P, R, V) :-
rule("fast", P, Q),
not member(Q, V),
rule("loop", P, Q, R, [Q # V]).
rule("rxn", P ,Q) :-
rule("hierarchy", P, Q, [P]),
not rule("fast", Q, _).
let parsed = Parser.from_string (pprogram cle (fun x -> psite cle x false)) text |> flattenDict
let expected = hierarchyProgram |> flattenDict
Assert.Equal<string>(print expected, print parsed)
(* Strand Graphs semantics *)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Parsing - SG binding rule")>]
let parsingBindingRuleTest() =
let text = hiddenProgramText + """
bindingRule(P, Q) :-
P = C [D][D'],
freshBond(D!i, P),
compl(D, D'),
Q = C [D!i] [D'!i],
not hidden(D!i, Q).
let parsed = Parser.from_string (pprogram cle (fun x -> psite cle x false)) text |> flattenDict
let expected = bindingProgram |> flattenDict
let s1 = print expected
let s2 = print parsed
Assert.Equal<string>(print expected, print parsed)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Parsing - SG unbinding rule")>]
let parsingUnbindingRuleTest() =
let text = """
rule("unbinding", P, Q) :-
P = C [X!i] [X'!i],
// toehold(X),
Q = C [X] [X'],
not junction(X!i, P).
junction(_!i, P) :-
P = C [X!i E!j] [F!k X'!i],
junction(X!i E!j, F!k X'!i, P).
Q = C [F!k] [E!j] [G!l E'!j],
let parsed = Parser.from_string (pprogram cle (fun x -> psite cle x false)) text |> flattenDict
let expected = unbindingProgram |> flattenDict
Assert.Equal<string>(print expected, print parsed)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Parsing - SG strand displacement rule")>]
let parsingStrandDisplacementRuleTest() =
let text = """
junction(_!i, P) :-
P = C [X!i E!j] [F!k X'!i],
junction(E!j, F!k, P).
Q = C [F!k] [G!l E'!j] [E!j],
strandDisplacementRule(P, Q) :-
P = C [E!j D] [D!i] [D'!i E'!j],
Q = C [E!j D!i] [D] [D'!i E'!j],
junction(D!i, Q).
let parsed = Parser.from_string (pprogram cle (fun x -> psite cle x false)) text
|> fun x -> x.Values
|> Seq.concat
|> Seq.toList
let expected = strandDisplacementProgram
|> fun x -> x.Values
|> Seq.concat
|> Seq.toList
Assert.Equal<string>(print expected, print parsed)
(* This case implements the branch migration rule for N junctions in the most general case possible. Because of this its implementation is rather convoluted, and uses experimental features like the C[[X]] construct, where X is a list of N patterns created dynamically, which encodes a context C[\pi_1] ... [\pi_N]. *)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Parsing - SG branch migration rule")>]
let parsingBranchMigrationRule() =
let text = """// create a pattern of the form [D!i1][D'!i1][D!i2][D'!i2] ... [D!iN][D'!iN]
makeNHoles(D, D', [D!i; D'!i], [D!i], 1).
makeNHoles(D, D', [D!i; D'!i # RestOfPatterns], [D!i # FreshBonds], N):-
N > 1,
M is N - 1,
makeNHoles(D, D', RestOfPatterns, FreshBonds, M).
// turn [D!i1][D'!i1][D!i2][D'!i2] ... [D!iN][D'!iN] into [D!i1][D'!i2][D!i2][D'!i3] ... [D!iN][D'!i1]
migrationPattern([D!i; D'!j], [D!i; D'!j]).
migrationPattern([ D!i // 1
; D'!j // 2
; D!k // 3
; D'!k // 4
# RestOfStartingPattern ],
[ D!i // 1
; D'!k // 4
# RestOfMigrationPattern ]) :-
migrationPattern([ D!k // 3
; D'!j // 2
# RestOfStartingPattern],
findLoop(E!j, Q, Loop) :-
// encoding of Q = C [(E@Start)!j] [(E'@End)!j]
Q = C [E!j @ Start] [E'!j @ End],
path(E!j, Start, End, Q, "any", [], [_ # Loop] (* discards E!j from the loop*)),
not (Loop = []).
branchesOnly([[E!j; _]; [E'!j; _] # Rest]) :-
junctionPath(E!j, Q) :-
findLoop(E!j, Q, Loop),
checkAllAnchored([], Q).
checkAllAnchored([D!i#Rest], Q) :-
junctionPath(D!i, Q),
checkAllAnchored(Rest, Q).
// perform N-way migration on D
branchMigration(D, P, Q, N) :-
compl(D, D'),
makeNHoles(D, D', Junctions, FreshBonds, N),
P = C[[Junctions]],
migrationPattern(Junctions, MigratedJunctions),
Q = C[[MigratedJunctions]],
checkAllAnchored(FreshBonds, Q).
siteMatchesDomain(D!_, D).
countSitesInStrand(_, [], 0).
countSitesInStrand(D, [Site # Rest], N) :-
siteMatchesDomain(Site, D),
countSitesInStrand(D, Rest, M),
N is M + 1.
countSitesInStrand(D, [Site # Rest], N) :-
not siteMatchesDomain(Site, D),
countSitesInStrand(D, Rest, N).
countSites(_, [], 0).
countSites(D, [Strand # Rest], N) :-
countSitesInStrand(D, Strand, X),
countSites(D, Rest, Y),
N is X + Y.
rangeTo(N, [N # Rest]) :-
N > 2,
M is N - 1,
rangeTo(M, Rest).
getDomain(D, D) :- unbound(D).
getDomain(D!_, D).
branchMigrationRule(P, Q) :-
// get all the domains in P
toDomains(P, DomainsList),
// pick a domain in P
member(Domain, DomainsList),
// optimization: search for junctions only on D domains, not on D* domains too
not complementary(Domain),
// get all strands in P
toList(P, Strands),
countSites(Domain, Strands, JunctionsCount),
JunctionsCount >= 2,
// create a list [2.. max number of junctions over D]
rangeTo(JunctionsCount, Range),
// pick a number N in that range
member(N, Range),
// perform branch migration over N branches on D
branchMigration(Domain, P, Q, N)."""
let parsed = Parser.from_string (pprogram cle (fun x -> psite cle x false)) text
|> fun x -> x.Values
|> Seq.concat
|> Seq.toList
let otherProgs = junctionProgram @ hiddenProg |> Set.ofList
let branchMP' = Set.difference (branchMigrationProgram |> flattenDict |> Set.ofList) otherProgs
let expected = branchMP' |> Set.toList
let y = print expected
let x = print parsed
Assert.Equal<string>(print expected, print parsed)
(* Instance of the N-way branch migration rule *)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Parsing - SG 4-way branch migration rule")>]
let parsing4wayBranchMigrationRule() =
let text = """
(* Encoding of the junction predicate using the path predicate *)
findLoop(E!j, Q, Loop) :-
// encoding of Q = C [(E@Start)!j] [(E'@End)!j]
Q = C [E!j] [E'!j],
pos(0, 0, C, Start),
pos(1, 0, C, End),
path(E!j, Start, End, Q, "any", [], [_ # Loop] (* discards E!j from the loop*)),
not (Loop = []).
branchesOnly([[E!j; _]; [E'!j; _] # Rest]) :-
junction(E!j, Q) :-
findLoop(E!j, Q, Loop),
// perform N-way migration on D
branchMigration(P, Q) :-
P = C [D!i1] [D'!i1] [D!i2] [D'!i2],
Q = C [D!i1] [D'!i2] [D!i2] [D'!i1],
junction(D!i1, Q),
junction(D!i2, Q).
Parser.from_string (pprogram cle (fun x -> psite cle x false)) text
|> ignore
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Resolution - locations")>]
let testLocations() =
let text = """
testLocations(P, X, Y, Z) :-
P = C1 [a!I@X],
P = C2 [_@X _@Y],
P = C3 [e@Z].
let provider = makeProvider ()
let ps = psite cle provider true
let strands = Parser.from_string (psystem ps)"<d a!1 b!2> | <c!3 e> | <c*!3 b*!2 a*!1>"
let program = Parser.from_string (pprogram cle (fun x -> psite cle x false)) text
let query = Pos (Pred("testLocations", [Proc strands; Term.Var (0, "X"); Term.Var (1, "Y"); Term.Var (2, "Z")]))
let theta = match resolve query program cle with
| Some s -> s
| None -> failwith "Strand displacement rule failed."
let x = theta.Apply (Term.Var (0, "X"), cle)
let y = theta.Apply (Term.Var (1, "Y"), cle)
let z = theta.Apply (Term.Var (2, "Z"), cle)
Assert.Equal(Term.Pat <| Pattern.Inner[SiteT.Var (-1, "_"), Location.Loc (0,1)], x)
Assert.Equal(Term.Pat <| Pattern.Inner[SiteT.Var (-1, "_"), Location.Loc (0,2)], y)
Assert.Equal(Term.Pat <| Pattern.Inner[SiteT.Var (-1, "_"), Location.Loc (1,1)], z)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Parsing - Indeterminate list")>]
let testIndetList () =
let provider1 = makeProvider ()
let ts1 = psite cle provider1 false
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts1 cle provider1 engine.domainKeywords) "[Q # V]"
let provider2 = makeProvider ()
let ts2 = psite cle provider2 false
let q = from_string (pterm ts2 cle provider2 engine.domainKeywords) "Q"
let v = from_string (pterm ts2 cle provider2 engine.domainKeywords) "V"
let expectedT = TCons(q, v)
Assert.Equal(expectedT, actualT)
let provider3 = makeProvider ()
let ts3 = psite cle provider3 false
let actualP = from_string (ppredicate cle ts3 provider3 engine.domainKeywords) "rule(\"loop\", P, Q, R, [Q # V])"
let provider4 = makeProvider ()
let ts4 = psite cle provider4 false
let pt = from_string (pterm ts4 cle provider4 engine.domainKeywords)
let p = pt "P"
let q = pt "Q"
let r = pt "R"
let v = pt "V"
let expectedP = Pred("rule", [Const "loop"; p; q; r; TCons(q, v)])
Assert.Equal(expectedP |> Predicate.ToStringWith cle |> removeVarNumbers,
actualP |> Predicate.ToStringWith cle |> removeVarNumbers)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Parsing - Domain")>]
let testDom () =
let provider = makeProvider ()
let ts = psite cle provider false
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts cle provider engine.domainKeywords) """a!i"""
let expectedT = Term.Pat
(DomainT.Dom(Domain.Create("a", false, false))
, Bond.Var (provider "i"))), Location.Var (-1,"_")])
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic DSD - Parsing - Domain tags")>]
let testTags () =
let provider = makeProvider ()
let ts = psite cle provider false
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts cle provider engine.domainKeywords) """A {tethered("x","y","z")}!i"""
let expectedT = Term.Pat
(DomainT.Var(provider "A", Tag <| Term.Func("tethered", [Const "x"; Const"y"; Const"z"]))
, Bond.Var (provider "i"))), Location.Var (-1,"_")])
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Parsing - Expressions")>]
let testArithmetics () =
let provider = makeProvider ()
let ts = psite cle provider false
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts cle provider engine.domainKeywords) """N + 1 - 2 * X"""
let n : Var = (0, "N")
let x : Var = (1, "X")
let t1 = Term.Func("_Plus", [Term.Func("_key", [Term.Var n]); Term.Float 1.0 ])
let t2 = Term.Func("_Times", [Term.Float 2.0; Term.Func("_key", [ Term.Var x ]) ])
let expectedT = Term.Func("_Minus", [t1; t2])
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
let sub = Substitution<SiteT, unit>.Create(n, Term.Float 4.0).Add(TVar x, Term.Float 2.0, CLE.empty)
let t' = Substitution.Apply(sub, actualT, CLE.empty)
let exp' = Term.ToExpression t'
let res = exp' |> Microsoft.Research.CRNEngine.Expression.eval (fun t -> match t with Term.Float n -> n | _ -> failwith "Substitution application failed")
Assert.Equal(1.0, res)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Parsing - Predicates")>]
let testPreds () =
let provider = makeProvider ()
let ts = psite cle provider false
let n : Var = (0, "N")
let x : Var = (1, "X")
let actualT = from_string (ppredicate cle ts provider engine.domainKeywords) """N is 1"""
let t1 = Term.Float 1.0
let expectedT = Predicate.Pred("is", [Term.Var n; t1 ])
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Predicate<_>.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Predicate<_>.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
let actualT = from_string (ppredicate cle ts provider engine.domainKeywords) """N is X + 1"""
let t1 = Term.Func("_Plus", [Term.Func("_key", [Term.Var x]); Term.Float 1.0 ])
let expectedT = Predicate.Pred("is", [Term.Var n; t1 ])
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Predicate<_>.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Predicate<_>.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Parsing - Clauses")>]
let testClauses () =
let provider = makeProvider ()
let ts x = psite cle x false
let p : Var = (0, "P")
let q : Var = (1, "Q")
let r : Var = (2, "Rate")
let actualT = from_string (pclause engine ts makeProvider) """reaction([P], Rate, Q) :- Rate is 1."""
let expectedT =
Predicate.Pred("reaction", [Term.TList [Term.Var p]; Term.Var r; Term.Var q ]),
[ Pos <| Predicate.Pred("is", [Term.Var r; Float 1.0 ]) ] )
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Clause<_>.ToStringWith engine |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Clause<_>.ToStringWith engine |> removeVarNumbers)
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Parsing - CRNs")>]
let testCrn () =
let provider = makeProvider ()
let ts = Parser.plookAhead (pname >>= fun x -> if x.Length > 0 && (x = "_" || System.Char.IsUpper (x.Chars 0)) then Parser.failParser "" else preturn ()) >>. pname
// Single reaction CRN
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts CLE.empty provider engine.domainKeywords) """{ X -> Y }"""
let expectedT = Term.Func ("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet []
; Term.TMSet([1, Term.Var (0, "X")])
; Term.Func("_massActionRate", [Term.Float 1.0])
; Term.Func("",[])
; Term.TMSet([1, Term.Var (1, "Y")])
|> List.singleton
|> Term.TCRN
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
// Mass action rate
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts CLE.empty provider engine.domainKeywords) """{ X ->{k} Y }"""
let expectedT = Term.Func ("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet []
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Var (0, "X")]
; Term.Func("_massActionRate", [Term.Func("_key", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["k", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]) ])
; Term.Func("",[])
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Var (1, "Y")]
|> List.singleton
|> Term.TCRN
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
// Functional rate
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts CLE.empty provider engine.domainKeywords) """{ X ->[[k]] Y }"""
let expectedT = Term.Func ("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet []
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Var (0, "X")]
; Term.Func("_functionalRate", [Term.Func("_key", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["k", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]) ])
; Term.Func("",[])
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Var (1, "Y")]
|> List.singleton
|> Term.TCRN
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
// Ground reaction
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts CLE.empty provider engine.domainKeywords) """{ a ->{k} b }"""
let expectedT = Term.Func ("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet []
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["a", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
; Term.Func("_massActionRate", [Term.Func("_key", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["k", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]) ])
; Term.Func("",[])
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["b", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
|> List.singleton
|> Term.TCRN
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
// multisets
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts CLE.empty provider engine.domainKeywords) """{ 2a + 3b ->{k} c + 4d}"""
let expectedT = Term.Func ("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet []
; Term.TMSet [ 2, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["a", Location.Var (-1, "_")])
; 3, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["b", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
; Term.Func("_massActionRate", [Term.Func("_key", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["k", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]) ])
; Term.Func("",[])
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["c", Location.Var (-1, "_")])
4, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["d", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
|> List.singleton
|> Term.TCRN
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
// catalytic reaction
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts CLE.empty provider engine.domainKeywords) """{ a ~ b ->{k} c }"""
let expectedT = Term.Func ("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["a", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["b", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
; Term.Func("_massActionRate", [Term.Func("_key", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["k", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]) ])
; Term.Func("",[])
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["c", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
|> List.singleton
|> Term.TCRN
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
// reversible reaction
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts CLE.empty provider engine.domainKeywords) """{ a <->{k}[[l]] b }"""
let expectedT = Term.Func ("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet []
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["a", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
; Term.Func("_massActionRate", [Term.Func("_key", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["k", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]) ])
; Term.Func("_functionalRate", [Term.Func("_key", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["l", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]) ])
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["b", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
|> List.singleton
|> Term.TCRN
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
// rate expression
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts CLE.empty provider engine.domainKeywords) """{ a ->{k + 2 * X} b }"""
let expectedT = Term.Func ("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet []
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["a", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
; Term.Func("_massActionRate", [Term.Func("_Plus", [ Term.Func("_key", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["k", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ])
; Term.Func("_Times", [Term.Float 2.0 ; Term.Func("_key", [Term.Var (0, "X")])]) ]) ])
; Term.Func("",[])
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["b", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
|> List.singleton
|> Term.TCRN
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)
// multiple reactions
let actualT = from_string (pterm ts CLE.empty provider engine.domainKeywords) """{ | a ->{k + 2 * X} b
| c ->[log([z])] 2d + 3e}"""
let reaction1 = Term.Func ("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet []
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["a", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
; Term.Func("_massActionRate", [Term.Func("_Plus", [ Term.Func("_key", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["k", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ])
; Term.Func("_Times", [Term.Float 2.0 ; Term.Func("_key", [Term.Var (0, "X")])]) ]) ])
; Term.Func("",[])
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["b", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ] ])
let reaction2 = Term.Func ("_rxn", [ Term.TMSet []
; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["c", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]
; Term.Func("_functionalRate", [Term.Func("_Log", [ Term.Func("_key", [Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["z", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ]) ]) ])
; Term.Func("",[])
; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["d", Location.Var (-1, "_")])
3, Term.Pat (Pattern.Inner ["e", Location.Var (-1, "_")]) ] ])
let expectedT = Term.TCRN [ reaction1; reaction2 ]
Assert.Equal(expectedT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers,
actualT |> Term.ToString |> removeVarNumbers)

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@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
module RulesDSD.UnificationTests
open FsUnit
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
open RulesDSD.Syntax
open RulesDSD.Unification
open Microsoft.Research.DNA.LogicDSD
let X = Term.Var (0, "X")
let Y = Term.Var (1, "Y")
let Z = Term.Var (2, "Z")
let cle = Microsoft.Research.DNA.LogicDSD.engine
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Unification - var/const")>]
let varConst() =
let eqs = [TEq (X, Const "c")]
let sol = match unify cle eqs with
| [theta] -> theta
| _ -> failwith "Unification failed"
Assert.Equal(Const "c", sol.Apply(X, cle))
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Unification - var/func")>]
let varFunc () =
let eqs = [TEq (X, Func("f", [Const "c"; Y]) )]
let sol = match unify cle eqs with
| [theta] -> theta
| _ -> failwith "Unification failed"
Assert.Equal(Func("f", [Const "c"; Y]), sol.Apply(X, cle))
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Unification - func/func")>]
let funcFunc () =
let eqs = [TEq (Func ("f", [X; Float 1.0]), Func("f", [Const "c"; Y]) )]
let sol = match unify cle eqs with
| [theta] -> theta
| _ -> failwith "Unification failed"
Assert.Equal(Const "c", sol.Apply(X, cle))
Assert.Equal(Float 1.0, sol.Apply(Y, cle))
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Unification - mixed")>]
let mixed() =
let eqs = [ TEq (Func ("f", [X; Z]), Func("f", [Y; Const "2"]) );
TEq (X, Const "c")]
let sol = match unify cle eqs with
| [theta] -> theta
| _ -> failwith "Unification failed"
Assert.Equal(Const "c", sol.Apply (X, cle))
Assert.Equal(Const "c", sol.Apply (Y, cle))
Assert.Equal(Const "2", sol.Apply (Z, cle))
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Unification - fibonacci")>]
let fibonacci() =
let eqs = [TEq (Func("fib", [X; Float 1.0]), Func("fib", [Float 0.0; Float 1.0]) )]
let sol = match unify cle eqs with
| [theta] -> theta
| _ -> failwith "Unification failed"
Assert.Equal(Float 0.0, sol.Apply(X,cle))
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Unification - nicking pattern matching")>]
let nick() =
let domA = Dom {name = "a"; isComplementary = false; isToehold = false; tag = NoTag}
let domB = Dom {name = "b"; isComplementary = false; isToehold = false; tag = NoTag}
let a = Site (Unbound domA), Location.Var (-1, "_")
let b = Site (Unbound domB), Location.Var (-1, "_")
let p1 = Pat (Nicking ([SiteT.Var (0, "X"), Location.Var (-1, "_")],[b]))
let p2 = Pat (Nicking ([a],[SiteT.Var (1, "Y"), Location.Var (-1, "_")]))
let eqs = [TEq (p1, p2)]
let sol = match unify cle eqs with
| [theta] -> theta
| sub -> failwith "Unification failed"
Assert.Equal(a, sol.Apply(((SiteT.Var (0, "X")), Location.Var (-1, "_")), cle))
Assert.Equal(b, sol.Apply(((SiteT.Var (1, "Y")), Location.Var (-1, "_")), cle))
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Unification - Multi-sets")>]
let mset1() =
let t1 : Term<unit> = Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "A"; 2, Term.Const "B"]
let t2 : Term<unit> = Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "B"; 1, Term.Const "A"]
match unify CLE.empty [TEq (t1, t2)] with
| [theta] -> if theta <> then failwith "Unification failed (1.1)"
| sub -> failwith "Unification failed (1)"
let t1 : Term<unit> = Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "A"; 2, Term.Const "B"]
let t2 : Term<unit> = Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "B"; 1, Term.Var (1, "X")]
match unify CLE.empty [TEq (t1, t2)] with
| [theta] -> Assert.Equal(Term.Const "A", theta.Apply(Term.Const "A", CLE<unit,unit>.empty))
| sub -> failwith "Unification failed (2)"
let t1 = Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "A"; 2, Term.Const "B"]
let t2 = Term.TMSet [1, Term.Var (1, "X"); 1, Term.Const "A"; 1, Term.Var(1, "Y")]
match unify CLE.empty [TEq (t1, t2)] with
| [theta] -> Assert.Equal(Term.Const "B", theta.Apply(Term.Var (1, "X"), CLE<unit,unit>.empty))
Assert.Equal(Term.Const "B", theta.Apply(Term.Var (1, "Y"), CLE<unit,unit>.empty))
| sub -> failwith "Unification failed (3)"
[<Fact(DisplayName="Logic Engine - Unification - CRNs")>]
let crn1() =
// test 1
let crn1 = Term.TCRN [
// A + B -> 2C
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "A"; 1, Term.Const "B"]; Term.Const "k"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "C"] ]);
let crn2 = Term.TCRN [
// B + A -> 2C
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "B"; 1, Term.Const "A"]; Term.Const "k"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "C"] ]);
match unify CLE.empty [TEq (crn1, crn2)] with
| [theta] -> if theta <> then failwith "Unification failed (1.1)"
| sub -> failwith "Unification failed (1)"
// test 2
let crn1 = Term.TCRN [
// A + B -> 2C
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "A"; 1, Term.Const "B"]; Term.Const "k"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "C"] ]);
let crn2 = Term.TCRN [
// B + A -> X
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "B"; 1, Term.Const "A"]; Term.Const "k"; Term.Var(-1, "X") ]);
match unify CLE.empty [TEq (crn1, crn2)] with
| [theta] -> Assert.Equal(Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "C"], theta.Apply(Term.Var(-1, "X"), CLE<unit,unit>.empty))
| sub -> failwith "Unification failed (1)"
// test 3: multiple ground reactions
let crn1 = Term.TCRN [
// A + B -> 2C
// C -> 2A + B
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "A"; 1, Term.Const "B"]; Term.Const "k1"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "C"] ])
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "C"]; Term.Const "k2"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "A"; 1, Term.Const "B"] ]) ]
let crn2 = Term.TCRN [
// C -> B + 2A
// B + A -> 2C
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "C"]; Term.Const "k2"; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "B"; 2, Term.Const "A"] ])
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "B"; 1, Term.Const "A"]; Term.Const "k1"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "C" ] ]) ]
match unify CLE.empty [TEq (crn1, crn2)] with
| [theta] -> if theta <> then failwith "Unification failed (3.1)"
| sub -> failwith "Unification failed (3)"
// test 4: multiple reactions with variables, 1 possible solution
let crn1 = Term.TCRN [
// A + B -> 2C
// C -> 2A + B
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "A"; 1, Term.Const "B"]; Term.Const "k1"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "C"] ])
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "C"]; Term.Const "k2"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "A"; 1, Term.Const "B"] ]) ]
let crn2 = Term.TCRN [
// C -> B + 2A
// B + A -> 2C
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "C"]; Term.Const "k2"; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "B"; 2, Term.Var (2, "Y")] ])
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "B"; 1, Term.Var (1, "X")]; Term.Const "k1"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "C" ] ]) ]
match unify CLE.empty [TEq (crn1, crn2)] with
| [theta] -> Assert.Equal(Term.Const "A", theta.Apply(Term.Var(1, "X"), CLE<unit,unit>.empty))
Assert.Equal(Term.Const "A", theta.Apply(Term.Var(2, "Y"), CLE<unit,unit>.empty))
| sub -> failwith "Unification failed (4)"
// test 5: multiple reactions with variables, many possible solutions
let crn1 = Term.TCRN [
// A + B -> 2C
// C -> 2A + B
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "A"; 1, Term.Const "B"]; Term.Const "k1"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "C"] ])
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "C"]; Term.Const "k2"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "A"; 1, Term.Const "B"] ]) ]
let crn2 = Term.TCRN [
// C -> B + 2A
// B + A -> 2C
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "C"]; Term.Const "k2"; Term.TMSet [1, Term.Const "B"; 2, Term.Var (3, "Z")] ])
Term.Func("_rxn", [Term.TMSet [1, Term.Var (1, "X"); 1, Term.Var (2, "Y")]; Term.Const "k1"; Term.TMSet [2, Term.Const "C" ] ]) ]
match unify CLE.empty [TEq (crn1, crn2)] with
| [theta1; theta2] -> let sol1 = [theta1.Apply(Term.Var(1, "X"), CLE<unit,unit>.empty); theta1.Apply(Term.Var(2, "Y"), CLE<unit,unit>.empty)]
let sol2 = [theta2.Apply(Term.Var(2, "Y"), CLE<unit,unit>.empty); theta2.Apply(Term.Var(1, "X"), CLE<unit,unit>.empty)]
let x = sol1 = sol2
| sub -> failwith "Unification failed (5)"