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All packages should be under this folder

Create package

  1. Create a folder to represent your NPM package under this packages folder. Name your folder same name as your package.

  2. Create a .npmrc file in the project folder with the content

registry=<your registry>
  1. Connect to the feed
npm install -g vsts-npm-auth --registry --always-auth false
vsts-npm-auth -config .npmrc
  1. Run npm init under the project folder and answer a few questions. You could edit them in the generated package.json after that.

  2. Run npm publish to publish the package to the feed.


The easiest way to create a new NPM package is just to copy an existing one and make sure you rename the folder and most importantly rename the name field in the package.json file at the root of your package's folder.

Also important is that the location of where your package will be uploaded to is determined by the lines shown in step 2 of .npmrc file that is at the root of your package folder.

Installing and using your package from another NPM package or website

  1. Update the package.json file of the project that would like to consume your package.

  2. Add "your_package_name": "1.0.0" (or whatever version you want) under the "devDependencies" field.

  3. Run npm install to install your package to the consuming project. The package will be dropped under the node_modules folder under your root folder.

  4. Now build your consumer website or package like before via npm run build or npm run dev.


If step 3 fails, it is because you did not add your assigned npm credentials to the .npmrc file. While it may be tempting to add this auth token in the .npmrc file located at the root of your package folder. DO NOT DO IT! as the .npmrc file at your root folder should be checked in with your sources. The auth token should be added to the .npmrc file located under C:\users\<alias>\.npmrc. This auth token will generally expire every 3 months.


If you ever lose your auth token, you can always repeat steps 1 thur 4 to get a new one.