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generate_mapping <- function(data_states, tidy_functions_arg, plot_mapping) {
# Check if there is any grouping or summarizing in the pipeline
pipeline_has_group_by <- any(names(data_states) == "group_by")
pipeline_has_mutate <- any(names(data_states) == "mutate")
pipeline_has_summarize <- any(names(data_states) == "summarize")
pipeline_has_count <- any(names(data_states) == "count")
# Extract grouping variables and count of them
# If there is mapping, use column -> row -> x -> color
if (!is.null(plot_mapping)) {
.group_vars <- plot_mapping[c("column", "row", "x", "color")] %>%
unlist() %>%
unname() %>%
n_group_vars <- length(.group_vars)
} else if (pipeline_has_group_by) { # If not, take the order supplied in the grouping
.group_vars <- data_states[["group_by"]] %>%
n_group_vars <- length(.group_vars)
} else if (pipeline_has_count) {
.group_vars <- data_states[["count"]] %>%
dplyr::select($n) %>%
n_group_vars <- length(.group_vars)
} else if (!pipeline_has_group_by & !pipeline_has_count) {
n_group_vars <- 0
# If there is mapping from the plot, start with that
if (!is.null(plot_mapping)) {
x_mapping <- list(
x = plot_mapping$x,
color = plot_mapping$color
} else {
# X mapping
if (n_group_vars > 0) {
# 1 grouping variable = first is X
# 2 grouping variables = second is X
# 3 grouping variables = third is X
# 4 grouping variables = third is X
x_location <- ifelse(n_group_vars == 4, 3, n_group_vars)
x_mapping <- list(x = dplyr::nth(.group_vars, x_location))
} else {
x_mapping <- list(x = 1)
# Mutation mapping
# If we have mutations, we need mappings for it
# Somewhat mimicking the summarize mappings generated below
# We want:
# - a mutation name that is the name of the variable output by the mutation
# - a mutation function that is the primary function of the mutated variable
# - a mutation expression/set of params that is the full expression of how the variable is derived
if(!pipeline_has_mutate) {
mutations_mappings <- list(
mutation_name = NULL,
mutation_expression = NULL,
mutation_variables = NULL
} else {
mutate_operation <- tidy_functions_arg[["mutate"]][[2]] %>%
rlang::parse_exprs() %>%
purrr::pluck(1) %>%
# Optionally, pass a summary_parameters mapping that gets used in the generation of data_2
# This is generic for potential applications with optional parameters
mutations = tidy_functions_arg[["mutate"]][-1]
number_of_mutations = length(mutations)
# This pulls out the variables in the data that are used to produce the mutation
# TODO add handling here if multiple mutates are specified
variables_for_mutation <- intersect(mutate_operation, names(data_states[["mutate"]]))
# For now leaving handling here the same for single mutation and multiple mutations steps
# We can figure out if we want to handle differently later
if(number_of_mutations>1) {
mutations_mappings <- list(
mutation_function = mutate_operation %>%
purrr::pluck(1) %>%
mutation_name = names(mutations)[1],
mutation_expression = unname(mutations)[1],
mutation_variables = variables_for_mutation
stop('Datamations currently only supports a single mutation call for visualization. Edit your pipeline to only include a single mutation necessary for the visualization.')
else {
mutations_mappings <- list(
mutation_function = mutate_operation %>%
purrr::pluck(1) %>%
mutation_name = names(mutations),
mutation_expression = unname(mutations),
mutation_variables = variables_for_mutation
# Y mapping
# If there is no summarize, then Y can be NULL
# Otherwise it's parsed from the summarize section of the pipeline
if (!pipeline_has_summarize) {
y_mapping <- list(
y = NULL,
summary_function = NULL,
summary_name = NULL
} else {
summarize_operation <- tidy_functions_arg[["summarize"]][[2]] %>%
rlang::parse_exprs() %>%
purrr::pluck(1) %>%
# Optionally, pass a summary_parameters mapping that gets used in the generation of data_2
# This is generic for potential applications with optional parameters
if(length(summarize_operation)>2) {
y_mapping <- list(
summary_function = summarize_operation %>%
purrr::pluck(1) %>%
summary_name = names(tidy_functions_arg[["summarize"]][2]),
summary_parameters = summarize_operation[[3:length(summarize_operation)]]
else {
y_mapping <- list(
summary_function = summarize_operation %>%
purrr::pluck(1) %>%
summary_name = names(tidy_functions_arg[["summarize"]][2])
y_var <- summarize_operation %>%
if (!identical(y_var, NULL)) {
y_mapping[["y"]] <- rlang::quo_name(y_var)
# Group mapping
if (!is.null(plot_mapping)) {
group_mapping <- plot_mapping[c("row", "column")]
group_mapping <- append(group_mapping, list(groups = .group_vars))
} else {
if (!pipeline_has_group_by & !pipeline_has_count) {
group_mapping <- NULL
} else {
# One variable - x
# Two variables - column, x
# Three variables - column, row, x
group_mapping <- switch(n_group_vars,
"1" = list(x = dplyr::nth(.group_vars, 1)),
"2" = list(column = dplyr::nth(.group_vars, 1), x = dplyr::nth(.group_vars, 2), color = dplyr::nth(.group_vars, 2)),
"3" = list(column = dplyr::nth(.group_vars, 1), row = dplyr::nth(.group_vars, 2), x = dplyr::nth(.group_vars, 3), color = dplyr::nth(.group_vars, 3))
group_mapping <- append(group_mapping, list(groups = .group_vars))
# Combine all
mapping <- append(x_mapping, y_mapping) %>%
append(group_mapping) %>%
# Remove "empty" entries