hadisalman 6082675145 Initial code commit 2020-03-05 03:21:13 +00:00
images Initial code commit 2020-03-05 03:21:13 +00:00 Initial code commit 2020-03-05 03:21:13 +00:00 Initial code commit 2020-03-05 03:21:13 +00:00 Initial code commit 2020-03-05 03:21:13 +00:00 Initial code commit 2020-03-05 03:21:13 +00:00 Initial code commit 2020-03-05 03:21:13 +00:00
tutorial.ipynb Initial code commit 2020-03-05 03:21:13 +00:00

Certify online Vision API

This directory contains code for replicating our experiments of creating robust versions of four online Vision APIs:


  • contains the RobustAPI class for wrapping any of the above Vision APIs leading to provably robust ones.
    # To robustify an ONLINE API (api_name can be "azure", "google", "aws", "clarifai")
    majority_class, _, _ = RobustAPI(api_name, denoiser=denoiser, online=True).predict(img, ...)
    majority_class, radius, logs = RobustAPI(api_name, denoiser=denoiser, online=True).certify(img, ...)
    # To use the OFFLINE version (i.e. read from previous query logs, no denoiser needed)
    majority_class, _ = RobustAPI(api_name, online=False).predict(logs, ...)
    majority_class, radius = RobustAPI(api_name, online=False).certify(logs, ...)
  • contains the code for online certification of the APIs.
  • contains the code for offline certification of the APIs via query log files.
  • tutorial.ipynb contains the jupyter notebook for demonstration.
  • contains all the commands we used in our paper for certifying Vision APIs.
  • images/ contains the 100 randomly sampled test images, from ImageNet validation set, that we use in our paper as a benchmark for certification of public vision APIs.

Setting up access to four APIs

  1. Azure Vision API: Follow this link and obtain the keys for your Azure Cognitive Services. Then create environment variables for the API key AZURE_COMPUTER_VISION_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY and the endpoint URL AZURE_COMPUTER_VISION_ENDPOINT.
  2. Google Computer Vision API: Follow the instructions on this link. In the end, you should set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path of the JSON file where your service account key is stored.
  3. Clarifai API: Authentication to the API is handled through API Keys. Obtain the Clarifai API access key and set the environment variable CLARIFAI_API_KEY accordingly.
  4. AWS Recoknition API: Follow the two instructions in Step 1 in this link. In the end, you should set two variables aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key in the ~/.aws/config file.

Getting started

  1. Install the API-related dependencies
pip install google-cloud-vision boto3 clarifai
# boto3 is for aws API
  1. Online certification of APIs
python --noise_sd 0.12 --N0 20 --N 100 --api azure --denoiser_checkpoint $PATH_TO_DENOISER --save $OUTPUT_DIR 
  • --noise_sd: the noise level
  • --N0: the number of examples to estimate the top class
  • --N: the number of examples to estimate the lower probability bound of top class
  • --api: which api to use ("azure", "google", "clarifai", "aws")
  • --denoiser_checkpoint: path to the trained denoisers
  • --save: the output directory to save the results in
  1. Offline certification of APIs
python --noise_sd 0.12 --N0 20 --N 100 --api azure 
        --log_dir ../data/certify/vision_api/azure/imagenet_denoiser_mse/0.12/ 
        --save ./certification_output
  • --noise_sd: the noise level
  • --N0: the number of examples to estimate the top class
  • --N: the number of examples to estimate the lower probability bound of top class
  • --api: which api to use ("azure", "google", "clarifai", "aws")
  • --log_dir: path to the folder containing the API query logs
  • --save: the output directory to save the results in

For all the commands used in our paper, check here! By running these commands and then running python code/, you should be able to generate the below figure.