
302 строки
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from random import random
from scipy.stats import norm, binom_test
from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportion_confint
import argparse
import io
import io
import numpy as np
import operator
import os
import requests
import scipy.misc
import scipy.ndimage
import sys
import torch
# Import API dependency package
from import vision
from import types
from import ClarifaiApp
import boto3 # package for AWS API
class RobustAPI(object):
def __init__(self, api_name, denoiser=None, online=False):
:param api="azure": which API we want to use for prediction
("azure", "google", "aws", "clarifai")
:param denoiser=None: Denoiser attached to the API. If None, the input is
directly passed to the API without being denoised.
:param online=False: A flag to use APIs online, or to use old queries that are
dumped in a given folder.
SUPPORTED_APIS = ['azure', 'google', 'aws', 'clarifai']
if api_name not in SUPPORTED_APIS:
raise Exception("Api %s not supported"%api_name)
self.api_name = api_name
self.denoiser = denoiser = online
print("[Operating in the online setting. Initializing the API client]...")
if api_name == "google":
# Set up vision imageannotator
self.client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()
elif api_name == "clarifai":
# Set up clarifai vision app model
if 'CLARIFAI_API_KEY' in os.environ:
api_key = os.environ['CLARIFAI_API_KEY']
print("\nSet the CLARIFAI_API_KEY environment variable of CLARIFAI.\n")
app = ClarifaiApp(api_key=api_key)
self.client = app.public_models.general_model
elif api_name == "aws":
# Set up client for aws api
self.client = boto3.client('rekognition')
print("[API initialization successful!]")
self.tmp_images_dir = 'tmp_images'
if not os.path.isdir(self.tmp_images_dir):
self.image_counter = 0 # used to identify the noisy and denoised images used in certification
print("[Operating in the offline setting.]...")
def _predict_online(self, clean_img, N, noise_sd):
A function to predict (using randomized smoothing) via the online API. Essentially does
majority voting under Gausian perturbation of the inputs
:param clean_img: the image to predict
:param N: the number of noise samples over which the voting happens
:param noise_sd: the std-dev of the Guassian noise perturbation of the input
:return: (majority_class, top_class_distribution, prediction_logs)
top_class: the majority vote class over N samples
top_class_distribution: the distribution of top classes over the N noisy samples
prediction_logs: a list of query logs for each of the N samples used in prediction
(to save locally for optionally later offline offline use)
top_class_distribution = defaultdict(int)
# A list of the history of responses, to save for (optional) later processing
# (save moeny by not querying the APIs again an again :) )
prediction_logs = []
for i in range(N):
image_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_images_dir, "sample_%d.png"%int(self.image_counter))
noise = np.random.randn(*clean_img.shape) * noise_sd
img = np.clip(clean_img + noise, 0, 1)
if self.denoiser:
img = self._denoise_image(img)
scipy.misc.imsave(image_path, img)
self.image_counter += 1
response = self._query_api(image_path)
top_class = self._get_top_class(response)
top_class_distribution[top_class] += 1
majority_class = max(top_class_distribution.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
return majority_class, top_class_distribution, prediction_logs
def _certify_online(self, img, noise_sd, N0, N, alpha):
Monte Carlo algorithm for certifying that g's prediction around x is constant within some L2 radius.
With probability at least 1 - alpha, the class returned by this method will equal g(x), and g's prediction will
robust within a L2 ball of radius R around x.
:param img: the image to certify
:param noise_sd: the std-dev of the Guassian noise perturbation of the input
:param N0: the number of noise samples over which the voting happens
:param N: the number of noise samples over which the voting happens
:param alpha: the failure probability
:return: (majority_class, radius, logs)
majority_class: the majority vote class over 20 samples
radius: the certified L2 radius around this datapoint
logs: a list of query logs for each of the 120 samples used in certification
(to save locally for optionally later offline use)
cAHat, _, prediction_logs_N0 = self._predict_online(img, N0, noise_sd)
_, prediction, prediction_logs_N = self._predict_online(img, N, noise_sd)
nA = prediction[cAHat]
prediction_logs = prediction_logs_N0 + prediction_logs_N
pABar = proportion_confint(nA, N, 2 * alpha, method="beta")[0]
print('pA: {:.3f}'.format(pABar))
if pABar < 0.5:
return -1 , 0.0, prediction_logs
radius = noise_sd * norm.ppf(pABar)
return cAHat, radius, prediction_logs
def _predict_offline(self, prediction_logs):
A function to predict (using randomized smoothing) via the offline API query logs
of Gaussian noisy copies of a given image. Essentially does majority voting under
Gausian perturbation of the inputs
:param prediction_logs: a list of the complete N query results returned by the API for
one image (each for a different noisy copy of the image)
:param api="azure": which API we want to use for prediction
("azure", "google", "aws", "clarifai")
:return: (majority_class, top_class_distribution)
top_class: the majority vote class over N samples
top_class_distribution: the distribution of top classes over the N noisy samples
top_class_distribution = defaultdict(int)
for response in prediction_logs:
top_class_distribution[self._get_top_class(response)] += 1
majority_class = max(top_class_distribution.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
return majority_class, top_class_distribution
def _certify_offline(self, prediction_logs, noise_sd, N0, N, alpha):
Certify the smoothed classifier given the API query logs.
:param prediction_logs: a list of the complete query results returned by the API for
one image (each for a different noisy copy of the image)
:param noise_sd: the std-dev of the Guassian noise perturbation of the input
:param N0: the number of noise samples over which the voting happens
:param N: the number of noise samples over which the voting happens
:param alpha: the failure probability
:param api="azure": which API we want to use for prediction
("azure", "google", "aws", "clarifai")
:return: (majority_class, radius)
majority_class: the majority vote class over 20 samples
radius: the certified L2 radius around this datapoint
cAHat, _ = self._predict_offline(prediction_logs[:N0])
_, prediction = self._predict_offline(prediction_logs[N0:])
nA = prediction[cAHat]
pABar = proportion_confint(nA, N, 2*alpha, method="beta")[0]
print('pA: {:.3f}'.format(pABar))
if pABar < 0.5:
return -1 , 0.0
radius = noise_sd * norm.ppf(pABar)
return cAHat, radius
def _get_top_class(self, api_response):
Given an API response, returns the top class
:param api_response:
:return str: the name of the top class
api_response details:
# Check if the response is empty
if not api_response:
return "None"
if self.api_name == "google":
return [*api_response][0]
elif self.api_name == "clarifai":
return api_response["outputs"][0]["data"]["concepts"][0]["name"]
elif self.api_name == "aws":
return api_response[0]['Name']
elif self.api_name == 'azure':
return api_response[0]['name']
def _query_api(self, image_path):
Query the API.
:param image_path: path to the image to be classified
:return API response (different for different API)
API Response details:
if self.api_name == 'google':
with, 'rb') as f:
content =
image = vision.types.Image(content=content)
response = self.client.label_detection(image=image).label_annotations
# We do some post-processing of the API response here because the raw
# response can not be saved in a pickle file.
labels = OrderedDict()
for res in response:
labels[res.description] = res.score
return labels
elif self.api_name == 'clarifai':
return self.client.predict_by_filename(image_path)
elif self.api_name == 'aws':
with open(image_path, 'rb') as image:
response = self.client.detect_labels(Image={'Bytes':})
return response['Labels']
elif self.api_name == 'azure':
subscription_key = os.environ['AZURE_COMPUTER_VISION_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY']
print("\nSet the AZURE_COMPUTER_VISION_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY environment variable of Azure.\n**Restart your shell or IDE for changes to take effect.**")
endpoint = os.environ['AZURE_COMPUTER_VISION_ENDPOINT']
analyze_url = endpoint + "vision/v2.1/analyze"
# Read the image into a byte array
image_data = open(image_path, "rb").read()
headers = {'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': subscription_key,
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
params = {'visualFeatures': "Tags"}
response =
analyze_url, headers=headers, params=params, data=image_data)
# The 'analysis' object contains various fields that describe the image.
analysis = response.json()
return analysis["tags"]
def _denoise_image(self, img):
A function to denoise a noisy image
:param denoiser: the denoiser
:param img: a numpy array (H,W,C) of the image to be denoised
:return denoised_image: a (H,W,C) numpy array denoised image
img = np.transpose(img, (2,0,1))
img = np.expand_dims(img, 0)
img = torch.Tensor(img).cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
out = torch.clamp(self.denoiser(img), 0, 1)
img_color = np.transpose(out[0].cpu().numpy(), (1,2,0))
return img_color