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## Installing eBPF into a Test VM
Follow the [VM Installation Instructions](vm-setup.md) for one-time setup of a test VM.
Once the one-time setup has been completed, the following steps will
install or update the eBPF installation in the VM.
### Method 1 (Install a release with the MSI installer)
Do the following from within the VM:
1. Download and install the *VC++ Redist* package from [this location](https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe).
1. Download the `ebpf-for-windows.msi` file from the [latest release on GitHub](https://github.com/microsoft/ebpf-for-windows/releases).
1. Execute the `ebpf-for-windows.msi` file you downloaded.
1. After accepting the License and selecting the desired installation folder (default will be "`C:\Program Files\ebpf-for-windows`"), the following components will be selectable from the *Installation Wizard*:
* **Runtime Components** (mandatory): this feature adds the eBPF runtime and core components, which are also required by the other components. If you select only this
feature, only [native code generation](NativeCodeGeneration.md) is enabled.
* **JIT** (optional): this sub-feature adds support for JIT-compiled eBPF programs and (in a Debug build only) interpreted eBPF programs.
* **Development** (optional): this feature adds headers and libraries used for development. If you only want to use eBPF for development
rather than running programs, you can [use the NuGet package](GettingStarted.md#using-ebpf-in-development)
instead of the MSI.
* **Testing** (optional): this feature adds tests for the eBPF runtime for use by eBPF runtime developers.
An **unattended install/uninstall** is also supported, through the direct use of `msiexec.exe`.
Following is an example that shows a full-feature installation/uninstallation, using "`C:\eBpfForWindows`" as a custom installation folder:
* Installation:
# Debug MSI (including the JIT component)
C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i ebpf-for-windows.msi INSTALLFOLDER="C:\eBpfForWindows" ADDLOCAL=eBPF_Runtime_Components_JIT,eBPF_Development,eBPF_Testing /qn
# Release MSI
C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i ebpf-for-windows.msi INSTALLFOLDER="C:\eBpfForWindows" ADDLOCAL=eBPF_Development,eBPF_Testing /qn
>**Note**: like in the graphical *Installation Wizard*, you can also customize the installation by choosing what **optional** features should be installed (i.e., `eBPF_Runtime_Components_JIT`, `eBPF_Development` and `eBPF_Testing`), and assigning the comma-separated values to the `ADDLOCAL` parameter. The above commands, besides the mandatory `Runtime_Components`, also install the *Development* and *Testing* components.
* Uninstallation:
C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe /x ebpf-for-windows.msi /qn
**Troubleshooting logs** from the Windows Installer can be obtained be appending the `\lv <filename>` option to the install command line (for verbose logs), e.g.:
C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i ebpf-for-windows.msi *<other options>* /lv c:\installer-logs.txt
### Method 2 (Install files you built yourself)
This method uses a machine that
has already built the binaries for `x64/Debug` or `x64/Release`.
1. Deploy the binaries to `C:\Temp` in your VM, as follows:
- If you **built the binaries from inside the VM**, then from your `ebpf-for-windows` directory in the VM, run:
.\x64\debug\deploy-ebpf -l
- Otherwise, if you **built the binaries on the host machine**, then from your `ebpf-for-windows`
directory on the host machine, start an admin Powershell on the host machine and run:
.\x64\debug\deploy-ebpf --vm="<test-vm-name>"
or, to also copy files needed to run various tests, run:
.\x64\debug\deploy-ebpf --vm="<test-vm-name>" -t
or, to copy files to a specific directory, including file shares, run:
.\x64\debug\deploy-ebpf -l="c:\some\path"
2. From within the VM, install the binaries by starting an administrator Command Prompt shell (cmd.exe)
, and running the following commands:
cd C:\Temp
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass .\scripts\setup-ebpf.ps1
### Method 3 (Install files you built yourself, with a VM checkpoint)
This method uses a machine that
has already built the binaries for `x64/Debug` or `x64/Release`.
Copy the build output in `\x64\[Debug|Release]` to the host of the test VM and run the following in a Powershell
command prompt:
1. Create a snapshot of the test VM named **baseline**, by running:
Checkpoint-VM -Name <test-vm-name> -CheckpointName baseline
1. Store the VM administrator credential, by running the following commands:
Install-Module CredentialManager -force
New-StoredCredential -Target TEST_VM -Username <VM Administrator> -Password <VM Administrator account password> -Persist LocalMachine
> Note that "`TEST_VM`" is literal and is used in step 5 below; it need not be the name of any actual test VM.
1. Enter the `\x64\[Debug|Release]` directory (`cd`) where the build artifacts are stored.
1. Modify `.\vm_list.json` to specify the name of the test VM under `VMList`, eg:
"Name": "<test-vm-name>"
1. Run the following commands to setup to use the credentials saved with `TEST_VM` in step 2,
for logging into each of the VMs named in `vm_list.json`:
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Force
## Installing eBPF with host-process container
The following instructions will build an ebpf-for-windows image and deploy a daemonset referencing the image. This is the easiest way
to install eBPF on all Windows nodes in a Kubernetes cluster.
1. Download the `.msi` file from the [latest release on GitHub](https://github.com/microsoft/ebpf-for-windows/releases) and copy it over to [images](../images) directory.
2. Build ebpf-for-windows image.
* To **build the image on the Windows Host**, make sure docker is installed. [Install docker on Windows Server](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/windowscontainers/quick-start/set-up-environment?tabs=Windows-Server/).
Start an admin Powershell on the Windows Host and run the following command and provide parameters for `repository`, `tag` and `OSVersion`:
* To **build the image on a Linux machine** (e.g. Ubuntu), make sure docker is installed (see [install docker on Ubuntu](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/)), and do the following:
- Run the following command and provide parameters for `repository`, `tag` and `OSVersion`:
3. Push the `ebpf-for-windows` image to your repository.
4. Update `manifests/Kubernetes/ebpf-for-windows-daemonset.yaml` with the container image pointing to your image path. Run the following command:
kubectl apply -f manifests/Kubernetes/ebpf-for-windows-daemonset.yaml