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Toucan Release Procedure

Checklist for the release process of genalog:


  • Ensure main branch contains all relevant changes and PRs relating to the specific release is merged
  • Create and switch to a new release branch (i.e. release-X.Y.Z)

Package Metadata Update

  • Update VERSION.txt with version bump. Please reference Semantic Versioning.
  • Update
  • Commit the above changes with title "Release vX.Y.Z"
  • Generate a new git tag for the new version (e.g. git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "Initial Release")
  • Push the new tag to remote git push origin v0.1.0
  • Create a new PR with the above changes into main branch.

Release to PyPI

  • Manually trigger the release pipeline in DevOps on the release branch, this will publish latest version of genalog to PyPI.
    • Select releaseType to Test to test out the release in TestPyPI
    • Rerun and switch releaseType to production if looks good.
  • If the pipeline ran successfully, check and publish the draft of this release on Github Release
  • Latest version is pip-installable with:
    • pip install genalog

Update Documentation on Github Page

  • Staying on the release branch, cd docs && pip install -r requirements-doc.txt
  • Build the jupyter-book with jupyter-book build --all genalog_docs
  • Preview the HTML files, if looks good publish to Github Page: ghp-import -n -p -f genalog_docs/_build/html