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# Jacdac CLI
A command line interface to support various tasks using Jacdac.
**Jacdac** is a plug-and-play hardware/software stack
for **microcontrollers** and their peripherals (sensors/actuators),
with applications to rapid prototyping, making, and physical computing.
This repository contains a command line interface tool for the [Jacdac](https://aka.ms/jacdac) protocol.
- **[Jacdac Protocol Documentation](https://aka.ms/jacdac/)**
- **[CLI Documentation](https://microsoft.github.io/jacdac-docs/clients/cli/)**
- Discussions at https://github.com/microsoft/jacdac/discussions
- Issues are tracked on https://github.com/microsoft/jacdac/issues
The rest of this page is for developers of the `jacdac-ts` library.
## Installation
- Install [nodejs.org](https://nodejs.org/) 14+
- Install the tool globally.
sudo npm install -g jacdac-cli
If the native module installation fails, try adding `--unsafe`
sudo npm install -g jacdac-cli --unsafe
## Usage
### `jacdac parse`
Parses a logic analyzer log and replays the packets
jacdac parse log.txt
### `jacdac devtools`
Starts websocket and native socket server that acts as a bridge between a web dashboard and a client implementation.
This allows to test a native client using the latest version of the web developer tools.
This command will work in [GitHub codespaces](https://github.com/features/codespaces).
jacdac devtools
#### `jacdac devtools --device-script <file>`
Starts the devtools web site and also watches/uploads the source of a given [DeviceScript](https://aka.ms/devicescript) to the development web site. The dev web site will automatically compile and potentially deploy the DeviceScript program to a connected device.
## Contributing
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