Jacdac Device Development Kit
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sehodges 3779f3dbba adding miscellaneous design files 2023-10-13 12:53:20 +01:00


Jacdac Device Development Kit (DDK) Reference Materials


This repository contains reference materials for creators of Jacdac devices. More specifically, it has technical drawings, part libraries and device designs (schematics and layout files). In conjunction with the Jacdac device design documentation and our Jacdac firmware repositories, these materials form the Jacdac device design kit (DDK). The DDK contains everything necessary to design and manufacture Jacdac devices.

Please also refer to discussions at https://github.com/microsoft/jacdac/discussions and note that issues are tracked on https://github.com/microsoft/jacdac/issues.

Repository structure

  • /connector: specification of the Jacdac PCB connector, cable connector and cable assemblies;
  • /electronics: reference materials and implementations of different types of device in the form of schematics, layouts and parts libraries for various electronics CAD packages;
  • /enclosures: files relating to enclosures for Jacdac modules and devices; and
  • /graphics: image files that might be useful for device design, packaging and/or marketing materials.

Note that the contents of any files under a deprecated_form_factor or explorations folder are provided for interest only, these should not be considered reference material relating to the Jacdac standard.

Contributing to Jacdac

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