
5.1 KiB

kiota client edit


kiota client update allows a developer to edit an existing API client int the workspace.json file. If either the workspace.json file or if the --client-name client can't be found within the workspace.json file, the command should error out and let the developer know.

When executing, the API entry defined by the --client-name parameter will be modified. All parameters should be supported and the only required one is --client-name. All others are optional as they would only modify the configuration of the API client. If the OpenAPI description location changed or any properties of the client entry in workspace.json, a new hash composed of the Kiota version, the OpenAPI description location and the properties of the client will be generated and and would trigger an update to the API Manifest.

Once the workspace.json file and the API Manifest are updated, the code generation will be executed based on the newly updated API client configuration.


Parameters Required Example Description Telemetry
--client-name | --cn Yes graphDelegated Name of the client. Unique within the parent API. If not provided, defaults to --class-name or its default. Yes, without its value
--openapi | -d No The location of the OpenAPI description in JSON or YAML format to use to generate the SDK. Accepts a URL or a local path. Yes, without its value
--include-path | -i No /me/chats#GET A glob pattern to include paths from generation. Accepts multiple values. Defaults to no value which includes everything. Yes, without its value
--exclude-path | -e No **/users/** A glob pattern to exclude paths from generation. Accepts multiple values. Defaults to no value which excludes nothing. Yes, without its value
--language | -l No csharp The target language for the generated code files or for the information. Yes
--namespace-name | -n No Contoso.GraphApp The namespace of the client class. Defaults to Microsoft.Graph. Yes, without its value
--backing-store | -b No Defaults to false Yes
--exclude-backward-compatible | --ebc No Whether to exclude the code generated only for backward compatibility reasons or not. Defaults to false. Yes
--structured-media-types | -m No application/json Any valid media type which will match a request body type or a response type in the OpenAPI description. Default are documented here. Yes
--skip-generation | --sg No true When specified, the generation would be skipped. Defaults to false. Yes
--output | -o No ./generated/graph/csharp The output directory or file path for the generated code files. Defaults to ./output. Yes, without its value

[!NOTE] It is not required to use the CLI to edit clients. It is possible to edit a client by modifying its entry in the clients section of the workspace.json file. See the workspace.json schema for more information.

Using kiota client edit

kiota client edit --client-name "GraphClient" --exclude-path "/users/$count"

The resulting workspace.json file will look like this:

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "clients": {
    "GraphClient": {
      "descriptionLocation": "",
      "includePatterns": ["**/users/**"],
      "excludePatterns": ["/users/$count"],
      "language": "csharp",
      "outputPath": "./generated/graph/csharp",
      "clientNamespaceName": "Contoso.GraphApp",
      "structuredMediaTypes": [
      "usesBackingStore": true,
      "includeAdditionalData": true

The resulting apimanifest.json file will look like this:

  "publisher": {
    "name": "Microsoft Graph",
    "contactEmail": ""
  "apiDependencies": {
    "GraphClient": {
      "x-ms-kiotaHash": "9EDF8506CB74FE44...",
      "apiDescriptionUrl": "",
      "apiDeploymentBaseUrl": "",
      "apiDescriptionVersion": "v1.0",
      "requests": [
          "method": "GET",
          "uriTemplate": "/users"
          "method": "POST",
          "uriTemplate": "/users"
          "method": "GET",
          "uriTemplate": "/users/{user-id}"
          "method": "PATCH",
          "uriTemplate": "/users/{user-id}"
          "method": "DELETE",
          "uriTemplate": "/users/{user-id}"

File structure

          └─... # Generated code files