
15 KiB

kiota plugin add


kiota plugin add allows a developer to add a new plugin to the workspace.json file. If no workspace.json file is found, a new workspace.json file would be created in the .kiota directory under the current working directory. The command will add a new entry to the plugins section of the workspace.json file. Once this is done, a local copy of the OpenAPI document is generated and kept in the .kiota/documents/{plugin-name} folder. If a plugin or client with the same name already exists, the command will fail and display an actionable error message.

When executing, a new plugin entry will be added and will use the --plugin-name parameter as the key for the map. When loading the OpenAPI document, it will store the location of the description in the descriptionLocation property. If --include-path or --exclude-path are provided, they will be stored in the includePatterns and excludePatterns properties respectively.

Every time a plugin is added, a copy of the OpenAPI document file will be stored in the ./.kiota/documents/{plugin-name} folder. The OpenAPI will be named using the plugin name {plugin-name}.json|yaml. This will allow the CLI to detect changes in the description and avoid downloading the description again if it hasn't changed.

An API Manifest file named apimanifest.json will be generated (if non existing) or updated (if already existing) in the root folder ./kiota next to workspace.json. This API Manifest represents a snapshot of API dependencies and permissions required to access those APIs. This file will represent a concatenated surface of all APIs used across plugins and clients. Both files, apimanifest.json and workspace.json will be used to generate the code files. A new hash composed of the Kiota version, the OpenAPI document location and the properties of the manifest will be generated and would trigger an update to the API Manifest.

Developers can generate apiplugin, openai and apimanifest type of plugins. By generating plugins, two outputs will be generated: 1) a sliced OpenAPI document named {plugin-name}-openapi.json|yaml and 2) the plugin type you have chosen.

[!NOTE] In one's solution, there might be two different API Manifests. The apimanifest.json in the ./kiota folder represents a single artifact surface of all APIs in your solution and it will always be generated. The second one will only be generated when providing kiota plugin add --type apimanifest when generating a plugin and will be named {plugin-name}-apimanifest.json and saved in the chosen output directory.

Once the workspace.json file is generated and the OpenAPI document file is saved locally, the generation will be executed and the plugin and the sliced OpenAPI document will become available.

Sliced OpenAPI document

The generated sliced OpenAPI document will include only the endpoints that matches --include-path and --exclude-path, if provided, along with their referenced components. All unused components will be removed as well as all OpenAPI extensions (starts with x-) that don't match with supported extensions in Kiota. See OpenAPI extensions supported by Kiota for compreensive list.


API Plugin

For apiplugin, the generated plugin will be named {plugin-name}-apiplugin.json and will follow the schema.

Requiring fields default as the following:

API Plugin field Default value
schema_version v2.1
name_for_human Defaults to the OpenAPI document title.
name_for_model Defaults to the OpenAPI document title.
description_for_human Defaults to the description from the OpenAPI document. If the description is not available, it defaults to Description for {name_for_human}.
description_for_model Defaults to x-ai-description extension from the OpenAPI document. If the x-ai-description is not available, it defaults to description_for_human or Description for {name_for_human} if description is not available.
namespace Defaults to {plugin-name} sanitized to match [a-zA-Z0-9] format.
logo_url Defaults to x-logo extension from the OpenAPI document. If the x-logo is not available, the logo_url will not be added in the plugin.
legal_info_url Defaults to x-legal-info-url extension from the OpenAPI document. If the x-legal-info-url is not availabe, the legal_info_url will not be added in the plugin.
functions[n].name Defaults to paths[n].operationId from the OpenAPI document. If the operationId is not available or does not match the format ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$, Kiota will generate the name based on path and operation.
functions[n].description Defaults to paths[n].description from the OpenAPI document. If there is no description, defaults to paths[n].summary.
functions[n].parameters Defaults to paths[n].parameters from the OpenAPI document.
functions[n].state.reasoning.instructions Defaults to x-ai-reasoning-instructions from the OpenAPI document. If x-ai-reasoning-instructions is not available, the functions[n].state.reasoning.instructions will not be added in the plugin
functions[n].state.responding.instructions Defaults to x-ai-responding-instructions from the OpenAPI document. If x-ai-responding-instructions is not available, the functions[n].state.responding.instructions will not be added in the plugin

See suno-with-extensions-apiplugins.json example for reference.

OpenAI Plugin

For openai, the generated plugin will be named openai-plugins.json and the mapping should follow Hidi logic to generate OpenAI Plugin. Requiring fields default as the following:

OpenAI field Default value
name_for_human Defaults to the OpenAPI document title.
name_for_model Defaults to the OpenAPI document title.
description_for_human Defaults to the description from the OpenAPI document. If the description is not available, it defaults to Description for {name_for_human}.
description_for_model Defaults to x-ai-description extension from the OpenAPI document. If the x-ai-description is not available, it defaults to description_for_human or Description for {name_for_human}.
contact_email Defaults to the contact email from the OpenAPI document. If the contact email is not available, it defaults to
logo_url Defaults to x-logo extension from the OpenAPI document. If the x-logo is not available, the logo_url will not be added in the plugin.
legal_info_url Defaults to x-legal-info-url extension from the OpenAPI document. If the x-legal-info-url is not availabe, the legal_info_url will not be added in the plugin.

See openai-plugins.json example for reference.

API Manifest

For apimanifest, the generated file will be named {plugin-name}-apimanifest.json and the mapping should follow the OpenApi.ApiManifest lib map. Requiring fields are as the following:

API Manifest field Default value
apiDependencies.Key Defaults to {plugin-name}.
publisherName Defaults to the contact name from the OpenAPI document. If the contact name is not available, it defaults to 'publisher-name'.
publisherEmail Defaults to the contact email from the OpenAPI document. If the contact email is not available, it defaults to


Parameters Required Example Description Telemetry
--plugin-name | --pn Yes GitHub Name of the plugin. Unique within the parent API. Defaults to Plugin No
--openapi | -d Yes The location of the OpenAPI document in JSON or YAML format to use to generate the plugin. Accepts a URL or a local directory. No
--include-path | -i No /repos/{owner}/{repo} A glob pattern to include paths from generation. Accepts multiple values. Defaults to no value which includes everything. Yes, without its value
--exclude-path | -e No /advisories A glob pattern to exclude paths from generation. Accepts multiple values. Defaults to no value which excludes nothing. Yes, without its value
--type | -t Yes openai The target type of plugin for the generated output files. Accepts multiple values. Possible values are apiplugin, openai and apimanifest. Yes
--authentication-type | --at No oauth2 The authentication type that will be used to connect to the API. Accepts a single value corresponding to a supported OpenAPI security scheme. Possible values are apikey, http, oauth2 and openidconnect.
--authentication-ref-id | --refid No xxxxxxxx The authentication reference id that will be used to connect to the API. Accepts a single string value.
--skip-generation | --sg No true When specified, the generation would be skipped. Defaults to false. Yes
--output | -o No ./generated/plugins/github The output directory or file path for the generated output files. This is relative to the location of workspace.json. Defaults to ./output. Yes, without its value

[!NOTE] It is not required to use the CLI to add new plugins. It is possible to add a new plugin by adding a new entry in the plugins section of the workspace.json file. See the workspace.json schema for more information. Using kiota plugin generate --plugin-name myPlugin would be required to generate the plugins after manually adding them.

Using kiota plugin add

kiota plugin add --plugins-name "GitHub" --openapi "" --include-path "/repos/{owner}/{repo}" --type apiplugin, apimanifest --authentication-type "oauth2" --authentication-ref-id "somerefid" --output "./generated/plugins/github"

The resulting workspace.json file will look like this:

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "clients": {...}, //if any
  "plugins": {
    "GitHub": {
      "authType": "OAuthPluginVault",
      "authReferenceId": "somerefid",
      "descriptionLocation": "",
      "includePatterns": ["/repos/{owner}/{repo}"],
      "excludePatterns": [],
      "type": ["apiplugin", "apimanifest"],
      "outputDirectory": "./generated/plugins/github",
      "overlayDirectory": "./kiota/documents/github/overlay.yaml"

The resulting API Plugin named github-apiplugin.json will look like this:

  "$schema": "",
  "schema_version": "v2.1",
  "name_for_human": "GitHub v3 REST API",
  "description_for_human": "GitHub\u0026apos;s v3 REST API.",
  "description_for_model": "GitHub\u0026apos;s v3 REST API.",
  "logo_url": "",
  "contact_email": "",
  "namespace": "GitHubReposOwner",
  "capabilities": {
    "localization": {}
  "functions": [
      "name": "repos_delete",
      "description": "Delete a repository"
      "name": "repos_get",
      "description": "Get a repository"
      "name": "repos_update",
      "description": "Update a repository"
  "runtimes": [
      "type": "OpenApi",
      "auth": {
        "type": "OAuthPluginVault",
        "reference_id": "somerefid"
      "spec": {
        "url": "githubreposowner-openapi.yml"
      "run_for_functions": [

The resulting API Manifest named github-apimanifest.json will look like this:

  "apiDependencies": {
    "GitHub": {
      "x-ms-kiotaHash": "9EDF8506CB74FE44...",
      "apiDescriptionUrl": "",
      "apiDeploymentBaseUrl": "",
      "apiDescriptionVersion": "v1.0",
      "requests": [
          "method": "GET",
          "uriTemplate": "/repos/{owner}/{repo}"
          "method": "PATCH",
          "uriTemplate": "/repos/{owner}/{repo}"
          "method": "DELETE",
          "uriTemplate": "/repos/{owner}/{repo}"

The resulting API Manifest named apimanifest.json in the ./kiota folder (concatenated surface of all APIs dependencies across clients and plugins) will look like this:

  "apiDependencies": {
    "GraphClient": { //for example, an existing API client for Microsoft Graph
      "x-ms-kiotaHash": "9EDF8506CB74FE44...",
      "apiDescriptionUrl": "",
      "apiDeploymentBaseUrl": "",
      "apiDescriptionVersion": "v1.0",
      "requests": [ ...]
    "GitHub": { //new plugin added
      "x-ms-kiotaHash": "1GFCD345RF3DD98...",
      "apiDescriptionUrl": "",
      "apiDeploymentBaseUrl": "",
      "apiDescriptionVersion": "v1.0",
      "requests": [
          "method": "GET",
          "uriTemplate": "/repos/{owner}/{repo}"
          "method": "PATCH",
          "uriTemplate": "/repos/{owner}/{repo}"
          "method": "DELETE",
          "uriTemplate": "/repos/{owner}/{repo}"

File structure

    └─apimanifest.json # Single artifact with all APIs dependencies info across clients and plugins
        └─openapi.json # OpenAPI document
        └─overlay.json # Overlay to be applied on top of OpenAPI document
          └─github-apimanifest.json # Specific API Manifest
          └─github-apiplugin.json #API Plugin
          └─github-openapi.json # Sliced and augmented OpenAPI document