Build a Kubernetes developer cluster on an Azure VM using kubeadm
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bartr 4b0a81121a updated docs 2021-04-18 16:21:54 -05:00
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Creating a Kubernetes Dev Cluster

For information on setting up a production Kubernetes cluster on Azure please see Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

This script sets up a single-node Kubernetes development cluster on an Azure VM. While this is not intended to be a production cluster (AKS is a more complete solution). The approach is similar to using minkube or kind but it's a complete Kubernetes deployment using kubeadm.

We have found that the kubeadm approach helps engineers learn more about what is happening under the covers with Kubernetes and AKS and it's a great next step from minikube or kind. It is also a great way for developers to debug applications as they have full access to Kubernetes and can quickly experiment and debug. There are also potential cost savings as a developer can run a dedicated Kubernetes "cluster" on a single VM.

The scripts and instructions will work with other VM hosts with minimal changes

More Information


  • Bash or Windows cmd shell
  • Azure CLI (download)

Visual Studio Code Remote is highly recommended

Host VM Requirements

  • tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • minimum 2 cores with 2 GB RAM
  • recommend 2 cores with 4 GB RAM


Login to Azure

az account list -o table

# login to Azure (if necessary)
az login

# select subscription (if necesary)
az account set -s YourSubscriptionName

Installation (bash)

From a bash terminal

# change your resource group name and location if desired
export AKDC_LOC=centralus
export AKDC_RG=akdc

# Create a resource group
az group create -l $AKDC_LOC -n $AKDC_RG

# download setup script
# replace user name
curl >

# create an Ubuntu VM and install k8s
# save IP address into the AKDC_IP env var

export AKDC_IP=$(az vm create \
  -g $AKDC_RG \
  --admin-username akdc \
  -n akdc \
  --size standard_d2s_v3 \
  --image Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:latest \
  --os-disk-size-gb 128 \
  --generate-ssh-keys \
  --query publicIpAddress -o tsv \

echo $AKDC_IP

# delete SSH rule
az network nsg rule delete -g $AKDC_RG --nsg-name akdcNSG -o table --name default-allow-ssh

# For more security, replace --source-address-prefixes * with your IP or CIDR

# create SSH rule on port 2222
az network nsg rule create -g $AKDC_RG \
--nsg-name akdcNSG \
-n SSH2222 \
--description "SSH" \
--destination-port-ranges 2222 \
--protocol tcp \
--access allow \
--priority 1202 \
--source-address-prefixes *

# (optional) open NodePort range on NSG
az network nsg rule create -g $AKDC_RG \
--nsg-name akdcNSG --access allow \
--description "AKDC Ports" \
--destination-port-ranges 30000-32767 \
--protocol tcp \
-n AkdcPorts --priority 1200

# SSH into the VM
ssh akdc@${AKDC_IP} -p 2222

Installation (Windows cmd)

From a Windows cmd prompt

# change your resource group name and location if desired
set AKDC_LOC=centralus
set AKDC_RG=akdc

# Create a resource group
az group create -l %AKDC_LOC% -n %AKDC_RG%

# download setup script
curl >

# create an Ubuntu VM and install k8s
# save IP address into the AKDC_IP env var

for /f %f in (' ^
  az vm create ^
  -g %AKDC_RG% ^
  --admin-username akdc ^
  -n akdc ^
  --size standard_d2s_v3 ^
  --image Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:latest ^
  --os-disk-size-gb 128 ^
  --generate-ssh-keys ^
  --query publicIpAddress -o tsv ^
  --custom-data') ^
do set AKDC_IP=%f

echo %AKDC_IP%

# delete SSH rule
az network nsg rule delete -g %AKDC_RG% --nsg-name akdcNSG -o table --name default-allow-ssh

# For more security, replace --source-address-prefixes * with your IP or CIDR

# create SSH rule on port 2222
az network nsg rule create -g %AKDC_RG% ^
--nsg-name akdcNSG ^
-n SSH2222 ^
--description "SSH" ^
--destination-port-ranges 2222 ^
--protocol tcp ^
--access allow ^
--priority 1202 ^
--source-address-prefixes *

# (optional) open NodePort range on NSG
az network nsg rule create -g %AKDC_RG% ^
--nsg-name akdcNSG --access allow ^
--description "AKDC Ports" ^
--destination-port-ranges 30000-32767 ^
--protocol tcp ^
-n AkdcPorts --priority 1200

ssh akdc@%AKDC_IP% -p 2222


SSH into the VM first (instructions above)

# this will tell you when the user data script is complete
cat status

# your single-node k8s dev cluster is now ready
kubectl get all --all-namespaces

# (optional) install oh-my-bash kubectl aliases
sed -i "s/^plugins=($/plugins=(\n  kubectl/g" .bashrc
source .bashrc

# (optional) make sure everything is up to date
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

# (optional) reboot if required
sudo shutdown -r now

Reset cluster to start over

You can usually reset your k8s cluster to a clean install with kubeadm reset If reset fails, you will need to delete the VM and create a new one.

From a bash shell in the VM via SSH

curl >
chmod +x

# reset your cluster


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