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Work log 2017-04-27

As always, the current-work dashboard is here.

April Goals

  1. Add a ReviewBot for testing patches on Windows. MESOS-7343
  2. Add and vet an install target to CMake. MESOS-6771
  3. Port Docker containerizer tests. MESOS-7342
  4. Wire up resource limit APIs to the Mesos Containers using job objects. MESOS-6807 and MESOS-6690
  5. Deprecate Visual Studio 2015 support. MESOS-7297
  6. Add a Windows segfault handler for Glog. MESOS-7245
  7. Unblock CTrip by fixing #1.


  1. Record a demo of the Windows Docker container support for a Mesos meetup.
  2. Update Mesos documentation for using and developing on Windows.
  3. Send an update to the developer mailing list of Windows support.
  4. Turn on -Werror i.e. treat warnings as errors, and have an error/warning free build.
  5. Port the Mesos CLI scheduler src/cli/execute.cpp for easier end-to-end testing on Windows.

Progress Toward Goals

  1. ReviewBot is unblocked.
  2. The install target is being moved to May.
  3. Docker containerizer tests are being ported.
  4. Resource limit APIs si being moved to May.
  5. Visual Studio 2015 support has officially been given deprecation notice.
  6. Segfault handler is a nice-to-have that will be in May's "Extra" goals.
  7. CTrip is unblocked.


  1. Presentation was given internally at Microsoft.
  2. Documentation is partially updated, pending final long path support fixes.
  3. No update to dev list was sent yet.
  4. Turning on -Werror would be nice, but it might be a while.
  5. The Mesos CLI scheduler has not been ported yet.

Focus for the upcoming week

  • Andy: Submit patches for NTFS long path fixes.
  • Andy: Setup a Mesos ReviewBot for testing patches on Windows.
  • Andy: Re-submit ZooKeeper CMake patch via pull request.
  • Jeff: Investigate link tests.
  • John: Port Docker containerizer tests.