
860 B

Rolling Playwright-Python to the latest Playwright driver

  • checkout repo: git clone
  • make sure local python is 3.9
    • create virtual environment, if don't have one: python -m venv env
  • activate venv: source env/bin/activate
  • install all deps:
    • python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    • pip install -r local-requirements.txt
    • pre-commit install
    • pip install -e .
  • change driver version in
  • download new driver: python bdist_wheel
  • generate API: ./scripts/
  • commit changes & send PR
  • wait for bots to pass & merge the PR

Fix typing issues with Playwright ToT

  1. cd playwright
  2. API_JSON_MODE=1 node utils/doclint/generateApiJson.js > ../playwright-python/playwright/driver/package/api.json
  3. ./scripts/