
9.3 KiB

Quilla Step Cookbook

To make it easier to use Quilla, included below is a "cookbook" that showcases examples for every step definition that Quilla contains.

Refreshing the page

  "action": "Refresh"

Navigate Back to the Last Page

  "action": "NavigateBack"

Navigate Forward to the Next Page

  "action": "NavigateForward"

Navigate to a Page Given Its URL

  "action": "NavigateTo",
  "target": "https://bing.com"

Clicking on a Page Element

  "action": "Click",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SubmitButton }}"

Clearing an Input Box

  "action": "Clear",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.UsernameInputBox }}"

Hovering Over an Element

  "action": "Hover",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.InfoIcon }}"

Writing Text Into an Input

Using Static Data

  "action": "SendKeys",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.UsernameField }}",
  "parameters": {
    "data": "test_user1"

Using Environment Data

  "action": "SendKeys",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.PasswordField }}",
  "parameters": {
    "data": "${{ Environment.TEST_USER_PASSWORD }}"


Wait for an Element to Exist

Waiting for at most 5 seconds

  "action": "WaitForExistence",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SubmitButton }}",
  "parameters": {
    "timeoutInSeconds": 5

Wait for an Element to be Visible

Waiting for at most 5 seconds

  "action": "WaitForVisibility",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.HeaderBannerImage }}",
  "parameter": {
    "timeoutInSeconds": 5

Setting Browser Size

Setting the window to be 800px by 600px

  "action": "SetBrowserSize",
  "parameters": {
    "width": 800,
    "height": 600

Creating Outputs

Creating a Literal Output

Literal outputs take the exact value provided by the target field, after any context expressions are reslved, and provide them as an output.

  "action": "OutputValue",
  "target": "This is some text that will be output exactly",
  "parameters": {
    "source": "Literal",
    "outputName": "ExampleOutput"

It can then be consumed through the Validation context object like so:

  "action": "SendKeys",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.TextBox }}",
  "parameters": {
    "data": "${{ Validation.ExampleOutput }}"

The "SendKeys" example above would evaluate to be equivalent to:

  "action": "SendKeys",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.TextBox }}",
  "parameters": {
    "data": "This is some text that will be output exactly"

Creating Output from XPath Text

XPathText outputs retrieve the inner text value of the element described by the target XPath.

Assuming that ${{ Definitions.SomeLabel }} points to a label that has the text "This is some example text", then the following step would create the output ${{ Validation.SomeLabelText }} with value "This is some example text".

  "action": "OutputValue",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SomeLabel }}",
  "parameters": {
    "source": "XPathText",
    "outputName": "SomeLabelText"

Creating output from XPath Property

Similarly, the XPathProperty source can be used to retrieve a property of an XPath

  "action": "OutputValue",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SomeLabel }}",
  "parameters": {
    "parameterName": "className",
    "source": "XPathProperty",
    "outputName": "SomeLabelClassName"

XPath Validations

Validating an Element Exists on the Page

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.UsernameField }}",
  "state": "Exists"

Validating an Element Does Not Exist on the Page

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "NotExists"

Validating an Element is Visible on the Page

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "Visible"

Validating an Element is Not Visisble on the Page

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.HiddenInputField }}",
  "state": "NotVisible"

Validating the XPath Text Matches a Pattern

Checking that it contains some text

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "TextMatches",
  "parameters": {
    "pattern": "Sign In"

Checking that it matches the text exactly

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "TextMatches",
  "parameters": {
    "pattern": "^Sign In$"

Matching a more advanced regular expression:

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "TextMatches",
  "parameters": {
    "pattern": "^[Ss]ign[ -]?[Ii]n!?$"

The above example will match "Sign in", "sign in", "signin", "sign-In", "Sign In!", etc.

Quilla uses Python syntax regular expressions for text matching. For more information on how to write regular expressions, refer to the regular expression HOWTO

Validating that the XPath Text Does Not Match a Pattern

The inverse of the TextMatches operation. The following example will be a success if and only if the text does not include the text "Sign In" anywhere.

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "NotTextMatches",
  "parameters": {
    "pattern": "Sign In"

Validating that the XPath Has Some Property

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "HasProperty",
  "parameters": {
    "name": "className"

Validating that the XPath Does Not Have Some Property

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "NotHasProperty",
  "parameters": {
    "name": "className"

Validating that the XPath Has Some Attribute

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "HasAttribute",
  "parameters": {
    "name": "class"

Validating that the XPath Does Not Have Some Attribute

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "NotHasAttribute",
  "parameters": {
    "name": "class"

Validating that the XPath Has Some Property With a Specific Value

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "PropertyHasValue",
  "parameters": {
    "name": "className",
    "value": "mr-3"

Validating that the XPath Does Not Have Some Property With a Specific Value

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "NotPropertyHasValue",
  "parameters": {
    "name": "className",
    "value": "mr-3"

Validating that the XPath Has Some Attribute With a Specific Value

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "AttributeHasValue",
  "parameters": {
    "name": "class",
    "value": "mr-3"

Validating that the XPath Does Not Have Some Attribute With a Specific Value

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.SignInButton }}",
  "state": "NotAttributeHasValue",
  "parameters": {
    "name": "class",
    "value": "mr-3"

Performing VisualParity Validation

Although it is a form of XPath validation, VisualParity require additional setup.

It is not required to give a specific target the same name in a Definition file/section and in the Baseline ID used for the target. However, doing so makes it easier to navigate the resulting images.

Performing VisualParity validation on a page element

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.HomePageContentContainer }}",
  "state": "VisualParity",
  "parameters": {
    "baselineID": "HomePageContentContainer"

Performing VisualParity validation on a page element while ignoring some sub-elements

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "XPath",
  "target": "${{ Definitions.HomePageContentContainer }}",
  "state": "VisualParity",
  "parameters": {
    "baselineID": "HomePageContentContainer",
    "excludeXPaths": [
      "${{ Definitions.TodaysDateLabel }}",
      "${{ Definitions.TodaysWeatherIcon }}",

Performing URL Validations

Validating URL Constains Some Text

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "URL",
  "state": "Contains",
  "target": "?q=${{ Validation.SearchQuery }}"

Validating URL Does Not Contain Some Text

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "URL",
  "state": "NotContains",
  "target": "?q=${{ Validation.SearchQuery }}"

Validating URL Matches Some Text Exactly

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "URL",
  "state": "Equals",
  "target": "https://www.bing.com"

Validating URL Does Not Match Some Text Exactly

  "action": "Validate",
  "type": "URL",
  "state": "NotEquals",
  "target": "http://www.bing.com"