
971 B

Breaking Changes


  • D2530161: Need to introduce rn-cli.config.js for existing projects
  • D2533877: react-native bundle API changes:
    • API is now entry-file <path> based instead of url based.
    • Need to specify which platform you're bundling for --platform <ios|android>.
    • Option --out has been renamed for --bundle-output.
    • Source maps are no longer automatically generated. Need to specify --sourcemap-output <path> option to indicate where to put the source maps.
  • D2538070:
    • The --minify option is now infered based on the --dev value. To get a production minified bundle use --dev false as --dev defaults to true.
  • 28f6eb:
    • removeClippedSubviews now defaults to true on ListView. This is generally the behavior people expect from ListView so we're making it default to true. If you see any issues please report them.