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asyncstorage AsyncStorage docs APIs docs/asyncstorage.html backandroid appstate

AsyncStorage is a simple, unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system that is global to the app. It should be used instead of LocalStorage.

It is recommended that you use an abstraction on top of AsyncStorage instead of AsyncStorage directly for anything more than light usage since it operates globally.

On iOS, AsyncStorage is backed by native code that stores small values in a serialized dictionary and larger values in separate files. On Android, AsyncStorage will use either RocksDB or SQLite based on what is available.

The AsyncStorage JavaScript code is a simple facade that provides a clear JavaScript API, real Error objects, and simple non-multi functions. Each method in the API returns a Promise object.

Persisting data:

try {
  await AsyncStorage.setItem('@MySuperStore:key', 'I like to save it.');
} catch (error) {
  // Error saving data

Fetching data:

try {
  const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('@MySuperStore:key');
  if (value !== null){
    // We have data!!
} catch (error) {
  // Error retrieving data

Merging data:

let UID123_object = {
  name: 'Chris',
  age: 30,
  traits: {hair: 'brown', eyes: 'brown'},
// You only need to define what will be added or updated
let UID123_delta = {
  age: 31,
  traits: {eyes: 'blue', shoe_size: 10}

AsyncStorage.setItem('UID123', JSON.stringify(UID123_object), () => {
  AsyncStorage.mergeItem('UID123', JSON.stringify(UID123_delta), () => {
    AsyncStorage.getItem('UID123', (err, result) => {

// Console log result:
// => {'name':'Chris','age':31,'traits':
//    {'shoe_size':10,'hair':'brown','eyes':'blue'}}

Multi merge example:

// first user, initial values
let UID234_object = {
 name: 'Chris',
 age: 30,
 traits: {hair: 'brown', eyes: 'brown'},

// first user, delta values
let UID234_delta = {
 age: 31,
 traits: {eyes: 'blue', shoe_size: 10},

// second user, initial values
let UID345_object = {
 name: 'Marge',
 age: 25,
 traits: {hair: 'blonde', eyes: 'blue'},

// second user, delta values
let UID345_delta = {
 age: 26,
 traits: {eyes: 'green', shoe_size: 6},

let multi_set_pairs   = [['UID234', JSON.stringify(UID234_object)], ['UID345', JSON.stringify(UID345_object)]]
let multi_merge_pairs = [['UID234', JSON.stringify(UID234_delta)], ['UID345', JSON.stringify(UID345_delta)]]

AsyncStorage.multiSet(multi_set_pairs, (err) => {
  AsyncStorage.multiMerge(multi_merge_pairs, (err) => {
    AsyncStorage.multiGet(['UID234','UID345'], (err, stores) => { (result, i, store) => {
        let key = store[i][0];
        let val = store[i][1];
        console.log(key, val);

// Console log results:
// => UID234 {"name":"Chris","age":31,"traits":{"shoe_size":10,"hair":"brown","eyes":"blue"}}
// => UID345 {"name":"Marge","age":26,"traits":{"shoe_size":6,"hair":"blonde","eyes":"green"}}

Fetching multiple items:

AsyncStorage.getAllKeys((err, keys) => {
  AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys, (err, stores) => {, i, store) => {
     // get at each store's key/value so you can work with it
     let key = store[i][0];
     let value = store[i][1];

Removing multiple items:

let keys = ['k1', 'k2'];
AsyncStorage.multiRemove(keys, (err) => {
  // keys k1 & k2 removed, if they existed
  // do most stuff after removal (if you want)


The following batched functions are useful for executing a lot of operations at once, allowing for native optimizations and provide the convenience of a single callback after all operations are complete.

These functions return arrays of errors, potentially one for every key. For key-specific errors, the Error object will have a key property to indicate which key caused the error.




AsyncStorage.getItem(key, [callback])

Fetches an item for a key and invokes a callback upon completion. Returns a Promise object.


Name Type Required Description
key string Yes Key of the item to fetch.
callback (error, result) => void No Function that will be called with a result if found or any error.


AsyncStorage.setItem(key, value, [callback])

Sets the value for a key and invokes a callback upon completion.

Returns a Promise object.


Name Type Required Description
key string Yes Key of the item to set.
value string Yes Value to set for the key.
callback (error) => void No Function that will be called with any error.


AsyncStorage.removeItem(key, [callback])

Removes an item for a key and invokes a callback upon completion. Returns a Promise object.


Name Type Required Description
key string Yes Key of the item to remove.
callback (error) => void No Function that will be called with any error.


AsyncStorage.mergeItem(key, value, [callback])

Merges an existing key value with an input value, assuming both values are stringified JSON. Returns a Promise object.

Note: This is not supported by all native implementations.


Name Type Required Description
key string Yes Key of the item to modify.
value string Yes New value to merge for the key.
callback (error) => void No Function that will be called with any error.



Erases all AsyncStorage for all clients, libraries, etc. You probably don't want to call this; use removeItem or multiRemove to clear only your app's keys. Returns a Promise object.


Name Type Required Description
callback (error) => void No Function that will be called with any error.



Gets all keys known to your app; for all callers, libraries, etc. Returns a Promise object.


Name Type Required Description
callback (error, keys) => void No Function that will be called with an array of keys found, and any error.



Flushes any pending requests using a single batch call to get the data.


AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys, [callback])

This allows you to batch the fetching of items given an array of key inputs. Your callback will be invoked with an array of corresponding key-value pairs found:

multiGet(['k1', 'k2'], cb) -> cb([['k1', 'val1'], ['k2', 'val2']])

The method returns a Promise object.


Name Type Required Description
keys Array Yes Array of key for the items to get.
callback (errors, result) => void No Function that will be called with a key-value array of the results, plus an array of any key-specific errors found.


AsyncStorage.multiSet(keyValuePairs, [callback])

Use this as a batch operation for storing multiple key-value pairs. When the operation completes you'll get a single callback with any errors:

multiSet([['k1', 'val1'], ['k2', 'val2']], cb);

The method returns a Promise object.


Name Type Required Description
keyValuePairs Array<Array> Yes Array of key-value array for the items to set.
callback (errors) => void No Function that will be called with an array of any key-specific errors found.


AsyncStorage.multiRemove(keys, [callback])

Call this to batch the deletion of all keys in the keys array. Returns a Promise object.


Name Type Required Description
keys Array Yes Array of key for the items to delete.
callback (errors) => void No Function that will be called an array of any key-specific errors found.


AsyncStorage.multiMerge(keyValuePairs, [callback])

Batch operation to merge in existing and new values for a given set of keys. This assumes that the values are stringified JSON. Returns a Promise object.

NOTE: This is not supported by all native implementations.


Name Type Required Description
keyValuePairs Array<Array> Yes Array of key-value array for the items to merge.
callback (errors) => void No Function that will be called with an array of any key-specific errors found.