7 Quick Start
Tommy Nguyen редактировал(а) эту страницу 2024-03-12 13:04:51 +01:00
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You can generate a new project using npx:

npx --package react-native-test-app@latest init

In this example, we will create a project named "sample" in sample with apps for all platforms:

✔ What is the name of your test app? … sample
? Which platforms do you need test apps for? 
    ↑/↓: Highlight option
    ←/→/[space]: Toggle selection
    a: Toggle all
    enter/return: Complete answer
◉   Android
◉   iOS
◉   macOS
◯   visionOS (Experimental)
◉   Windows
✔ Where should we create the new project? … sample

Install npm dependencies inside the new project folder:


cd sample


cd sample
npm install

Once the dependencies are installed, follow the platform specific instructions below.

Platform specific instructions


Bundle the JS code and assets by running:


yarn build:android


npm run build:android

If you're going to use the development server, you can skip this step.

To start the Android app, run:


yarn android


npm run android

Alternatively, you can also run the app within Android Studio by pointing it to the android folder.


Bundle the JS code and assets by running:


yarn build:ios


npm run build:ios

If you're going to use the development server, you can skip this step.

Before you can run the iOS app, you must first install its native dependencies:

pod install --project-directory=ios

This command is also responsible for generating the Xcode project. To start the iOS app, run:


yarn ios


npm run ios

Alternatively, you can also run the app within Xcode by opening the Xcode workspace:

open ios/Sample.xcworkspace


If you made changes to app.json or any other assets, you should re-run pod install to make sure that the changes are included in the Xcode project.


Bundle the JS code and assets by running:


yarn build:macos


npm run build:macos

If you're going to use the development server, you can skip this step.

Before you can run the macOS app, you must first install its native dependencies:

pod install --project-directory=macos

This command is also responsible for generating the Xcode project. To start the macOS app, run:


yarn macos


npm run macos

Alternatively, you can also run the app within Xcode by opening the Xcode workspace:

open macos/Sample.xcworkspace


If you made changes to app.json or any other assets, you should re-run pod install to make sure that the changes are included in the Xcode project.


Bundle the JS code and assets by running:


yarn build:windows


npm run build:windows

Before you can run the Windows app, you must first generate the project:

npx install-windows-test-app --use-nuget

To start the Windows app, run:


yarn windows


npm run windows

Alternatively, you can also run the app within Visual Studio by opening the solution file:

start windows/Sample.sln

If you choose to use Visual Studio, make sure the target platform is set to x64. It is usually set to ARM by default.


If you made changes to app.json or any other assets, you should re-run install-windows-test-app to make sure that the changes are included in the Visual Studio project.