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id title
coreapp CoreApp

EXPERIMENTAL These APIs are experimental and subject to change.

These APIs are declared in CoreApp.h.



void RNCoreAppStart(RNCoreAppCallback launched, void * data)

This API starts a CoreApp, and upon launch, it will call your app back and pass some optional custom data to it as a parameter. The launched callback enables you to customize a variety of parameters, like your bundle name, app name, etc. See CoreApp Schema below for more info.


void RNCoreAppStartFromConfigJson(wchar_t const * configJson, RNCoreAppCallback launched, void * data)

This API is similar to RNCoreAppStart, one but it takes a path to a JSON configuration file. The callback is optional in this case, since more often than not, the configuration file will have all the necessary information.

The launched callback will receive an output RNCoreApp structure, where a number of parameters can be set, as well as the data parameter that was passed in when the RNCoreAppStartFromConfigJson API was called.



struct RNCoreApp {
  /// default value: L""
  wchar_t const *jsBundleFile;
  /// default value: L"ms-appx:///Bundle/"
  wchar_t const *bundleRootPath;
  /// Provide the name of your React component here
  wchar_t const *componentName;

  /// default value: true
  bool useWebDebugger;
  /// default value: true
  bool useFastRefresh;
  /// default value: true
  bool useDeveloperSupport;
  /// default value: false
  bool useDirectDebugger;
  /// default value: true
  bool requestInlineSourceMap;

  /// default value: false
  bool enableDefaultCrashHandler;
  /// default value: 9229
  unsigned short debuggerPort;
  /// default value: 8081
  unsigned short sourceBundlePort;
  /// default value: L"localhost"
  wchar_t const *sourceBundleHost;

  /// default value: "chakra", possible values: "chakra", "hermes"
  wchar_t const *jsEngine;

  /// default value: nullptr
  wchar_t const *viewName;

  void *resourcesAbi;
  /// Provides the launch arguments back to the CoreApp callback
  wchar_t const *args;
  /// Allocate with CoTaskMemAlloc, will be freed by the framework
  void **packageProvidersAbi;
  unsigned char packageProvidersAbiCount;
  void *propertiesAbi;

The contents of the RNCoreApp structure can be set programmatically via the RNCoreAppCallback callback passed to RNCoreAppStart, or it can be controlled through a JSON configuration file passed to RNCoreAppStartFromConfigJson.


typedef void(__cdecl * RNCoreAppCallback)(RNCoreApp *, void *)

This type represents a callback that takes a RNCoreApp and some application-defined data.

The application-defined data is the value passed as the data parameter in the RNCoreAppStart or RNCoreAppStartFromConfigJson functions.

The callback function has follows the __cdecl calling convention.

CoreApp schema

Below are the properties you can set in your app.config.json, with their default values. These properties correspond to properties on the RNCoreApp structure, and these properties are applied to the instance's ReactInstanceSettings.

  "jsBundleFile": "",
  "bundleRootPath": "ms-appx:///Bundle/",
  "componentName": null, // Required, this is your App's component name
  "useWebDebugger": true,
  "useFastRefresh": true,
  "useDeveloperSupport": true,
  "useDirectDebugger": false,
  "requestInlineSourceMap": true,
  "enableDefaultCrashHandler": false,
  "debuggerPort": 9229,
  "sourceBundlePort": 8081,
  "sourceBundleHost": "localhost",
  "jsEngine": "chakra", // possible values: "chakra", "hermes"
  "viewName": null, // adds an optional title to the window
  "nativeModules": [
      // this corresponds to the DLL that hosts the native module,
      // or the name of the app's exe (or null) if the module is locally defined
      "moduleContainer": null,  

      // the name of the factory function to call to produce a ReactPackageProvider for
      // the module; see Using native modules below.
      "factory": null,
  "properties": { 
    // these are all optional. They correspond to properties that will get set in the
    // ReactPropertyBag for the instance. Some examples:
    "someString": "string value",
    "someNumber": 42.5,
    "someBoolean": true,
    "": 22

For building in Debug mode, your app will usually only need to set a few properties: componentName, and the native modules it uses.

Using native modules

There are a couple of ways that a CoreApp can load native modules.

The simplest way is using the RNCoreAppStartFromConfigJson API. This API allows us to pass an optional DLL name to load and a plain C function to call in that DLL, to produce the IReactPackageProvider for the module. Here's what this function would look like:

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void *__cdecl MySpecialPackageProvider() {
  auto provider = winrt::make<MyModulePackageProvider>();
  void *abi{nullptr};
  winrt::copy_to_abi(provider, abi);
  return abi;

The snippet above will declare a plain C function (this is important so that C++ name mangling mechanism doesn't come into play, which is required to be able to use the function name in the JSON file), and export it from the DLL (or the application's EXE). It takes no parameters, and simply return a pointer to the package provider for the module.

If using RNCoreAppStart, you can create each the ReactPackageProvider for each native module you use, and pass it in the packageProvidersAbi and packageProvidersAbiCount members of the RNCoreApp structure:

app->packageProvidersAbiCount = 1;
app->packageProvidersAbi =
    reinterpret_cast<void **>(CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(void *) * app->packageProvidersAbiCount));
app->packageProvidersAbi[0] = MySpecialPackageProvider();

where MySpecialPackageProvider is the same as above, only that the extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) part is not required since we don't care about the name, or exporting the function.