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Thank you for your interest in this project! We welcome all contributions and suggestions!

You can open a new issue to report a bug, share an idea, or request a feature. If you're more hands-on, you can submit a pull-request.

As a contributor, you're expected to follow the code of conduct.

Contributor License Agreement

Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com.

When you submit a pull request, a CLA bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., status check, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.



  • Android:
    • Android Studio 4.2 or later
      • Android SDK Platform 29
      • Android SDK Build-Tools 30.0.3
      • To install the required SDKs, go into PreferencesAppearance & BehaviorSystem SettingsAndroid SDK.
  • iOS/macOS:
  • Windows:


We use Yarn to install npm dependencies. From the repo root, run:


Once it's done, you can choose to build all packages or just the packages you're interested in.

If you want to build all packages, run the following command at the root:

yarn build

Otherwise, you can specify which package to build, e.g. @rnx-kit/cli:

yarn build-scope cli

Alternatively, you can navigate to the package folder and run:

cd packages/cli
yarn build --dependencies

Both the repository level build-scope and the package local build --dependencies ensure all dependencies are built before the target package.

Below is a table of commonly used commands and what they do depending on your current working directory.

Command Repository Level Package Level
yarn build Builds all packages in the repository Builds the current package only
yarn build --dependencies -- Builds the current package and its dependencies
yarn build-scope Builds the specified package and its dependencies --
yarn format Formats all packages in the repository Formats the current package only
yarn lint Lints all packages in the repository Lints the current package only
yarn test Tests all packages in the repository Tests the current package only

Adding a New Package

To ensure that there is consistency and shared practices across the monorepo, we have introduced a small script to easily allow for new packages generation.

Simply run

yarn new-package <package-name>

To generate a sample project for you to use; this is based on packages/template. You can pass the extra flag --experimental to send the package in the incubator folder — files will be tweaked as necessary.

Change Logs

Each package in this monorepo contains a change log. The log is built from change descriptions submitted with each PR.

$ yarn change

This launches Changesets, which collects and records information about your change.

Follow the prompts and describe the changes you are making to each package. This information is written in files under /.changeset. Our CI loop uses these files to bump package versions and update package change logs.

Note that you only need one change log entry per feature/fix. You don't need to create new entries if you're addressing PR feedback.


Our release process is fully automated by Changesets.

When a PR is merged, our CI loop uses Changesets to version-bump each changed package and publish it to npm.

Style Guide

Most files are formatted with Prettier. We also use ESLint to lint all JavaScript code.

You can trigger formatting by running yarn format, and linting with yarn lint.