2 Client logic
Christina-Kang редактировал(а) эту страницу 2018-04-05 15:30:45 -07:00

The Service Fabric CLI acts as a wrapper around the Service Fabric Python SDK, which is auto generated from the Service Fabric REST/Swagger specs.

The Python SDK requires a client to be created before calling any REST APIs. The client generation logic has been modified to support both AAD and client certificate authentication.

Client files

The client generation function is specified in src/sfctl/apiclient.py. Here, the function create will create a client using the Service Fabric Python SDK.

Settings for the client are persisted to disk in a temporary file in the user's home directory. Settings can include choices such as the cluster endpoint and authentication options.

Knack config documentation

For more information about how these settings are persisted, see the Knack CLI module documentation

Calling client functions

The generated client can be used to then call any REST API. The APIs are all functions of the generated client.