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In general, follow the official guidelines.
Naming a file
There's no three-letter prefix in Swift file naming. For example, if an Objective-C file named XYZEvent.m is to be converted to Swift, it should be renamed to Event.swift.
Naming a class or a protocol available in Objective-C
Provide a pre-fixed Objective-C name before the class or protocol definition.
@objc class Event {
// bad: exported to Objective-C as class Event without a prefix
class Event {
// good
Naming a protocol
There is no need to add a prefix to a Swift protocol in order to distinguish it from a Swift class or struct.
Protocols that describe what something is should read as nouns (e.g. Collection).
Protocols that describe a capability should be named using the suffixes able, ible, or ing (e.g. Equatable, ProgressReporting)."
protocol IFooEventHandler {
// bad: the "I" prefix is not necessary
protocol FooEventHandler {
// bad: "er" is not a good suffix for a protocol
protocol FooEventHandling {
// good