4 Downloading Data
Adam J. Stewart редактировал(а) эту страницу 2022-12-23 23:57:59 -06:00

Note that most sites will require you to create an account and log in before you can download any data.


  1. Go to https://search.asf.alaska.edu/
  2. Zoom to the area of interest on the map
  3. Draw a bounding box around the area of interest
  4. Change any other required search criteria
  5. Choose an image you would like to download
  6. Click the "On Demand" button (3 squares) next to the image
  7. Under "RTC GAMMA", click "Add 1 GRD_HD job"
  8. Repeat for all files you would like to download
  9. When ready, click the "On Demand" button at the top of the page
  10. Click on "On Demand Queue"
  11. Change any processing options as required
  12. Submit the jobs
  13. Click on "On Demand" and "Submitted Products"
  14. When they're ready, click "Add to Downloads"
  15. Download when ready

Planetary Computer

  1. Find a dataset of interest: https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.com/catalog
  2. Explore the dataset: https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.com/explore
  3. Zoom to the area of interest on the map
  4. Select the dataset from the dropdown
  5. Change any other required search criteria
  6. Click the image you would like to download
  7. Click "Explore results in the Hub"
  8. Click "Open Hub" if you have access, or run the code locally if you don't
  9. In the Launcher tab, open a new Python 3 notebook
  10. Copy-n-paste the code from the Explorer
  11. The code will print the URLs for all files in your search query
  12. Click the links to download, or use wget or curl to manually download those locally