The Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum includes the functionality to automatically generate micro-services for smart contracts. It provides the ability to generate services that expose the functions and state of a smart contract from within Visual Studio Code. These services can be created as Logic Apps, Flows, or Azure Functions.
Generating Logic Apps
Right click on your smart contract and select “Generate Microservices for Smart Contracts” When prompted, select Logic App.
Next, provide the address for the contract.
Next, select the subscription you will be deploying the Logic App into.
Next, select the resource group you will be deploying the Logic App into.
This will create a Services directory in your project and populate it with JSON files that can be used with Logic Apps. Logic Apps are created and configured to provide a REST interface to access the functions and state of your smart contract.
Next, copy the contents of a specific service.
Create a logic app in the portal and click designer view button.
Paste the content from the generated file
You will be prompted to configure the connection for the extension and then your Logic App is complete
Generating Flows
Right click on your smart contract and select “Generate Microservices for Smart Contracts”
When prompted, select Flow.
Next, provide the address for the contract.
Next, select the subscription you will be deploying the Flow into.
Next, select the resource group you will be deploying the Flow into.
This will create a Services directory in your project and populate it with Flow files that can be used with Microsoft Flow. Flows are created and configured to provide a REST interface to access the functions and state of your smart contract.
Generating Azure Functions
Right click on your smart contract and select “Generate Microservices for Smart Contracts”
When prompted, select Azure Function.
Next, provide the address for the contract.
Next, select the subscription you will be deploying the function project into.
Next, select the resource group you will be deploying the function project into.
This will create a Services directory in your project and populate it with Azure Functions project that includes a number of Azure Functions. The created functions are configured to provide a REST interface to access the functions and state of your smart contract.
- Quickstart
- Command Palette
- Azure Blockchain Service Management
- Infura Service Management
- Azure Blockchain Service Consortium Management
- Contract Management
- Interacting with your Smart Contract
- Debugging Smart Contracts
- Testing Smart Contracts
- Generating Micro-services from Smart Contracts
- Generating Code to Publish Smart Contract Event Data to a Database
- Generating Code to Publish Smart Contract Event Data to Power BI
- Generating Code to Publish Smart Contract Event Data to Service Bus
- Generating Code to Publish Smart Contract Event Data to Event Grid
- Tips, shortcuts and other productivity helpers