2 Create Deployment at Scale
Chaoyi Yuan редактировал(а) эту страницу 2018-12-06 15:24:13 +08:00

Command: Azure IoT Edge: Create Deployment at Scale

Right-click your deployment json file and select Create Deployment at Scale,enter a deploy id, then enter a target condition to determine which devices will be targeted. There are three type of condition supported:

  1. deviceid (e.g. deviceId='{id}')
  2. one or more device twin tag criteria (e.g. tags.environment = 'prod' AND tags.location = 'westus')
  3. reported property criteria (e.g. properties.reported.lastStatus='200')

Results will be shown in OUTPUT > Azure IoT Hub Toolkit view. Wait for your devices to start all your modules and refresh to see new modules.
