
28 KiB

Change Log

1.7.4 - 2022-07-05


  • Updated minimum version of VS Code to 1.66.0 #3231
  • Updated @vscode/extension-telemetry to 0.6.2 #3229


  • Add node types to TS project template #3199
  • Missing Advanced Create context menu item #3171

1.7.3 - 2022-06-01


  • Update @vscode/extension-telemetry to 0.5.2 #3206

1.7.2 - 2022-05-27


  • Error when picking Create new local app setting from local.settings.json when creating blob trigger #3191

1.7.1 - 2022-05-26


  • Deploy command is now accessible via the Workspace Deploy menu

1.7.0 - 2022-05-24

We've made some large design changes to the Azure extensions for VS Code. View App Centric release notes


  • Add Execute Step in createFunction API #3150


  • Fix "Create Project" flow losing options #3116

1.6.2 - 2022-04-13


  • Zip deploy fails with ECONNRESET or 400 Bad Request on VS Code versions >=1.66.0 #2844

1.6.1 - 2022-03-24


  • createFunction API handles multiple target frameworks
  • Microsoft Cloud Deutschland (Azure Germany) is no longer supported. Migration information

1.6.0 - 2021-11-04


  • Remove preview flag from Azure Functions v4
  • Option to change Azure Functions runtime version when selecting runtime


  • AzureFunctionsExtensionApi command validateFuncCoreToolsInstalled

1.5.2 - 2021-10-12


  • AzureFunctionsExtensionApi command validateFuncCoreToolsInstalled


  • proxies.json are no longer created when calling Create New Project...
  • Proxy tree items are no longer displayed in local project tree view

1.5.1 - 2021-09-09


1.5.0 - 2021-08-27


  • Preview support for .NET 6 on Azure Functions v4
  • Added setting "azureFunctions.funcCliPath" to explicitly control the path of the "func" executable used for debug and deploy tasks



  • Minimum version of VS Code is now 1.57.0

1.4.1 - 2021-07-14


1.4.0 - 2021-05-25


  • Support Azure Functions on Kubernetes with Azure Arc (Preview)


  • Minimum version of VS Code is now 1.53.0
  • Icons updated to match VS Code's theme. Install new product icon themes here


1.3.0 - 2021-03-10


  • .NET 5 support for creating projects/functions, copying http trigger urls, and creating a Function App in Azure
  • Now depends on the "Azure Resources" extension, which provides a "Resource Groups" and "Help and Feedback" view


  • TypeScript projects default to TypeScript v4.0


  • Extension may become unresponsive when deploying on WSL or Codespaces
  • Debugging a C# project on Mac/Linux may take ~30 seconds longer than before v1.2.1 of the extension

1.2.1 - 2021-02-09


  • Fixed failure to debug on VS Code v1.53+ because extension did not activate
  • Mitigated "ECONNRESET" errors by retrying the request

1.2.0 - 2021-01-21


  • Allow Python v3.9 when creating a virtual environment for a local project
  • Remove "Preview" label for custom handler projects


  • Python project fails to attach debugger with error "The operation has timed out."

1.1.0 - 2020-12-11


  • Support debugging .NET 5 projects
  • Modified post-debug behavior so that "func host start" output remains viewable and to optimistically fix issue where VS Code becomes unresponsive #1401
  • Added "Reload Templates" option when creating a function that will also clear the template cache (Use setting "azureFunctions.showReloadTemplates" to enable)


  • "Report an Issue" button has been removed from errors. Instead, use the "Report Issue" command in the command palette


1.0.1 - 2020-11-11


  • Dynamically retrieve the runtime stacks available in Azure so that the extension supports them as soon as possible, including upcoming preview support for Node 14

1.0.0 - 2020-10-20


  • Preview support for creating custom handler projects and functions
  • Preview support for generating functions from an OpenAPI specification
  • Extended deployment slot support to Linux consumption apps
  • Warn when attempting to deploy a 64-bit C# project to a 32-bit Function App (thanks @prabh-62)
  • Allow comments in "local.settings.json"


0.24.1 - 2020-09-21


  • Deploy error when AzureWebJobsStorage app setting doesn't have EndpointSuffix
  • createFunction API call fails to create C# triggers

0.24.0 - 2020-08-25


  • Create, debug, and deploy PowerShell 7 and Java 11 projects
  • Preview support to deploy custom handler projects
  • Improved extension activation time (by switching to the azure-sdk-for-js)


  • Minimum version of VS Code is now 1.48.0
  • Support for PowerShell 6 projects has been deprecated


0.23.0 - 2020-07-08


  • Added "Execute Function Now" for all trigger types
  • Support viewing remote files on Linux consumption plans


  • To improve performance, "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE" will automatically be added to all Windows plans when deploying. Set "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE" to "0" to override this behavior


0.22.1 - 2020-05-15


  • Enhanced deployment logs to show more information and more accurately detect failures
  • Added setting "azureFunctions.validateFuncCoreTools" to skip validating Azure Functions Core Tools before debugging



  • Minimum version of VS Code is now 1.40.0

0.22.0 - 2020-04-08


  • Enable/disable a function
  • Added setting "azureFunctions.postDeployTask" to run a task after every deploy. New JavaScript/TypeScript projects will run "npm install" by default
  • Improved performance of loading templates


  • Pre-deploy task notification becomes unresponsive and prevents deploy
  • Updated C# recommended extension id to "ms-dotnettools.csharp"

0.21.0 - 2020-03-03


  • Java and C# support for the local project tree item
    • Copy local http trigger urls
    • Execute local timer triggers
  • Allow Python 3.8 when creating local project or deploying to Azure (only supported in v3 of the Azure Functions runtime)
  • Allow deploying Java projects to Linux Function Apps in Azure (only supported in v3 of the Azure Functions runtime)
  • Added setting "azureFunctions.showDeployConfirmation" to turn off "Are you sure you want to deploy..." dialog
  • Logging is enabled by default when creating a Function App in Azure


  • Bindings are no longer displayed in the tree. View properties on the function instead
  • "Add Binding..." was moved from the local "Bindings" tree item to the function tree item
  • Prompt for runtime before OS when creating a Function App in Azure. OS will not be prompted if the runtime doesn't support it
  • Inline button to view deployment logs was removed. Left or right click the tree item instead


  • Reduced time to create the first Function App in Azure on some new subscriptions
  • Prompt to select existing resource group instead of "403" error when subscription doesn't have permissions to create
  • "Init project for VS Code" will detect projects using "extensions.csproj" and configure to use "func extensions install" instead of bundle

0.20.2 - 2020-01-23


  • Browse to website
  • Added option to create a Node 12.x Function App, only supported in v3 of the Azure Functions runtime


  • If the Azure Functions runtime version cannot be automatically detected, default to v3 instead of v2
  • Removed ability to update app settings in Azure if language or runtime version don't match when deploying. Instead, create a new Function App in Azure


0.20.1 - 2019-12-05


  • Select Python version (3.6.x or 3.7.x) when creating a project


  • Linux Premium Function App fails to run because it's missing CONTENT* app settings

0.20.0 - 2019-11-04


  • Select Node.js or Python runtime version when creating a Function App in Azure
  • Added support for Azure Functions v3 Preview in the following existing features:
    • Install func cli from the command palette (brew and npm only)
    • Create new project/function from a version-specific template
    • Validate local version matches remote version when deploying
  • View Files and Logs for your Function App in Azure



  • Removed support for "azureFunctions.projectRuntime" value of "beta". Use "~1", "~2", or "~3" instead

0.19.1 - 2019-10-15


  • Fix error "Expected value to be neither null nor undefined" when adding a binding

0.19.0 - 2019-10-14


  • Added support for deployment slots (feature flag no longer required)
    • Deploy
    • Stream logs
    • Start/stop/restart
    • Create/delete/swap
  • Default new Python projects to remote build. See here for more info: https://aka.ms/AA5vsfd
  • Function templates respect extension bundle specified in host.json
  • Add option to use a Premium (preview) hosting plan when creating a Function App in Azure


  • Fixed subfolders of a symbolically linked folder not included during deploy
  • Fixed bundle dependency not added during "Add Binding"
  • Reduced false positive deploy failures when listing triggers or logs

0.18.1 - 2019-08-21


  • Fix error "Expected value to be neither null nor undefined" when creating App Insights resource with existing resource group
  • Fix error "r.map is not a function" if Microsoft.Insights is not a registered provider for your subscription

0.18.0 - 2019-08-19


  • Added Python project support for remote build. Follow these steps to enable: https://aka.ms/AA5vsfd
  • Added Application Insights support when creating a Function App in Azure
  • Added a local project tree item to the Azure Functions view (does not apply to Java or C#)
    • Copy local http trigger urls
    • Execute local timer triggers
    • View and add bindings
  • Removed "Preview" label from Python projects and Linux Function Apps


  • Removed setting "azureFunctions.advancedCreation" in favor of a separate "Advanced" command to create Function Apps
  • Renamed default Python virtual environment from ".env" to ".venv"
  • Basic create mode will now prompt for a location when creating a Function App


  • Fixed copying non-anonymous function urls for Linux consumption apps
  • Reduced occurrence of error "Failed to detect running Functions host" for C# debugging
  • Fixed creation of Linux Dedicated Function Apps

0.17.1 - 2019-05-24


  • Improve performance of loading Function Apps

0.17.0 - 2019-05-01


  • New projects will no longer have a dependency on .NET Core for non-.NET developers
  • Preview support to create, debug, and deploy PowerShell projects
  • Right click in a "function.json" file to add a binding from a template
  • New JavaScript projects will include a package.json, with automatic logic to install any dependencies before debug or deploy
  • Right click on a timer function to execute now
  • If in advanced create mode, you may use a premium plan when creating a Function App in Azure
  • Added templates to the "verified" category, including Event Hub and Durable functions


0.16.0 - 2019-03-28


  • Improved multi-prompt wizards (e.g. "Create function")
    • Added support for back button
    • All prompts will occur up front before any steps are executed
  • Creating a project will automatically prompt for the first function
  • Projects in sub-directory of a workspace will be recognized as function projects
  • Prompt to upload local app settings after deploy
  • View commit in GitHub for an applicable deployment


  • Creating a Function App in Azure will only prompt for Function App name. Set azureFunctions.advancedCreation to true to be prompted for all other values.


0.15.0 - 2019-02-22


  • Create, debug, and deploy TypeScript projects
  • Support for .funcignore file, which will exclude paths when deploying based on .gitignore syntax. This file is also used by the func cli.
  • Added templates to the "verified" category, including Event Grid for most languages


  • If using "zipGlobPattern" and "zipIgnorePattern" settings when deploying, you will be prompted to use .funcignore file instead


0.14.0 - 2019-02-11


  • Improved startup and installation performance
  • Improved reliability of Python projects
    • Leverages ptvsd module shipped with Python extension for VS Code instead of installing ptvsd in your virtual environment
    • Removed terminal specific separators from debug config
    • Allow deployment to dedicated App Service plans
    • Added retry logic to handle momentary issues while deploying
  • Added azureFunctions.advancedCreation setting. When set to true, this allows you to manually select several properties (i.e. OS and runtime) when creating a Function App
  • App setting values are hidden by default


  • Java projects now leverage common settings for deploy. See our wiki for more info
    • Projects will no longer run mvn clean package unless azureFunctions.preDeployTask is set
    • Projects will no longer deploy a subpath of the workspace unless azureFunctions.deploySubpath is set


0.13.1 - 2018-12-17


  • Provide option to "Deploy Anyway" if pre-deploy task fails
  • If "azureFunctions.preDeployTask" is not set, do not run any task

0.13.0 - 2018-12-04


  • Deployments node for Function Apps that are connected to a GitHub or LocalGit repository
    • View deployment logs
    • Redeploy previous deployments
  • Preview support for deployment slots (feature flag azureFunctions.enableSlots must be set to true)
    • Deploy
    • Stream logs
    • Start/stop/restart
    • Create/delete/swap


  • Feature flag no longer required for creating Python projects


0.12.1 - 2018-11-26


0.12.0 - 2018-10-22


  • Improved debugging
    • Functions host will be stopped after you detach
    • Terminal (where Http Triggers are listed) will be the default view rather than Debug Console
  • Improved Python projects
    • Deploying will automatically sync triggers
    • Users will be warned if deploying to Windows
    • pylint will be added to the local virtual environment by default
    • "pip install" will be run before debugging
  • Added Cosmos DB trigger to "Verified" category for C#
  • JavaScript and Python projects will hide 'obj' and 'bin' folder by default (used for Functions extensions). NOTE: extensions.csproj will not be hidden and should still be checked in to source control


Known Issues

  • Local debugging for Python projects may fail with "python.exe -m ptvsd: error: the following arguments are required: --host.". Can be resolved by changing the "languageWorkers__python__arguments" setting in the .vscode/tasks.json to "-m ptvsd --host --port 9091"

0.11.0 - 2018-09-24


  • Preview support for creating and debugging Python projects. To enable, set azureFunctions.enablePython to true. IMPORTANT: Python support in Azure is still in private preview.
  • Added several more templates to the "verified" category, including Cosmos DB and Service Bus.


  • Newly created Function Apps will default to "Run From Package". See here for more info.
  • Deprecated projectRuntime of "beta" in favor of "~2".
  • "azureFunctions.deploySubpath" setting takes precedence


  • "Copy Function Url" for v2 non-anonymous functions will copy an invalid url #567

Known Issues

0.10.2 - 2018-09-10


  • Debugging C# functions after fixing a build break fails with error "Failed to stop previous running Functions host..." #534

0.10.1 - 2018-09-06


  • Improved Java templates
    • More templates are available
    • Templates will be automatically updated going forward


  • JavaScript projects run func extensions install before debug and deploy


Known Issues

  • "Copy Function Url" for v2 non-anonymous functions will copy an invalid url (that returns a 401 Unauthorized error) due to recent breaking changes in the runtime #567

0.10.0 - 2018-07-24


  • Improved C# templates
    • More templates are available
    • Templates will be automatically updated going forward
    • Templates are installed only with the scope of VS Code and no longer affect machine-wide .NET CLI templates
  • Added support for deploying to App Service Environments


  • Debug config for JavaScript functions has changed. See https://aka.ms/AA1vrxa for more info
  • New C# projects will deploy the result of a 'dotnet publish' rather than deploying the build output
  • Azure Function Apps created through VS Code will automatically match the runtime from your local machine rather than always using v1


0.9.1 - 2018-05-23


  • Users will not be prompted to install the latest version of the func cli if high priority issues are discovered

0.9.0 - 2018-05-09


  • Improved warning when Azure Functions Core Tools is out of date
    • In some cases, an 'Update' option is provided that will automatically run the necessary commmands
    • Warning now displays for all users, regardless of how they installed the func cli
  • Function templates are now versioned and can be controlled with the "azureFunctions.templateVersion" setting
  • Select open behavior after creating a new project ("Add to workspace", "Open in current window", or "Open in new window")


  • Moved Azure Functions Explorer to new Azure view container instead of file explorer


0.8.1 - 2018-04-13


  • Deployment fail when deploying to Function App with a custom domain

0.8.0 - 2018-04-05


  • Upload and download application settings
  • Prompt to automatically install the Azure Functions Core Tools when possible
  • "Report an issue" button on error dialogs that links to the GitHub repo
  • Subscription filter button next to Subscription nodes in the explorer
  • Deploy to Function App context menu action for Function Apps


  • JavaScript projects will default to runtime "beta" instead of "~1" on Mac/Linux. See here for more information.


0.7.0 - 2018-03-05


  • Automatically detect projects created outside of VS Code and prompt to initialize
  • View/Delete Proxies
  • Remote Debug Java Function Apps (experimental)


0.6.1 - 2018-02-22


  • Add backup templates in case there is no internet or in case the functions portal api changes

0.6.0 - 2018-02-13


  • Stream logs from your Azure Function Apps
  • Support projects in multi-root workspaces
  • Link to deployment tutorial


  • Show warning if your Azure Functions Core Tools version is out-of-date
  • Update Microsoft.Net.Sdk.Functions version so that C# functions work on Mac/Linux

0.5.1 - 2018-02-01


  • C# local debugging
    • Fixed "Cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." error by automatically restarting the functions host
    • Fixed project being built twice for every F5
    • Improved performance of 'azureFunctions.pickProcess' on Windows

0.5.0 - 2018-01-25


  • Create, Debug, and Deploy a C# class library project
  • User settings for language/runtime/templateFilter now apply when creating a new project
    • Set these once and never select a language, runtime, or filter again
    • Set the language to something other than "JavaScript", "C#", or "Java" for preview support of other languages (for example, "C#Script")


Known Issues

  • The Functions host must be stopped after making changes and before rebuilding to C# functions #185
  • C# class library functions fail to run on Mac #164
  • C# script functions fail to attach on Windows #180

0.4.0 - 2017-12-15


  • Copy HTTP Trigger Url
  • Change Deployment Source (Zip Deploy vs. Local Git Deploy)
  • Settings to control project language and runtime


0.3.1 - 2017-12-06


  • JavaScript 'Verified' templates not displayed
  • Java templates not displayed

0.3.0 - 2017-12-01


  • Java support
    • Create new project
    • Create new function
    • Deploy project
  • Azure Functions Explorer
    • View and delete functions
    • View, add, edit, and delete Application Settings
    • 'Load more' for large number of resources


0.2.0 - 2017-11-10


  • Improved 'Create new function'
    • All JavaScript templates listed in the Azure portal are now supported
    • The user will be prompted for function settings on creation
    • Added azureFunctions.templateFilter setting to control which templates are displayed (Verified, Core, or All)
  • Added 'Create' and 'Delete' commmands for Function Apps in Azure
  • Updated icons to match the Azure portal


  • Moved 'Deploy here as Zip' option from Function App nodes to the explorer menu bar


0.1.1 - 2017-11-01



  • Zip Deploy no longer runs 'npm install'. It expects a ready-to-run app

0.1.0 - 2017-10-19


  • Create new project
  • Create new function from template
  • Debug function projects locally
  • View Azure Functions
  • Deploy to Azure Functions
  • Start, stop, and restart Azure Functions
  • JSON Intellisense for function.json, host.json, and proxies.json