* Used shared webpack dev code

* fix

* remove ts-loader dep

* PR fixes

* dev 0.1.7

* fixes

* fixes

* package lock
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Weatherford (MSFT) 2019-02-13 17:28:47 -08:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
Родитель 4a9e5811ac
Коммит 3ee4a3d2a6
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
37 изменённых файлов: 1698 добавлений и 975 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { SubscriptionModels } from 'azure-arm-resource';
import { ResourceGroup } from "azure-arm-resource/lib/resource/models";
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { skus } from '../../constants';
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../../dockerExtension';
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../../extension';
import { ext } from '../../extensionVariables';
import { isValidAzureName } from '../../utils/Azure/common';
import { AzureUtilityManager } from '../../utils/azureUtilityManager';

Просмотреть файл

@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
import { Registry } from "azure-arm-containerregistry/lib/models";
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { DialogResponses } from "vscode-azureextensionui";
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../../dockerExtension';
import { AzureImageTagNode } from '../../explorer/models/azureRegistryNodes';
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../../extension';
import { ext } from "../../extensionVariables";
import * as acrTools from '../../utils/Azure/acrTools';
import { AzureImage } from "../../utils/Azure/models/image";

Просмотреть файл

@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
import { Registry } from "azure-arm-containerregistry/lib/models";
import { SubscriptionModels } from "azure-arm-resource";
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../../dockerExtension';
import { AzureRegistryNode } from '../../explorer/models/azureRegistryNodes';
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../../extension';
import * as acrTools from '../../utils/Azure/acrTools';
import { AzureUtilityManager } from '../../utils/azureUtilityManager';
import { nonNullProp } from "../../utils/nonNull";

Просмотреть файл

@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
import { Registry } from "azure-arm-containerregistry/lib/models";
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../../dockerExtension';
import { AzureRepositoryNode } from '../../explorer/models/azureRegistryNodes';
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../../extension';
import * as acrTools from '../../utils/Azure/acrTools';
import { Repository } from "../../utils/Azure/models/repository";
import { confirmUserIntent, quickPickACRRegistry, quickPickACRRepository } from '../utils/quick-pick-azure';

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { IActionContext } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../dockerExtension';
import { ContainerNode } from '../explorer/models/containerNode';
import { RootNode } from '../explorer/models/rootNode';
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../extension';
import { AllStatusFilter, docker, ListContainerDescOptions } from './utils/docker-endpoint';
import { quickPickContainerOrAll } from './utils/quick-pick-container';

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
import { ContainerDesc } from 'dockerode';
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { IActionContext } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../dockerExtension';
import { ContainerNode } from '../explorer/models/containerNode';
import { RootNode } from '../explorer/models/rootNode';
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../extension';
import { docker, ListContainerDescOptions } from './utils/docker-endpoint';
import { ContainerItem, quickPickContainer, quickPickContainerOrAll } from './utils/quick-pick-container';
import { quickPickContainerOrAll } from './utils/quick-pick-container';
export async function restartContainer(actionContext: IActionContext, context: RootNode | ContainerNode | undefined): Promise<void> {

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../dockerExtension';
import { ContainerNode } from '../explorer/models/containerNode';
import { dockerExplorerProvider } from '../extension';
import { docker, ListContainerDescOptions } from './utils/docker-endpoint';
import { ContainerItem, quickPickContainer, quickPickContainerOrAll } from './utils/quick-pick-container';
import { quickPickContainerOrAll } from './utils/quick-pick-container';
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { IActionContext } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';

Просмотреть файл

@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
'use strict';
import { CancellationToken, CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, CompletionItemProvider, Position, TextDocument, Uri } from 'vscode';
import { KeyInfo } from '../dockerExtension';
import hub = require('../dockerHubSearch');
import { KeyInfo } from '../extension';
import helper = require('../helpers/suggestSupportHelper');
import composeVersions from './dockerComposeKeyInfo';

Просмотреть файл

@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
'use strict';
import { CancellationToken, Hover, HoverProvider, MarkedString, Position, Range, TextDocument } from 'vscode';
import { KeyInfo } from "../dockerExtension";
import hub = require('../dockerHubSearch');
import { KeyInfo } from "../extension";
import suggestHelper = require('../helpers/suggestSupportHelper');
import parser = require('../parser');

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
import { ComposeVersionKeys, KeyInfo } from "../dockerExtension";
import { ComposeVersionKeys, KeyInfo } from "../extension";
// Define the keys that are shared between all compose file versions,
// regardless of the major/minor version (e.g. v1-v2.1+).

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
import * as assert from 'assert';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import * as path from 'path';
import { CoreOptions } from 'request';
import * as request from 'request-promise-native';
import { RequestPromise } from 'request-promise-native';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { AzureUserInput, callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandling, createTelemetryReporter, IActionContext, registerCommand as uiRegisterCommand, registerUIExtensionVariables, TelemetryProperties, UserCancelledError } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';
import { ConfigurationParams, DidChangeConfigurationNotification, DocumentSelector, LanguageClient, LanguageClientOptions, Middleware, ServerOptions, TransportKind } from 'vscode-languageclient/lib/main';
import { viewACRLogs } from "./commands/azureCommands/acr-logs";
import { LogContentProvider } from "./commands/azureCommands/acr-logs-utils/logFileManager";
import { createRegistry } from './commands/azureCommands/create-registry';
import { deleteAzureImage, untagAzureImage } from './commands/azureCommands/delete-image';
import { deleteAzureRegistry } from './commands/azureCommands/delete-registry';
import { deleteRepository } from './commands/azureCommands/delete-repository';
import { pullImageFromAzure, pullRepoFromAzure } from './commands/azureCommands/pull-from-azure';
import { quickBuild } from "./commands/azureCommands/quick-build";
import { runTask, runTaskFile } from "./commands/azureCommands/run-task";
import { showTaskProperties } from "./commands/azureCommands/show-task";
import { TaskContentProvider } from "./commands/azureCommands/task-utils/showTaskManager";
import { buildImage } from './commands/build-image';
import { composeDown, composeRestart, composeUp } from './commands/docker-compose';
import inspectImage from './commands/inspect-image';
import { openShellContainer } from './commands/open-shell-container';
import { pushImage } from './commands/push-image';
import { consolidateDefaultRegistrySettings, setRegistryAsDefault } from './commands/registrySettings';
import { removeContainer } from './commands/remove-container';
import { removeImage } from './commands/remove-image';
import { restartContainer } from './commands/restart-container';
import { showLogsContainer } from './commands/showlogs-container';
import { startAzureCLI, startContainer, startContainerInteractive } from './commands/start-container';
import { stopContainer } from './commands/stop-container';
import { systemPrune } from './commands/system-prune';
import { tagImage } from './commands/tag-image';
import { docker } from './commands/utils/docker-endpoint';
import { DefaultTerminalProvider } from './commands/utils/TerminalProvider';
import { DockerDebugConfigProvider } from './configureWorkspace/configDebugProvider';
import { configure, configureApi, ConfigureApiOptions } from './configureWorkspace/configure';
import { COMPOSE_FILE_GLOB_PATTERN } from './constants';
import { registerDebugConfigurationProvider } from './debugging/coreclr/registerDebugger';
import { DockerComposeCompletionItemProvider } from './dockerCompose/dockerComposeCompletionItemProvider';
import { DockerComposeHoverProvider } from './dockerCompose/dockerComposeHoverProvider';
import composeVersionKeys from './dockerCompose/dockerComposeKeyInfo';
import { DockerComposeParser } from './dockerCompose/dockerComposeParser';
import { DockerfileCompletionItemProvider } from './dockerfile/dockerfileCompletionItemProvider';
import DockerInspectDocumentContentProvider, { SCHEME as DOCKER_INSPECT_SCHEME } from './documentContentProviders/dockerInspect';
import { AzureAccountWrapper } from './explorer/deploy/azureAccountWrapper';
import * as util from './explorer/deploy/util';
import { WebAppCreator } from './explorer/deploy/webAppCreator';
import { DockerExplorerProvider } from './explorer/dockerExplorer';
import { AzureImageTagNode, AzureRegistryNode, AzureRepositoryNode } from './explorer/models/azureRegistryNodes';
import { ContainerNode } from './explorer/models/containerNode';
import { connectCustomRegistry, disconnectCustomRegistry } from './explorer/models/customRegistries';
import { DockerHubImageTagNode, DockerHubOrgNode, DockerHubRepositoryNode } from './explorer/models/dockerHubNodes';
import { ImageNode } from './explorer/models/imageNode';
import { NodeBase } from './explorer/models/nodeBase';
import { RootNode } from './explorer/models/rootNode';
import { browseAzurePortal } from './explorer/utils/browseAzurePortal';
import { browseDockerHub, dockerHubLogout } from './explorer/utils/dockerHubUtils';
import { ext } from './extensionVariables';
import { addUserAgent } from './utils/addUserAgent';
import { AzureUtilityManager } from './utils/azureUtilityManager';
import { getTrustedCertificates } from './utils/getTrustedCertificates';
import { Keytar } from './utils/keytar';
import { wrapError } from './utils/wrapError';
export let dockerExplorerProvider: DockerExplorerProvider;
export type KeyInfo = { [keyName: string]: string };
export interface ComposeVersionKeys {
All: KeyInfo;
v1: KeyInfo;
v2: KeyInfo;
let client: LanguageClient;
const DOCUMENT_SELECTOR: DocumentSelector = [
{ language: 'dockerfile', scheme: 'file' }
function initializeExtensionVariables(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext): void {
if (!ext.ui) {
// This allows for standard interactions with the end user (as opposed to test input)
ext.ui = new AzureUserInput(ctx.globalState);
ext.context = ctx;
ext.outputChannel = util.getOutputChannel();
if (!ext.terminalProvider) {
ext.terminalProvider = new DefaultTerminalProvider();
ext.reporter = createTelemetryReporter(ctx);
if (!ext.keytar) {
ext.keytar = Keytar.tryCreate();
export async function activateInternal(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext, perfStats: { loadStartTime: number, loadEndTime: number | undefined }): Promise<void> {
perfStats.loadEndTime = Date.now();
await setRequestDefaults();
await callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandling('docker.activate', async function (this: IActionContext): Promise<void> {
this.properties.isActivationEvent = 'true';
this.measurements.mainFileLoad = (perfStats.loadEndTime - perfStats.loadStartTime) / 1000;
new DockerfileCompletionItemProvider(),
const YAML_MODE_ID: vscode.DocumentFilter = {
language: 'yaml',
scheme: 'file',
let yamlHoverProvider = new DockerComposeHoverProvider(
new DockerComposeParser(),
vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider(YAML_MODE_ID, yamlHoverProvider)
new DockerComposeCompletionItemProvider(),
new DockerInspectDocumentContentProvider()
new LogContentProvider()
new TaskContentProvider()
new DockerDebugConfigProvider()
await consolidateDefaultRegistrySettings();
// Start loading the Azure account after we're completely done activating.
// Do not wait
// tslint:disable-next-line:promise-function-async
() => AzureUtilityManager.getInstance().tryGetAzureAccount(),
async function setRequestDefaults(): Promise<void> {
// Set up the user agent for all direct 'request' calls in the extension (as long as they use ext.request)
// ... Trusted root certificate authorities
let caList = await getTrustedCertificates();
let defaultRequestOptions: CoreOptions = { agentOptions: { ca: caList } };
// ... User agent
let requestWithDefaults = request.defaults(defaultRequestOptions);
// Wrap 'get' to provide better error message for self-signed certificates
let originalGet = <(...args: unknown[]) => RequestPromise>requestWithDefaults.get;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
async function wrappedGet(this: unknown, ...args: unknown[]): Promise<any> {
try {
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-unsafe-any
return await originalGet.call(this, ...args);
} catch (err) {
let error = <{ cause?: { code?: string } }>err;
if (error && error.cause && error.cause.code === 'UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE') {
err = wrapError(err, `There was a problem verifying a certificate. This could be caused by a self-signed or corporate certificate. You may need to set the 'docker.importCertificates' setting to true.`)
throw err;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
requestWithDefaults.get = <any>wrappedGet;
ext.request = requestWithDefaults;
async function createWebApp(context?: AzureImageTagNode | DockerHubImageTagNode): Promise<void> {
assert(!!context, "Should not be available through command palette");
let azureAccount = await AzureUtilityManager.getInstance().requireAzureAccount();
const azureAccountWrapper = new AzureAccountWrapper(ext.context, azureAccount);
const wizard = new WebAppCreator(ext.outputChannel, azureAccountWrapper, context);
const result = await wizard.run();
if (result.status === 'Faulted') {
throw result.error;
} else if (result.status === 'Cancelled') {
throw new UserCancelledError();
// Remove this when https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-docker/issues/445 fixed
function registerCommand(
commandId: string,
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-any
callback: (this: IActionContext, ...args: any[]) => any
): void {
return uiRegisterCommand(
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-function-expression no-any
async function (this: IActionContext, ...args: any[]): Promise<any> {
if (args.length) {
let properties: {
contextValue?: string;
} & TelemetryProperties = this.properties;
const contextArg = args[0];
if (contextArg instanceof NodeBase) {
properties.contextValue = contextArg.contextValue;
} else if (contextArg instanceof vscode.Uri) {
properties.contextValue = "Uri";
return callback.call(this, ...args);
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-func-body-length
function registerDockerCommands(): void {
dockerExplorerProvider = new DockerExplorerProvider();
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.createRegistry', createRegistry);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.deleteImage', deleteAzureImage);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.deleteRegistry', deleteAzureRegistry);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.deleteRepository', deleteRepository);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.pullImage', pullImageFromAzure);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.pullRepo', pullRepoFromAzure);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.quickBuild', async function (this: IActionContext, item: vscode.Uri | undefined): Promise<void> { await quickBuild(this, item); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.runTask', runTask);
registerCommand("vscode-docker.acr.runTaskFile", runTaskFile);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.showTask', showTaskProperties);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.untagImage', untagAzureImage);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.viewLogs', viewACRLogs);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.api.configure', async function (this: IActionContext, options: ConfigureApiOptions): Promise<void> { await configureApi(this, options); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.browseDockerHub', (context?: DockerHubImageTagNode | DockerHubRepositoryNode | DockerHubOrgNode) => { browseDockerHub(context); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.browseAzurePortal', (context?: AzureRegistryNode | AzureRepositoryNode | AzureImageTagNode) => { browseAzurePortal(context); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.compose.down', composeDown);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.compose.restart', composeRestart);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.compose.up', composeUp);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.configure', async function (this: IActionContext): Promise<void> { await configure(this, undefined); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.connectCustomRegistry', connectCustomRegistry);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.open-shell', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ContainerNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await openShellContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.remove', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ContainerNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await removeContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.restart', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ContainerNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await restartContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.show-logs', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ContainerNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await showLogsContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.start', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await startContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.start.azurecli', async function (this: IActionContext): Promise<void> { await startAzureCLI(this); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.start.interactive', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await startContainerInteractive(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.stop', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ContainerNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await stopContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.createWebApp', async (context?: AzureImageTagNode | DockerHubImageTagNode) => await createWebApp(context));
registerCommand('vscode-docker.disconnectCustomRegistry', disconnectCustomRegistry);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.dockerHubLogout', dockerHubLogout);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.explorer.refresh', () => dockerExplorerProvider.refresh());
registerCommand('vscode-docker.image.build', async function (this: IActionContext, item: vscode.Uri | undefined): Promise<void> { await buildImage(this, item); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.image.inspect', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await inspectImage(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.image.push', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await pushImage(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.image.remove', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await removeImage(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.image.tag', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await tagImage(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.setRegistryAsDefault', setRegistryAsDefault);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.system.prune', async function (this: IActionContext): Promise<void> { await systemPrune(this); });
export async function deactivateInternal(): Promise<void> {
if (!client) {
return undefined;
// perform cleanup
return await client.stop();
namespace Configuration {
let configurationListener: vscode.Disposable;
export function computeConfiguration(params: ConfigurationParams): vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration[] {
let result: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration[] = [];
for (let item of params.items) {
let config: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration;
if (item.scopeUri) {
config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(
} else {
config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(item.section);
return result;
export function initialize(): void {
configurationListener = vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(
(e: vscode.ConfigurationChangeEvent) => {
// notify the language server that settings have change
client.sendNotification(DidChangeConfigurationNotification.type, {
settings: null
// Update endpoint and refresh explorer if needed
if (e.affectsConfiguration('docker')) {
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-floating-promises
export function dispose(): void {
if (configurationListener) {
// remove this listener when disposed
function activateLanguageClient(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext): void {
// Don't wait
callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandling('docker.languageclient.activate', async function (this: IActionContext): Promise<void> {
this.properties.isActivationEvent = 'true';
let serverModule = ctx.asAbsolutePath(
assert(true === await fse.pathExists(serverModule), "Could not find language client module");
let debugOptions = { execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--inspect=6009"] };
let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
run: {
module: serverModule,
transport: TransportKind.ipc,
args: ["--node-ipc"]
debug: {
module: serverModule,
transport: TransportKind.ipc,
options: debugOptions
let middleware: Middleware = {
workspace: {
configuration: Configuration.computeConfiguration
let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
documentSelector: DOCUMENT_SELECTOR,
synchronize: {
fileEvents: vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher("**/.clientrc")
middleware: middleware
client = new LanguageClient(
"Dockerfile Language Server",
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises
client.onReady().then(() => {
// attach the VS Code settings listener

Просмотреть файл

@ -4,10 +4,8 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-require-imports
import * as opn from 'opn';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { parseError } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';
import { keytarConstants, PAGE_SIZE } from '../../constants';
import { ext } from '../../extensionVariables';
import { DockerHubImageTagNode, DockerHubOrgNode, DockerHubRepositoryNode } from '../models/dockerHubNodes';

extension.bundle.ts Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
* This is the external face of extension.bundle.js, the main webpack bundle for the extension.
* Anything needing to be exposed outside of the extension sources must be exported from here, because
* everything else will be in private modules in extension.bundle.js.
// Export activate/deactivate for main.js
export { activateInternal, deactivateInternal } from './extension';
// Exports for tests
// The tests are not packaged with the webpack bundle and therefore only have access to code exported from this file.
// The tests should import '../extension.bundle.ts'. At design-time they live in tests/ and so will pick up this file (extension.bundle.ts).
// At runtime the tests live in dist/tests and will therefore pick up the main webpack bundle at dist/extension.bundle.js.
export { AsyncPool } from './utils/asyncpool';
export { wrapError } from './utils/wrapError';
export { ext } from './extensionVariables';
export { nonNullProp } from './utils/nonNull';
export { IKeytar } from './utils/keytar';
export { throwDockerConnectionError, internal } from './explorer/utils/dockerConnectionError';
export { getImageOrContainerDisplayName } from './explorer/models/getImageOrContainerDisplayName';
export { trimWithElipsis } from './explorer/utils/utils';
export { isWindows10RS3OrNewer, isWindows10RS4OrNewer } from "./helpers/osVersion";
export { LineSplitter } from './debugging/coreclr/lineSplitter';
export { CommandLineBuilder } from './debugging/coreclr/commandLineBuilder';
export { DockerClient } from './debugging/coreclr/dockerClient';
export { LaunchOptions } from './debugging/coreclr/dockerManager';
export { DotNetClient } from './debugging/coreclr/dotNetClient';
export { FileSystemProvider } from './debugging/coreclr/fsProvider';
export { OSProvider } from './debugging/coreclr/osProvider';
export { DockerDaemonIsLinuxPrerequisite, DockerfileExistsPrerequisite, DotNetSdkInstalledPrerequisite, LinuxUserInDockerGroupPrerequisite, MacNuGetFallbackFolderSharedPrerequisite } from './debugging/coreclr/prereqManager';
export { ProcessProvider } from './debugging/coreclr/processProvider';
export { PlatformOS, Platform } from './utils/platform';
export { DockerBuildImageOptions } from "./debugging/coreclr/dockerClient";
export { compareBuildImageOptions } from "./debugging/coreclr/dockerManager";
export { configure, ConfigureApiOptions, ConfigureTelemetryProperties } from './configureWorkspace/configure';
export { globAsync } from './helpers/async';
export { httpsRequestBinary } from './utils/httpRequest';
export { DefaultTerminalProvider } from './commands/utils/TerminalProvider';
export { docker } from './commands/utils/docker-endpoint';

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,41 +3,425 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
* This is the entrypoint for extension.js, the main webpack bundle for the extension.
* Anything needing to be exposed outside of the extension sources must be exported from here, because
* everything else will be in private modules in extension.js.
import * as assert from 'assert';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import * as path from 'path';
import { CoreOptions } from 'request';
import * as request from 'request-promise-native';
import { RequestPromise } from 'request-promise-native';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { AzureUserInput, callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandling, createTelemetryReporter, IActionContext, registerCommand as uiRegisterCommand, registerUIExtensionVariables, TelemetryProperties, UserCancelledError } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';
import { ConfigurationParams, DidChangeConfigurationNotification, DocumentSelector, LanguageClient, LanguageClientOptions, Middleware, ServerOptions, TransportKind } from 'vscode-languageclient/lib/main';
import { viewACRLogs } from "./commands/azureCommands/acr-logs";
import { LogContentProvider } from "./commands/azureCommands/acr-logs-utils/logFileManager";
import { createRegistry } from './commands/azureCommands/create-registry';
import { deleteAzureImage, untagAzureImage } from './commands/azureCommands/delete-image';
import { deleteAzureRegistry } from './commands/azureCommands/delete-registry';
import { deleteRepository } from './commands/azureCommands/delete-repository';
import { pullImageFromAzure, pullRepoFromAzure } from './commands/azureCommands/pull-from-azure';
import { quickBuild } from "./commands/azureCommands/quick-build";
import { runTask, runTaskFile } from "./commands/azureCommands/run-task";
import { showTaskProperties } from "./commands/azureCommands/show-task";
import { TaskContentProvider } from "./commands/azureCommands/task-utils/showTaskManager";
import { buildImage } from './commands/build-image';
import { composeDown, composeRestart, composeUp } from './commands/docker-compose';
import inspectImage from './commands/inspect-image';
import { openShellContainer } from './commands/open-shell-container';
import { pushImage } from './commands/push-image';
import { consolidateDefaultRegistrySettings, setRegistryAsDefault } from './commands/registrySettings';
import { removeContainer } from './commands/remove-container';
import { removeImage } from './commands/remove-image';
import { restartContainer } from './commands/restart-container';
import { showLogsContainer } from './commands/showlogs-container';
import { startAzureCLI, startContainer, startContainerInteractive } from './commands/start-container';
import { stopContainer } from './commands/stop-container';
import { systemPrune } from './commands/system-prune';
import { tagImage } from './commands/tag-image';
import { docker } from './commands/utils/docker-endpoint';
import { DefaultTerminalProvider } from './commands/utils/TerminalProvider';
import { DockerDebugConfigProvider } from './configureWorkspace/configDebugProvider';
import { configure, configureApi, ConfigureApiOptions } from './configureWorkspace/configure';
import { COMPOSE_FILE_GLOB_PATTERN } from './constants';
import { registerDebugConfigurationProvider } from './debugging/coreclr/registerDebugger';
import { DockerComposeCompletionItemProvider } from './dockerCompose/dockerComposeCompletionItemProvider';
import { DockerComposeHoverProvider } from './dockerCompose/dockerComposeHoverProvider';
import composeVersionKeys from './dockerCompose/dockerComposeKeyInfo';
import { DockerComposeParser } from './dockerCompose/dockerComposeParser';
import { DockerfileCompletionItemProvider } from './dockerfile/dockerfileCompletionItemProvider';
import DockerInspectDocumentContentProvider, { SCHEME as DOCKER_INSPECT_SCHEME } from './documentContentProviders/dockerInspect';
import { AzureAccountWrapper } from './explorer/deploy/azureAccountWrapper';
import * as util from './explorer/deploy/util';
import { WebAppCreator } from './explorer/deploy/webAppCreator';
import { DockerExplorerProvider } from './explorer/dockerExplorer';
import { AzureImageTagNode, AzureRegistryNode, AzureRepositoryNode } from './explorer/models/azureRegistryNodes';
import { ContainerNode } from './explorer/models/containerNode';
import { connectCustomRegistry, disconnectCustomRegistry } from './explorer/models/customRegistries';
import { DockerHubImageTagNode, DockerHubOrgNode, DockerHubRepositoryNode } from './explorer/models/dockerHubNodes';
import { ImageNode } from './explorer/models/imageNode';
import { NodeBase } from './explorer/models/nodeBase';
import { RootNode } from './explorer/models/rootNode';
import { browseAzurePortal } from './explorer/utils/browseAzurePortal';
import { browseDockerHub, dockerHubLogout } from './explorer/utils/dockerHubUtils';
import { ext } from './extensionVariables';
import { addUserAgent } from './utils/addUserAgent';
import { AzureUtilityManager } from './utils/azureUtilityManager';
import { getTrustedCertificates } from './utils/getTrustedCertificates';
import { Keytar } from './utils/keytar';
import { wrapError } from './utils/wrapError';
// Export activate for vscode to call (via entrypoint.js)
export { activateInternal, deactivateInternal } from './dockerExtension';
export let dockerExplorerProvider: DockerExplorerProvider;
// Exports for use by the tests, which are not packaged with the webpack bundle and therefore
// only have access to code exported from this file. The tests should import '../extension.ts' (this file),
// to access these exports, and at runtime they will pick up dist/extension.js.
export { AsyncPool } from './utils/asyncpool';
export { wrapError } from './utils/wrapError';
export { ext } from './extensionVariables';
export { nonNullProp } from './utils/nonNull';
export { IKeytar } from './utils/keytar';
export { throwDockerConnectionError, internal } from './explorer/utils/dockerConnectionError';
export { getImageOrContainerDisplayName } from './explorer/models/getImageOrContainerDisplayName';
export { trimWithElipsis } from './explorer/utils/utils';
export { isWindows10RS3OrNewer, isWindows10RS4OrNewer } from "./helpers/osVersion";
export { LineSplitter } from './debugging/coreclr/lineSplitter';
export { CommandLineBuilder } from './debugging/coreclr/commandLineBuilder';
export { DockerClient } from './debugging/coreclr/dockerClient';
export { LaunchOptions } from './debugging/coreclr/dockerManager';
export { DotNetClient } from './debugging/coreclr/dotNetClient';
export { FileSystemProvider } from './debugging/coreclr/fsProvider';
export { OSProvider } from './debugging/coreclr/osProvider';
export { DockerDaemonIsLinuxPrerequisite, DockerfileExistsPrerequisite, DotNetSdkInstalledPrerequisite, LinuxUserInDockerGroupPrerequisite, MacNuGetFallbackFolderSharedPrerequisite } from './debugging/coreclr/prereqManager';
export { ProcessProvider } from './debugging/coreclr/processProvider';
export { PlatformOS, Platform } from './utils/platform';
export { DockerBuildImageOptions } from "./debugging/coreclr/dockerClient";
export { compareBuildImageOptions } from "./debugging/coreclr/dockerManager";
export { configure, ConfigureApiOptions, ConfigureTelemetryProperties } from './configureWorkspace/configure';
export { globAsync } from './helpers/async';
export { httpsRequestBinary } from './utils/httpRequest';
export { DefaultTerminalProvider } from './commands/utils/TerminalProvider';
export { docker } from './commands/utils/docker-endpoint';
export type KeyInfo = { [keyName: string]: string };
export interface ComposeVersionKeys {
All: KeyInfo;
v1: KeyInfo;
v2: KeyInfo;
let client: LanguageClient;
const DOCUMENT_SELECTOR: DocumentSelector = [
{ language: 'dockerfile', scheme: 'file' }
function initializeExtensionVariables(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext): void {
if (!ext.ui) {
// This allows for standard interactions with the end user (as opposed to test input)
ext.ui = new AzureUserInput(ctx.globalState);
ext.context = ctx;
ext.outputChannel = util.getOutputChannel();
if (!ext.terminalProvider) {
ext.terminalProvider = new DefaultTerminalProvider();
ext.reporter = createTelemetryReporter(ctx);
if (!ext.keytar) {
ext.keytar = Keytar.tryCreate();
export async function activateInternal(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext, perfStats: { loadStartTime: number, loadEndTime: number | undefined }): Promise<void> {
perfStats.loadEndTime = Date.now();
await setRequestDefaults();
await callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandling('docker.activate', async function (this: IActionContext): Promise<void> {
this.properties.isActivationEvent = 'true';
this.measurements.mainFileLoad = (perfStats.loadEndTime - perfStats.loadStartTime) / 1000;
new DockerfileCompletionItemProvider(),
const YAML_MODE_ID: vscode.DocumentFilter = {
language: 'yaml',
scheme: 'file',
let yamlHoverProvider = new DockerComposeHoverProvider(
new DockerComposeParser(),
vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider(YAML_MODE_ID, yamlHoverProvider)
new DockerComposeCompletionItemProvider(),
new DockerInspectDocumentContentProvider()
new LogContentProvider()
new TaskContentProvider()
new DockerDebugConfigProvider()
await consolidateDefaultRegistrySettings();
// Start loading the Azure account after we're completely done activating.
// Do not wait
// tslint:disable-next-line:promise-function-async
() => AzureUtilityManager.getInstance().tryGetAzureAccount(),
async function setRequestDefaults(): Promise<void> {
// Set up the user agent for all direct 'request' calls in the extension (as long as they use ext.request)
// ... Trusted root certificate authorities
let caList = await getTrustedCertificates();
let defaultRequestOptions: CoreOptions = { agentOptions: { ca: caList } };
// ... User agent
let requestWithDefaults = request.defaults(defaultRequestOptions);
// Wrap 'get' to provide better error message for self-signed certificates
let originalGet = <(...args: unknown[]) => RequestPromise>requestWithDefaults.get;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
async function wrappedGet(this: unknown, ...args: unknown[]): Promise<any> {
try {
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-unsafe-any
return await originalGet.call(this, ...args);
} catch (err) {
let error = <{ cause?: { code?: string } }>err;
if (error && error.cause && error.cause.code === 'UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE') {
err = wrapError(err, `There was a problem verifying a certificate. This could be caused by a self-signed or corporate certificate. You may need to set the 'docker.importCertificates' setting to true.`)
throw err;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
requestWithDefaults.get = <any>wrappedGet;
ext.request = requestWithDefaults;
async function createWebApp(context?: AzureImageTagNode | DockerHubImageTagNode): Promise<void> {
assert(!!context, "Should not be available through command palette");
let azureAccount = await AzureUtilityManager.getInstance().requireAzureAccount();
const azureAccountWrapper = new AzureAccountWrapper(ext.context, azureAccount);
const wizard = new WebAppCreator(ext.outputChannel, azureAccountWrapper, context);
const result = await wizard.run();
if (result.status === 'Faulted') {
throw result.error;
} else if (result.status === 'Cancelled') {
throw new UserCancelledError();
// Remove this when https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-docker/issues/445 fixed
function registerCommand(
commandId: string,
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-any
callback: (this: IActionContext, ...args: any[]) => any
): void {
return uiRegisterCommand(
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-function-expression no-any
async function (this: IActionContext, ...args: any[]): Promise<any> {
if (args.length) {
let properties: {
contextValue?: string;
} & TelemetryProperties = this.properties;
const contextArg = args[0];
if (contextArg instanceof NodeBase) {
properties.contextValue = contextArg.contextValue;
} else if (contextArg instanceof vscode.Uri) {
properties.contextValue = "Uri";
return callback.call(this, ...args);
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-func-body-length
function registerDockerCommands(): void {
dockerExplorerProvider = new DockerExplorerProvider();
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.createRegistry', createRegistry);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.deleteImage', deleteAzureImage);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.deleteRegistry', deleteAzureRegistry);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.deleteRepository', deleteRepository);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.pullImage', pullImageFromAzure);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.pullRepo', pullRepoFromAzure);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.quickBuild', async function (this: IActionContext, item: vscode.Uri | undefined): Promise<void> { await quickBuild(this, item); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.runTask', runTask);
registerCommand("vscode-docker.acr.runTaskFile", runTaskFile);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.showTask', showTaskProperties);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.untagImage', untagAzureImage);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.acr.viewLogs', viewACRLogs);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.api.configure', async function (this: IActionContext, options: ConfigureApiOptions): Promise<void> { await configureApi(this, options); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.browseDockerHub', (context?: DockerHubImageTagNode | DockerHubRepositoryNode | DockerHubOrgNode) => { browseDockerHub(context); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.browseAzurePortal', (context?: AzureRegistryNode | AzureRepositoryNode | AzureImageTagNode) => { browseAzurePortal(context); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.compose.down', composeDown);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.compose.restart', composeRestart);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.compose.up', composeUp);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.configure', async function (this: IActionContext): Promise<void> { await configure(this, undefined); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.connectCustomRegistry', connectCustomRegistry);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.open-shell', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ContainerNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await openShellContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.remove', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ContainerNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await removeContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.restart', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ContainerNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await restartContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.show-logs', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ContainerNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await showLogsContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.start', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await startContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.start.azurecli', async function (this: IActionContext): Promise<void> { await startAzureCLI(this); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.start.interactive', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await startContainerInteractive(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.container.stop', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ContainerNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await stopContainer(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.createWebApp', async (context?: AzureImageTagNode | DockerHubImageTagNode) => await createWebApp(context));
registerCommand('vscode-docker.disconnectCustomRegistry', disconnectCustomRegistry);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.dockerHubLogout', dockerHubLogout);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.explorer.refresh', () => dockerExplorerProvider.refresh());
registerCommand('vscode-docker.image.build', async function (this: IActionContext, item: vscode.Uri | undefined): Promise<void> { await buildImage(this, item); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.image.inspect', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await inspectImage(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.image.push', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await pushImage(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.image.remove', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | RootNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await removeImage(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.image.tag', async function (this: IActionContext, node: ImageNode | undefined): Promise<void> { await tagImage(this, node); });
registerCommand('vscode-docker.setRegistryAsDefault', setRegistryAsDefault);
registerCommand('vscode-docker.system.prune', async function (this: IActionContext): Promise<void> { await systemPrune(this); });
export async function deactivateInternal(): Promise<void> {
if (!client) {
return undefined;
// perform cleanup
return await client.stop();
namespace Configuration {
let configurationListener: vscode.Disposable;
export function computeConfiguration(params: ConfigurationParams): vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration[] {
let result: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration[] = [];
for (let item of params.items) {
let config: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration;
if (item.scopeUri) {
config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(
} else {
config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(item.section);
return result;
export function initialize(): void {
configurationListener = vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(
(e: vscode.ConfigurationChangeEvent) => {
// notify the language server that settings have change
client.sendNotification(DidChangeConfigurationNotification.type, {
settings: null
// Update endpoint and refresh explorer if needed
if (e.affectsConfiguration('docker')) {
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-floating-promises
export function dispose(): void {
if (configurationListener) {
// remove this listener when disposed
function activateLanguageClient(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext): void {
// Don't wait
callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandling('docker.languageclient.activate', async function (this: IActionContext): Promise<void> {
this.properties.isActivationEvent = 'true';
let serverModule = ctx.asAbsolutePath(
assert(true === await fse.pathExists(serverModule), "Could not find language client module");
let debugOptions = { execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--inspect=6009"] };
let serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
run: {
module: serverModule,
transport: TransportKind.ipc,
args: ["--node-ipc"]
debug: {
module: serverModule,
transport: TransportKind.ipc,
options: debugOptions
let middleware: Middleware = {
workspace: {
configuration: Configuration.computeConfiguration
let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
documentSelector: DOCUMENT_SELECTOR,
synchronize: {
fileEvents: vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher("**/.clientrc")
middleware: middleware
client = new LanguageClient(
"Dockerfile Language Server",
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises
client.onReady().then(() => {
// attach the VS Code settings listener

Просмотреть файл

@ -6,46 +6,12 @@
// tslint:disable:no-implicit-dependencies
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import * as glob from 'glob';
import * as gulp from 'gulp';
import * as decompress from 'gulp-decompress';
import * as download from 'gulp-download';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
import { gulp_installAzureAccount, gulp_webpack } from 'vscode-azureextensiondev';
const env = process.env;
function webpack(mode: string): cp.ChildProcess {
// without this, webpack can run out of memory in some environments
env.NODE_OPTIONS = '--max-old-space-size=8192';
return spawn(path.join(__dirname, './node_modules/.bin/webpack'), ['--mode', mode], { stdio: 'inherit', env });
* Installs the azure account extension before running tests (otherwise our extension would fail to activate)
* NOTE: The version isn't super important since we don't actually use the account extension in tests
function installAzureAccount(): Promise<void> {
const version = '0.4.3';
const extensionPath = path.join(os.homedir(), `.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode.azure-account-${version}`);
const existingExtensions = glob.sync(extensionPath.replace(version, '*'));
if (existingExtensions.length === 0) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-http-string
return download(`http://ms-vscode.gallery.vsassets.io/_apis/public/gallery/publisher/ms-vscode/extension/azure-account/${version}/assetbyname/Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage`)
filter: file => file.path.startsWith('extension/'),
map: file => {
file.path = file.path.slice(10);
return file;
} else {
console.log('Azure Account extension already installed.');
return Promise.resolve();
function test(): cp.ChildProcess {
env.CODE_TESTS_WORKSPACE = path.join(__dirname, 'test/test.code-workspace');
@ -65,6 +31,6 @@ function spawn(command: string, args: string[], options: {}): cp.ChildProcess {
return cp.spawn(command, args, options);
exports['webpack-dev'] = () => webpack('development');
exports['webpack-prod'] = () => webpack('production');
exports.test = gulp.series(installAzureAccount, test);
exports['webpack-dev'] = () => gulp_webpack('development');
exports['webpack-prod'] = () => gulp_webpack('production');
exports.test = gulp.series(gulp_installAzureAccount, test);

Просмотреть файл

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let perfStats = {
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const extension = require("./dist/extension");
const extension = require("./dist/extension.bundle");
async function activate(ctx) {
return await extension.activateInternal(ctx, perfStats);

package-lock.json сгенерированный

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Просмотреть файл

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"main": "entrypoint",
"main": "main",
"contributes": {
"menus": {
"commandPalette": [
@ -992,19 +992,15 @@
"@types/node": "^8.10.34",
"@types/request-promise-native": "^1.0.15",
"@types/semver": "^5.5.0",
"@types/string-replace-webpack-plugin": "^0.1.0",
"@types/xml2js": "^0.4.3",
"adm-zip": "^0.4.11",
"clean-webpack-plugin": "^0.1.19",
"copy-webpack-plugin": "^4.5.4",
"gulp": "^4.0.0",
"gulp-decompress": "^2.0.2",
"gulp-download": "^0.0.1",
"mocha": "^5.2.0",
"mocha-junit-reporter": "^1.18.0",
"mocha-multi-reporters": "^1.1.7",
"string-replace-webpack-plugin": "^0.1.3",
"terser-webpack-plugin": "^1.2.1",
"ts-loader": "^5.3.0",
"ts-node": "^7.0.1",
"tslint": "^5.11.0",
"tslint-microsoft-contrib": "^6.0.0",
@ -1012,7 +1008,8 @@
"umd-compat-loader": "^2.1.1",
"vsce": "^1.51.1",
"vscode": "^1.1.18",
"webpack": "^4.25.1",
"vscode-azureextensiondev": "0.1.8",
"webpack": "^4.29.0",
"webpack-cli": "^3.1.2"
"dependencies": {

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { Terminal } from 'vscode';
import { DefaultTerminalProvider } from '../extension';
import { DefaultTerminalProvider } from '../extension.bundle';
export interface ITerminalProvider {
createTerminal(name: string): Terminal;

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { AsyncPool } from '../extension';
import { AsyncPool } from '../extension.bundle';
suite("AsyncPool Tests", () => {

Просмотреть файл

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { Uri } from 'vscode';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import * as AdmZip from 'adm-zip';
import * as path from 'path';
import { Platform, configure, httpsRequestBinary, ext } from '../extension';
import { Platform, configure, httpsRequestBinary, ext } from '../extension.bundle';
import { Suite, Context } from 'mocha';
import { TestUserInput, IActionContext } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';
import { getTestRootFolder, testInEmptyFolder } from './global.test';

Просмотреть файл

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as fse from 'fs-extra';
import * as path from 'path';
import { Suite } from 'mocha';
import { PlatformOS, Platform, ext, configure, ConfigureTelemetryProperties, ConfigureApiOptions, globAsync } from '../extension';
import { PlatformOS, Platform, ext, configure, ConfigureTelemetryProperties, ConfigureApiOptions, globAsync } from '../extension.bundle';
import { TestUserInput, IActionContext, TelemetryProperties } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';
import { getTestRootFolder, testInEmptyFolder } from './global.test';

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import * as assertEx from './assertEx';
import { commands, OutputChannel, window } from 'vscode';
import { ext } from '../extension';
import { ext } from '../extension.bundle';
import { Suite, Test, Context } from 'mocha';
import { TestTerminalProvider } from './TestTerminalProvider';
import { TestUserInput } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { CommandLineBuilder } from '../../../extension';
import { CommandLineBuilder } from '../../../extension.bundle';
suite('debugging/coreclr/CommandLineBuilder', () => {
function testBuilder(name: string, builderInitializer: (CommandLineBuilder) => CommandLineBuilder, expected: string, message: string) {

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
import assert = require("assert");
import { DockerBuildImageOptions } from "../../../extension";
import { compareBuildImageOptions } from "../../../extension";
import { DockerBuildImageOptions } from "../../../extension.bundle";
import { compareBuildImageOptions } from "../../../extension.bundle";
suite('debugging/coreclr/dockerManager', () => {
suite('compareBuildImageOptions', () => {

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { LineSplitter } from '../../../extension';
import { LineSplitter } from '../../../extension.bundle';
suite('debugging/coreclr/LineSplitter', () => {
const testCase = (name: string, input: string | string[], output: string[]) => {

Просмотреть файл

@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { FileSystemProvider } from '../../../extension';
import { OSProvider } from '../../../extension';
import { ProcessProvider } from '../../../extension';
import { MacNuGetFallbackFolderSharedPrerequisite, LinuxUserInDockerGroupPrerequisite, DockerDaemonIsLinuxPrerequisite, DockerfileExistsPrerequisite, DotNetSdkInstalledPrerequisite } from '../../../extension';
import { PlatformOS } from '../../../extension';
import { DockerClient } from '../../../extension';
import { DotNetClient } from '../../../extension';
import { LaunchOptions } from '../../../extension';
import { FileSystemProvider } from '../../../extension.bundle';
import { OSProvider } from '../../../extension.bundle';
import { ProcessProvider } from '../../../extension.bundle';
import { MacNuGetFallbackFolderSharedPrerequisite, LinuxUserInDockerGroupPrerequisite, DockerDaemonIsLinuxPrerequisite, DockerfileExistsPrerequisite, DotNetSdkInstalledPrerequisite } from '../../../extension.bundle';
import { PlatformOS } from '../../../extension.bundle';
import { DockerClient } from '../../../extension.bundle';
import { DotNetClient } from '../../../extension.bundle';
import { LaunchOptions } from '../../../extension.bundle';
suite('debugging/coreclr/prereqManager', () => {
suite('DockerDaemonIsLinuxPrerequisite', () => {
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ suite('debugging/coreclr/prereqManager', () => {
let wasFileExistsCalled = false;
const fsProvider = <FileSystemProvider> {
const fsProvider = <FileSystemProvider>{
fileExists: (path: string) => {
wasFileExistsCalled = true;
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ suite('debugging/coreclr/prereqManager', () => {
const prereq = new DockerfileExistsPrerequisite(fsProvider, showErrorMessage, executeCommand);
const options = <LaunchOptions> {
const options = <LaunchOptions>{
build: {
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ suite('debugging/coreclr/prereqManager', () => {
assert.equal(result, dockerfileExists, 'The prerequisite should return `true` when the Dockerfile exists.');
assert.equal(wasFileExistsCalled, true, 'The Dockerfile should have been tested for existence.');
assert.equal(wasShowErrorMessageCalled, !dockerfileExists, 'The user should be shown an error when the Dockerfile does not exist.');
assert.equal(wasCommandExecuted, !dockerfileExists && userElectsToScaffold === true, 'The scaffold command should be executed only if the Dockerfile does not exist and the user elects to scaffold.');
assert.equal(wasCommandExecuted, !dockerfileExists && userElectsToScaffold === true, 'The scaffold command should be executed only if the Dockerfile does not exist and the user elects to scaffold.');

Просмотреть файл

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { ext, throwDockerConnectionError, internal } from '../extension';
import { ext, throwDockerConnectionError, internal } from '../extension.bundle';
import { Suite, Test, Context } from 'mocha';
import { parseError, IActionContext } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';
import { testUrl } from './testUrl';

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
import { docker } from '../extension';
import { docker } from '../extension.bundle';
import { EngineInfo } from "dockerode";
let info: EngineInfo | undefined;

Просмотреть файл

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { getImageOrContainerDisplayName } from '../extension';
import { getImageOrContainerDisplayName } from '../extension.bundle';
suite('getImageOrContainerDisplayName', () => {
function genTest(fullName: string, trim: boolean, max: number, expected: string): void {

Просмотреть файл

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import * as path from "path";
import * as fse from "fs-extra";
import mocha = require("mocha");
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { ext } from "../extension";
import { ext } from "../extension.bundle";
import { TestKeytar } from "../test/testKeytar";
export namespace constants {

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { Suite, Test, Context } from 'mocha';
import { nonNullProp } from '../extension';
import { nonNullProp } from '../extension.bundle';
suite("nonNull", async function (this: Suite): Promise<void> {
type TestSubscription = {

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
import { IKeytar } from "../extension";
import { IKeytar } from "../extension.bundle";
export class TestKeytar implements IKeytar {
private _services: Map<string, Map<string, string>> = new Map<string, Map<string, string>>();

Просмотреть файл

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import { ITestCallbackContext } from "mocha";
import { ext, wrapError } from "../extension";
import { ext, wrapError } from "../extension.bundle";
import { Uri } from "vscode";
export async function testUrl(url: string): Promise<void> {

Просмотреть файл

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
import { trimWithElipsis } from "../extension";
import { trimWithElipsis } from "../extension.bundle";
import * as assert from 'assert';
suite('trimWithElipsis', () => {

Просмотреть файл

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { ext, isWindows10RS4OrNewer, isWindows10RS3OrNewer } from "../extension";
import { ext, isWindows10RS4OrNewer, isWindows10RS3OrNewer } from "../extension.bundle";
suite("windowsVersion", () => {
function testIsWindows10RS4OrNewer(release: string, expectedResult: boolean): void {

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,288 +5,156 @@
// Using webpack helps reduce the install and startup time of large extensions by reducing the large number of files into a much smaller set
// Full webpack documentation: [https://webpack.js.org/configuration/]().
// See https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-azuretools/wiki/webpack for guidance
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const process = require('process');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const fse = require('fs-extra');
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
const CleanWebpackPlugin = require('clean-webpack-plugin');
const StringReplacePlugin = require("string-replace-webpack-plugin");
const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin');
const packageLock = fse.readJSONSync('./package-lock.json');
const dev = require("vscode-azureextensiondev");
let DEBUG_WEBPACK = !!process.env.DEBUG_WEBPACK;
const externalModules = [
// Modules that we can't webpack for some reason.
// Keep this list small, because all the subdependencies will also have to not be webpacked.
let config = dev.getDefaultWebpackConfig({
projectRoot: __dirname,
verbosity: DEBUG_WEBPACK ? 'debug' : 'normal',
// has binary
externalNodeModules: [
// Modules that we can't easily webpack for some reason.
// These and their dependencies will be copied into node_modules rather than placed in the bundle
// Keep this list small, because all the subdependencies will also be excluded
// has binary
// External modules and all their dependencies and subdependencies (these will not be webpacked)
const externalModulesClosure = getDependencies(externalModules);
console.log('externalModulesClosure:', externalModulesClosure);
/**@type {import('webpack').Configuration}*/
const config = {
// vscode extensions run in a Node.js context, see https://webpack.js.org/configuration/node/
target: 'node',
context: __dirname,
node: {
// For __dirname and __filename, use the path to the packed .js file (true would mean the relative path to the source file)
__dirname: false,
__filename: false
entry: {
// has binary
entries: {
// Note: Each entry is a completely separate Node.js application that cannot interact with any
// of the others, and that individually includes all dependencies necessary (i.e. common
// dependencies will have a copy in each entry file, no sharing).
// The entrypoint of this extension, see https://webpack.js.org/configuration/entry-context/
extension: './extension.ts',
// Separate module for the language server (doesn't share any code with extension.js)
'./dockerfile-language-server-nodejs/lib/server': './node_modules/dockerfile-language-server-nodejs/lib/server.js'
output: {
// The bundles are stored in the 'dist' folder (check package.json), see https://webpack.js.org/configuration/output/
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: '[name].js',
libraryTarget: "commonjs2",
devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate: "../[resource-path]"
devtool: 'source-map',
externals: [
// ./getCoreNodeModule.js (path from keytar.ts) uses a dynamic require which can't be webpacked
'./getCoreNodeModule': 'commonjs getCoreNodeModule',
'win-ca/fallback': 'commonjs win-ca/fallback',
}, // end of externals
loaderRules: [
// Modules that cannot be webpack'ed, see https://webpack.js.org/configuration/externals/
// Fix error:
// > WARNING in ./node_modules/engine.io/lib/server.js 67:43-65
// > Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
// in this code:
// var WebSocketServer = (this.wsEngine ? require(this.wsEngine) : require('ws')).Server;
test: /engine\.io[/\\]lib[/\\]server.js$/,
loader: StringReplacePlugin.replace({
replacements: [
pattern: /var WebSocketServer = \(this.wsEngine \? require\(this\.wsEngine\) : require\('ws'\)\)\.Server;/ig,
replacement: function (match, offset, string) {
// Since we're not using the wsEngine option, we'll just require it to not be set and use only the `require('ws')` call.
return `if (!!this.wsEngine) {
throw new Error('wsEngine option not supported with current webpack settings');
var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server;`;
// the vscode-module is created on-the-fly and must be excluded.
vscode: 'commonjs vscode',
// Fix warning:
// > WARNING in ./node_modules/cross-spawn/index.js
// > Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'spawn-sync' in 'C:\Users\<user>\Repos\vscode-cosmosdb\node_modules\cross-spawn'
// > @ ./node_modules/cross-spawn/index.js
// in this code:
// cpSpawnSync = require('spawn-sync'); // eslint-disable-line global-require
test: /cross-spawn[/\\]index\.js$/,
loader: StringReplacePlugin.replace({
replacements: [
pattern: /cpSpawnSync = require\('spawn-sync'\);/ig,
replacement: function (match, offset, string) {
// The code in question only applies to Node 0.10 or less (see comments in code), so just throw an error
return `throw new Error("This shouldn't happen"); // MODIFIED`;
// util/getCoreNodeModule.js uses a dynamic require which can't be webpacked
'./getCoreNodeModule': 'commonjs getCoreNodeModule',
// Unpack UMD module headers used in some modules since webpack doesn't
// handle them.
test: /dockerfile-language-service|vscode-languageserver-types/,
use: { loader: 'umd-compat-loader' }
'win-ca/fallback': 'commonjs win-ca/fallback',
// Pull the rest automatically from externalModulesClosure
// Fix error in win-ca: Module parse failed: 'return' outside of function (5:2)
// if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
// return; <<<<<<<<<<
// }
test: /win-ca[/\\]lib[/\\]index.js$/,
loader: StringReplacePlugin.replace({
replacements: [
pattern: /return;/ig,
replacement: function (match, offset, string) {
return `// Don't need platform check - we do that before calling the module`;
// Fix error in mac-ca: Module parse failed: 'return' outside of function (7:2)
// if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
// module.exports.all = () => [];
// module.exports.each = () => {};
// return; <<<<<<<<<
// }
test: /mac-ca[/\\]index.js$/,
loader: StringReplacePlugin.replace({
replacements: [
pattern: /return;/ig,
replacement: function (match, offset, string) {
return `// Don't need platform check - we do that before calling the module`;
optimization: {
minimizer: [
new TerserPlugin({
terserOptions: {
// https://github.com/webpack-contrib/terser-webpack-plugin/
], // end of loaderRules
// Without this, parseError() will not recognize user cancelled errors. Also makes debugging easier in production.
keep_classnames: true
plugins: [
// Clean the dist folder before webpacking
new CleanWebpackPlugin(
root: __dirname,
verbose: true,
// Copy files to dist folder where the runtime can find them
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
// getCoreNodeModule.js -> dist/node_modules/getCoreNodeModule.js
{ from: './utils/getCoreNodeModule.js', to: 'node_modules' },
// Test files -> dist/test (skipped during packaging)
{ from: './out/test', to: 'test' }
// External node modules (can't be webpacked) -> dist/node_modules (where they can be found by extension.js)
// Replace vscode-languageserver/lib/files.js with a modified version that doesn't have webpack issues
new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(
// Solve critical dependency issue in ./node_modules/ms-rest/lib/serviceClient.js (request of a dependency is an expression)
// for this line:
// let data = require(packageJsonPath);
new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(
// Whenever there is a dynamic require that webpack can't analyze at all (i.e. resourceRegExp=/^\./), ...
(context) => {
// ... and the call was from within node_modules/ms-rest/lib...
if (/node_modules[/\\]ms-rest[/\\]lib/.test(context.context)) {
/* CONSIDER: Figure out how to make this work properly.
// ... tell webpack that the call may be loading any of the package.json files from the 'node_modules/azure-arm*' folders
// so it will include those in the package to be available for lookup at runtime
context.request = path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules');
context.regExp = /azure-arm.*package\.json/;
// In the meantime, just ignore the error by telling webpack we've solved the critical dependency issue.
// The consequences of ignoring this error are that
// the Azure SDKs (e.g. azure-arm-resource) don't get their info stamped into the user agent info for their calls.
for (const d of context.dependencies) {
if (d.critical) { d.critical = false; }
// An instance of the StringReplacePlugin plugin must be present for it to work (its use is configured in modules).
// StringReplacePlugin allows you to specific parts of a file by regexp replacement to get around webpack issues such as dynamic imports.
// This is different from ContextReplacementPlugin, which is simply meant to help webpack find files referred to by a dynamic import (i.e. it
// assumes they can be found by simply knowing the correct the path).
new StringReplacePlugin()
resolve: {
// Support reading TypeScript and JavaScript files, see https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-loader
// These will be automatically transpiled while being placed into dist/extension.js
extensions: ['.ts', '.js']
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.ts$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: [{
// Note: the TS loader will transpile the .ts file directly during webpack, it doesn't use the out folder.
// CONSIDER: awesome-typescript-loader (faster?)
loader: 'ts-loader'
// Unpack UMD module headers used in some modules since webpack doesn't
// handle them.
test: /dockerfile-language-service|vscode-languageserver-types/,
use: { loader: 'umd-compat-loader' }
// Fix error in win-ca: Module parse failed: 'return' outside of function (5:2)
// if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
// return; <<<<<<<<<<
// }
test: /win-ca[/\\]lib[/\\]index.js$/,
loader: StringReplacePlugin.replace({
replacements: [
pattern: /return;/ig,
replacement: function (match, offset, string) {
return `// Don't need platform check - we do that before calling the module`;
// Fix error in mac-ca: Module parse failed: 'return' outside of function (7:2)
// if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
// module.exports.all = () => [];
// module.exports.each = () => {};
// return; <<<<<<<<<
// }
test: /mac-ca[/\\]index.js$/,
loader: StringReplacePlugin.replace({
replacements: [
pattern: /return;/ig,
replacement: function (match, offset, string) {
return `// Don't need platform check - we do that before calling the module`;
// Note: If you use`vscode-nls` to localize your extension than you likely also use`vscode-nls-dev` to create language bundles at build time.
// To support webpack, a loader has been added to vscode-nls-dev .Add the section below to the`modules/rules` configuration.
// {
// // vscode-nls-dev loader:
// // * rewrite nls-calls
// loader: 'vscode-nls-dev/lib/webpack-loader',
// options: {
// base: path.join(__dirname, 'src')
// }
// }
function getExternalsEntries() {
let externals = {};
for (let moduleName of externalModulesClosure) {
// e.g.
// '<clipboardy>': 'commonjs <clipboardy>',
externals[moduleName] = `commonjs ${moduleName}`;
return externals;
function getExternalsCopyEntry() {
// e.g.
// new CopyWebpackPlugin([
// { from: './node_modules/clipboardy', to: 'node_modules/clipboardy' }
// ...
// ])
let patterns = [];
for (let moduleName of externalModulesClosure) {
from: `./node_modules/${moduleName}`,
to: `node_modules/${moduleName}`
return new CopyWebpackPlugin(patterns);
function getDependencies(modules) {
let set = new Set();
for (let module of modules) {
let depEntry = packageLock.dependencies[module];
if (!depEntry) {
throw new Error(`Could not find package-lock entry for ${module}`);
if (depEntry.requires) {
let requiredModules = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(depEntry.requires);
let subdeps = getDependencies(requiredModules);
for (let subdep of subdeps) {
return Array.from(set);
// Copy files to dist folder where the runtime can find them
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
// getCoreNodeModule.js -> dist/node_modules/getCoreNodeModule.js
{ from: './utils/getCoreNodeModule.js', to: 'node_modules' }
console.log('Config:', config);
module.exports = config;