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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md in the project root for license information.
import * as assert from 'assert';
import * as semver from 'semver';
import vscode = require('vscode');
import { IActionContext } from 'vscode-azureextensionui';
import { throwDockerConnectionError } from '../explorer/utils/dockerConnectionError';
import { ext } from '../extensionVariables';
import { docker } from './utils/docker-endpoint';
export async function systemPrune(actionContext: IActionContext): Promise<void> {
assert(!!actionContext, "Missing actionContext");
const configOptions: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('docker');
const terminal = ext.terminalProvider.createTerminal("docker system prune");
try {
if (configOptions.get('promptOnSystemPrune', true)) {
let res = await vscode.window.showWarningMessage<vscode.MessageItem>(
'Remove all unused containers, volumes, networks and images (both dangling and unreferenced)?',
{ title: 'Yes' },
{ title: 'Cancel', isCloseAffordance: true }
if (!res || res.isCloseAffordance) {
// EngineInfo in dockerode is incomplete
const info = <Docker.EngineInfo & { ServerVersion: string }>await docker.getEngineInfo();
// in docker 17.06.1 and higher you must specify the --volumes flag
if (semver.gte(info.ServerVersion, '17.6.1', true)) {
terminal.sendText(`docker system prune --volumes -f`);
} else {
terminal.sendText(`docker system prune -f`);
} catch (error) {
throwDockerConnectionError(actionContext, error);