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How to Contribute

Start by opening an issue using one of the issue templates, or propose a change by submitting a pull request (including a detailed pull request description).

Running the Project

  1. Install nvm
  2. Install Java version >= 8
  3. Change directory to the root of the project
  4. Select Node version: nvm use
  5. If using an Apple M1:
    • Add npm_arch=x64 to $HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties
    • Add protoc_platform=osx-x86_64 to $HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties
  6. Build project files: ./gradlew build

Running the build for the first time can take a bit of time, but subsequent builds should be fast.

Development Workflow

Open the root of the project in VS Code.

Open the Debug panel, and select one of the debug tasks, for example Debug Extension, or any of the test launch configurations.

You can also run ./gradlew build testVsCode to run all tests.

Code Style

Prettier is used to lint & format most files.

  • Lint: ./gradlew lint
  • Fix linting issues: ./gradlew format