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Test Plan

Basic view

Explore Items

  1. Clone code from https://github.com/Microsoft/todo-app-java-on-azure.git
  2. Open the cloned project.
  3. Verify:
    1. The project item is listed in sidebar.
    2. Expand the project node, it's a "Plugins" node.
    3. Expand "Plugins" node, plguins are listed.
    4. Expand a plugin node, plugin specified goals are listed.
    5. Right click a goal, choose "Execute", it can execute the corresponding command in the terminal.

Open corresponding POM file

  1. Click on project item
  2. Verify:
    1. It opens the corresponding POM file in editor.

Generate Effective POM file

  1. Right-click on project item
  2. Click Effective POM
  3. Verify:
    1. It shows Generating effective pom ... in status bar during generating.
    2. Once the operation is over, message is cleaned from status bar, and it opens the Effective POM in editor.
  4. Right-click on pom.xml in the file explorer view.
  5. Click on Effective POM
  6. Verify that it should have the same behaviour as above.

Execute Maven goals

  1. Right-click on project item
  2. Click clean/validate/compile/test/package/verify/install/site/deploy.
  3. Verify:
    1. It opens an integrated terminal and sends the corresponding maven command to the terminal.
    2. The maven command works.

Execute custom goals

  1. Right-click on project item
  2. Click Custom goals ...
  3. Input a valid string of goals, e.g. clean package -DskipTests, press Enter.
  4. Verify:
    1. It execute the corresponding maven command.

Maven Command History

  1. Open a folder with more than one maven project.
  2. Open command palatte.
  3. Select Maven: History ...
  4. Verify:
    1. It lists recently executed maven commands for all projects in workspaces, with information of goals and pom file path.
    2. Select one of them, it should execute the corresponding command.
  5. Right-click on one of the project item, click History....
  6. Verify:
    1. It lists recently executed maven commands for this project, with information of goals and pom file path.
    2. Select one of them, it should execute the corresponding command.

Maven Archetypes

Generate project from maven archetypes

  1. Right-click a target folder in file explorer view.
  2. Click Generate from Maven Archetype.
  3. Verify:
    1. It should show a dropdown list of popular maven archetypes.
    2. The first item is More ....
  4. Select one of the listed archetype.
  5. Select the target folder in the popup dialog.
  6. Verify:
    1. It opens an integrated terminal, and navigates to the target folder you previously selected.
    2. It issues the corresponding maven command (archetype:generate) with correct parameters.
    3. You can interactively continue to fill in missing params in the terminal to complete the task.

Generate project from maven archetypes (for empty workspace)

  1. Open Command Palette.
  2. Click Maven: Generate from Maven Archetype.
  3. Verify:
    1. It should show a dropdown list of popular maven archetypes.
    2. The first item is More ....
  4. Select one of the listed archetype.
  5. Select the target folder in the popup dialog.
  6. Verify:
    1. It opens an integrated terminal, and navigates to the target folder you previously selected.
    2. It issues the corresponding maven command (archetype:generate) with correct parameters.
    3. You can interactively continue to fill in missing params in the terminal to complete the task.

Update Maven Archetype Catalog

  1. Open command palatte
  2. Find and select Maven: Update Maven Archetype Catalog.
  3. Verify:
    1. It shows updating archetype catalog ... in progress bar during updating.
    2. Once the operation is over, progress bar is cleaned.
    3. The archetypes.json file located in $HOME/.vscode/extensions/vscjava.vscode-maven-<version>/resources is updated.

Maven Wrapper support

  1. Clone code https://github.com/Microsoft/todo-app-java-on-azure.git
  2. Test clean, Generate project from Maven Archetype and Effective POM.
  3. Verify:
    1. It uses ./mvnw in the root folder as executable, and no error occurs.

Non-in-PATH maven executable Support

  1. Clone code https://github.com/Microsoft/todo-app-java-on-azure.git
  2. Open User Settings.
  3. Change value of maven.executable.path according to the maven executable absolute path.
    • For maven executables, use path of mvn / mvn.cmd
    • For maven wrapper, use path of mvnw / mvnw.cmd
  4. Test clean, Generate project from Maven Archetype and Effective POM.
  5. Verify:
    1. Corresponding executable is used and commands can be successfully executed with no error.

Pom.xml file watcher

The tree view of maven projects should update when any pom.xml is created/modified/deleted in the current workspace.

Create a pom.xml

  1. Open an empty folder in VS Code.
  2. Create a project with a valid pom.xml file. E.g. using Generate from Maven Archetype command.
  3. After the pom.xml file is successfully created, verify:
    1. A corresponding project item is automatically added into the sidebar.

Modify a pom.xml

  1. Open an existing maven project in VS Code.
  2. Find the corresponding pom.xml file, and change the value of artifactId.
  3. Verify:
    1. The corresponding project item in the sidebar is updated with new value of artifact Id.

Delete a pom.xml

  1. Open an existing maven project in VS Code.
  2. Find the corresponding pom.xml file and delete it.
  3. Verify:
    1. The corresponding project item is removed from the sidebar.

Maven Executable Options and Enviroment Variables

Maven Options

  1. Open user settings, set a value for maven.executable.options, e.g. "-o".
  2. Right click on a project to trigger a maven command.
  3. Verify:
    1. The command executed in the terminal should have the options appended.

Special Handling for JAVA_HOME

  1. Install Red Hat's Java Language Support extension.
  2. Specify java.home in user settings for that extension:
    "java.home": "<some value>"      // Red Hat Java Language Support Setting
  3. Add following entry in user settings:
    "maven.terminal.useJavaHome": true      // Use the Red Hat Java Language Support Setting for JAVA_HOME
  4. Trigger a maven command, in the newly created terminal, verify:
    1. value of env JAVA_HOME should be the value you just set in java.home

General Environment Variables

  1. Specify a environment variable MAVEN_OPTS in settings, e.g.
            "maven.terminal.customEnv": [
                    "environmentVariable": "MAVEN_OPTS",               // variable name
                    "value": "-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m"                     // value
  2. Trigger a maven command, in the newly created terminal, verify:
    1. value of env MAVEN_OPTS should be the value you just set in settings.

Guide to Troubleshooting page if error occurs.

  1. Make sure mvn is not in PATH, or you have set wrong maven.executable.path in VS Code.
  2. Open VS Code, open a project, execute Effective POM, verify:
    1. It shows a message box for the issue and detailed error message.
    2. Click Learn more, it previews Troubleshooting.md in the editor.


Multi-root Workspace Support

  1. Clone code from https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-hadoop-samples.git
  2. Clone code https://github.com/Microsoft/todo-app-java-on-azure.git
  3. Open both above projects in the same VSCode windows under workspace features
  4. Verify:
    1. Projects are listed properly, grouped by root folder.

Cross-platform Support

  1. Open User Settings.
  2. Check supported platforms and terminals in README
  3. Change value of terminal.integrated.shell.windows/linux/osx according to the targeted system and terminal.
  4. Test Custom goals ..., Generate project from Maven Archetype and Effective POM.
  5. Verify:
    1. Commands can be successfully executed in above tasks.

For Telemetry

After above tests, verify corresponding entries in Application Insight portal (vscode maven telemetry test).

Legacy (Still need to verify for now)

  • For each command executed, verify:
    1. There are records named vscjava.vscode-maven/commandStart and vscjava.vscode-maven/commandEnd with same customDimensions.sessionId.
    2. For record vscjava.vscode-maven/commandEnd, value (ms) of customMeasurements.duration is reasonable.
  • For command Generate from Maven Archetype, verify:
    1. values of customDimensions.extra.finishedSteps, customDimensions.extra.artifactId and customDimensions.extra.groupId are reasonable.
      • finishedSteps: The steps user goes through after triggering the command. Candidates are TargetFolder, ListMore and Archetype.
      • groupId: Group Id of selected archetype.
      • artifactId: Artifact Id of selected archetype.


  • For extension activation and each command executed, verify:
    1. There are records named vscjava.vscode-maven/opStart and vscjava.vscode-maven/opEnd with same customDimensions.operationId, customDimensions.operationName
    2. In opEnd, check customDimensions.errorCode
      1. 0 for no error.
      2. Non-zero values indicate there's an error, check message, stack, errorType in customDimensions.
      3. For non-zero values, there should be an extra record vscjava.vscode-maven/error carrying the same error information.
  • For command Generate from Maven Archetype, verify:
    1. Records named vscjava.vscode-maven/opStep are sent after each step is executed.
    2. For some steps, an extra vscjava.vscode-maven/info is sent carrying information. E.g.:
      • groupId: Group Id of selected archetype.
      • artifactId: Artifact Id of selected archetype.