Description of changes
As part of vnext work, this PR converts the entire project into a monorepo using npm workspaces.
This change enables the core toolkit components and the React-wrapped toolkit components to be split into separate packages:
- @vscode/webview-ui-toolkit
- @vscode/webview-ui-toolkit-react
Description of changes
Uses the `fast-react-wrapper` to wrap all toolkit components as React components and then exports them under the following syntax: `import { ComponentName } from '@vscode/webview-ui-toolkit/react';`
Description of changes
Creates a Node script that automates the steps required to copy a new toolkit build into a webview extension environment so that it can be manually/visually tested.
Create GitHub Action workflows for the following:
- Run CI (test, lint, build) workflows on pull requests
- Run CD doc site build and deployment on pushes to `main`
- Basic package.json meta data
- Installed FAST dependencies and scaffolded out some initial boilerplate
- Installed/configured typescript
- Installed/configured storybook and associated npm start script
- Installed/configured prettier and associated npm prettier script
- Installed/configured eslint and associated npm lint scripts
- Installed/configured jest and associated npm test scripts
- Installed/configured webpack and associated npm build script
- Configured Azure pipeline