999 B
ObjC generator
Simply run make
in Embeddinator-4000/objcgen
Don't use MonoEmbeddinator4000.exe
Use mono ./bin/Debug/objcgen.exe --gen=Obj-C -o ./Output ManagedAssembly1.dll
Generated API of questionable usability
Whenever we generate a working API that is not optimal (in ObjC) we should update the docs/BestPracticesObjC.md
document to explain the situation and provide guidance to get the best ObjC API output.
Missing .NET features
Unimplemented, but planned, features should throw a NotImplementedException
with the feature name. The generator will report it as a missing feature that does not require a bug report (and test case).
Unsupported .NET features
Anything that cannot be supported should be added to the docs/Limitations.md
The tool should issue warnings (which users can turn into errors) when it cannot generate ObjC to match any given .NET code. The warnings must be added to the docs/errors.md