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# cubeb-coreaudio-rs
Implementation of MacOS Audio backend in CoreAudio framework for [Cubeb][cubeb] written in Rust.
Currently it can only be built by *rust-nightly* since we use *nightly-only* atomic types(`AtomicU32` and `AtomicU64`).
## Current Goals
- Translate [C code][cubeb-au] line by line into Rust (so the coding style is almost same as *C*)
- Create tests for later refactoring
## Branches
- *trailblazer*: Draft *Rust* code without being reviewed. Commits are scribbled.
- *release*: The offical version. All the commits are reviewed.
- *dev*: All the commits are cherry-picked from *trailblazer* branch.
This branch is used to create pull-requests to *release* branch.
## Status
- 🥚 : Not implemented.
- 🐣 : Work in progress. May be implemented partially or blocked by dependent APIs.
- 🐥 : Implemented.
- 🐓 : Already ride the trains.
### Cubeb APIs (Public APIs)
- 🥚 : 2/20 (10%)
- 🐣 : 2/20 (10%)
- 🐥 : 16/20 (80%)
| Cubeb APIs | status |
| --------------------------------------------- | ------ |
| cubub_init | 🐥 |
| cubub_get_backend_id | 🐥 |
| cubub_get_max_channel_count | 🐥 |
| cubub_get_min_latency | 🐥 |
| cubub_get_preferred_sample_rate | 🐥 |
| cubub_enumerate_devices | 🐥 |
| cubeb_device_collection_destroy | 🐥 |
| cubeb_stream_init | 🐣 |
| cubeb_stream_destroy | 🐣 |
| cubeb_stream_start | 🥚 |
| cubeb_stream_stop | 🥚 |
| cubeb_reset_default_device | 🐥 |
| cubeb_stream_get_position | 🐥 |
| cubeb_stream_get_latency | 🐥 |
| cubeb_stream_set_volume | 🐥 |
| cubeb_stream_set_panning | 🐥 |
| cubeb_stream_get_current_device | 🐥 |
| cubeb_stream_device_destroy | 🐥 |
| cubeb_stream_register_device_changed_callback | 🐥 |
| cubub_register_device_collection_changed | 🐥 |
### Interanl APIs
- 🥚 : 19/75 (25.3%)
- 🐣 : 8/75 (10.6%)
- 🐥 : 48/75 (64%)
| Interanl AudioUnit APIs | status |
| ------------------------------------------- | ------ |
| make_sized_audio_channel_layout | 🥚 |
| to_string | 🐥 |
| has_input | 🐥 |
| has_output | 🐥 |
| channel_label_to_cubeb_channel | 🥚 |
| cubeb_channel_to_channel_label | 🥚 |
| audiounit_increment_active_streams | 🐥 |
| audiounit_decrement_active_streams | 🐥 |
| audiounit_active_streams | 🐥 |
| audiounit_set_global_latency | 🐥 |
| audiounit_make_silent | 🥚 |
| audiounit_render_input | 🥚 |
| audiounit_input_callback | 🥚 |
| audiounit_mix_output_buffer | 🥚 |
| minimum_resampling_input_frames | 🥚 |
| audiounit_output_callback | 🥚 |
| audiounit_set_device_info | 🐥 |
| audiounit_reinit_stream | 🥚 |
| audiounit_reinit_stream_async | 🐣 |
| event_addr_to_string | 🐥 |
| audiounit_property_listener_callback | 🐥 |
| audiounit_add_listener | 🐥 |
| audiounit_remove_listener | 🐥 |
| audiounit_install_device_changed_callback | 🐥 |
| audiounit_install_system_changed_callback | 🐥 |
| audiounit_uninstall_device_changed_callback | 🐥 |
| audiounit_uninstall_system_changed_callback | 🐥 |
| audiounit_get_acceptable_latency_range | 🐥 |
| audiounit_get_default_device_id | 🐥 |
| audiounit_convert_channel_layout | 🥚 |
| audiounit_get_preferred_channel_layout | 🥚 |
| audiounit_get_current_channel_layout | 🥚 |
| audiounit_destroy | 🥚 |
| audio_stream_desc_init | 🐥 |
| audiounit_init_mixer | 🥚 |
| audiounit_set_channel_layout | 🥚 |
| audiounit_layout_init | 🥚 |
| audiounit_get_sub_devices | 🐥 |
| audiounit_create_blank_aggregate_device | 🐥 |
| get_device_name | 🐥 |
| audiounit_set_aggregate_sub_device_list | 🐥 |
| audiounit_set_master_aggregate_device | 🐥 |
| audiounit_activate_clock_drift_compensation | 🐥 |
| audiounit_workaround_for_airpod | 🐥 |
| audiounit_create_aggregate_device | 🐥 |
| audiounit_destroy_aggregate_device | 🐥 |
| audiounit_new_unit_instance | 🐥 |
| audiounit_enable_unit_scope | 🐥 |
| audiounit_create_unit | 🐥 |
| audiounit_init_input_linear_buffer | 🐣 |
| audiounit_clamp_latency | 🐥 |
| buffer_size_changed_callback | 🐥 |
| audiounit_set_buffer_size | 🐥 |
| audiounit_configure_input | 🐣 |
| audiounit_configure_output | 🐣 |
| audiounit_setup_stream | 🐣 |
| audiounit_close_stream | 🐣 |
| audiounit_stream_destroy_internal | 🐣 |
| audiounit_stream_destroy | 🐣 |
| audiounit_stream_start_internal | 🥚 |
| audiounit_stream_stop_internal | 🥚 |
| audiounit_stream_get_volume | 🐥 |
| convert_uint32_into_string | 🐥 |
| audiounit_get_default_device_datasource | 🐥 |
| audiounit_get_default_device_name | 🐥 |
| audiounit_strref_to_cstr_utf8 | 🐥 |
| audiounit_get_channel_count | 🐥 |
| audiounit_get_available_samplerate | 🐥 |
| audiounit_get_device_presentation_latency | 🐥 |
| audiounit_create_device_from_hwdev | 🐥 |
| is_aggregate_device | 🐥 |
| audiounit_get_devices_of_type | 🐥 |
| audiounit_collection_changed_callback | 🐥 |
| audiounit_add_device_listener | 🐥 |
| audiounit_remove_device_listener | 🐥 |
- [cubeb-rs][cubeb-rs]
- Implement `to_owned` in [`StreamParamsRef`][cubeb-rs-stmparamsref]
- Integration Tests
- Add a test-only API to change the default audio devices
- Use above API to test the device-changed callback
- Move issues below to github issues.
- Test aggregate devices
- Test with AirPods
- Test for stream operations
- Clean up the tests. Merge the duplicated pieces in to a function.
- Find a way to catch memory leaks
- Try Instrument on OSX
- Some of bugs are found when adding tests. Search *FIXIT* to find them.
- Maybe it's better to move all `fn some_func(stm: &AudioUnitStream, ...)` functions into `impl AudioUnitStream`.
- Add comments for APIs in `utils`
- Fail to run `test_create_blank_aggregate_device` with `test_add_device_listeners_dont_affect_other_scopes_with_*` at the same time
- I guess `audiounit_create_blank_aggregate_device` will fire the callbacks in `test_add_device_listeners_dont_affect_other_scopes_with_*`
- Fail to run `test_ops_context_register_device_collection_changed_twice_*` on my MacBook Air.
- A panic in `capi_register_device_collection_changed` causes `EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION`.
- Works fine if replacing `register_device_collection_changed: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(..,) -> c_int>` to `register_device_collection_changed: unsafe extern "C" fn(..,) -> c_int`
- Test them in `AudioUnitContext` directly instead of calling them via `OPS` for now.
- Fail to run `test_configure_input_with_zero_latency_frames` and `test_configure_input` at the same time.
- `audiounit_set_buffer_size` cannot be called in parallel
- We should not set `kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize` in parallel when another stream using the same device with smaller buffer size is active. See [here][chg-buf-sz] for reference.
- *Buffer frame size* within same device may be overwritten (no matter the *AudioUnit*s are different or not) ?
- Implement `auto_array_wrapper` and `auto_array` (by *trait* and *generic* I think)
## Issues
- Mutex: Find a replacement for [`owned_critical_section`][ocs]
- A dummy mutex like `Mutex<()>` should work (see [`test_dummy_mutex_multithread`][ocs]) as what `owned_critical_section` does in [_C_ version][ocs], but it doens't has equivalent API for `assert_current_thread_owns`.
- We implement a [`OwnedCriticalSection` around `pthread_mutex_t`][ocs-rust] like what we do in [_C_ version][ocs] for now.
- It's hard to debug with the variables using `OwnedCriticalSection`. Within a test with a variable using `OwnedCriticalSection` that will get a panic, if the `OwnedCriticalSection` used in the test isn't be dropped **before** where the code get a panic, then the test might get a crash in `OwnedCriticalSection` rather than the line having a panic. One example is [`test_stream_get_panic_before_releasing_mutex`](src/backend/ The tests must be created very carefully.
- Atomic:
- The stable atomic types only support `bool`, `usize`, `isize`, and `ptr`, but we need `u64`, `i64`, and `f32`.
- Using [atomic-rs]( instead.
- *Rust-Nightly* supports `AtomicU32` and `AtomicU64` so we use that.
- Unworkable API: [`dispatch_async`][dis-async] and [`dispatch_sync`][dis-sync]
- The second parameter of [`dispatch_async`][dis-async] and [`dispatch_sync`][dis-sync] is [`dispatch_block_t`][dis-block], which is defined by `typedef void (^dispatch_block_t)(void)`.
- The caret symbol `^` defines a [block][c-ext-block].
- The _block_ is a lambda expression-like syntax to create closures. (See Apple's document: [Working with Blocks][apple-block])
- Not sure if _Rust_ can work with it. _Rust_ has its own [_closure_][rs-closure].
- For now, we implement an API [`async_dispatch`][async-dis] and [`sync_dispatch`][sync-dis] to replace [`dispatch_async`][dis-async] and [`dispatch_sync`][dis-sync] (prototype on [gist][osx-dis-gist].)
- [`async_dispatch`][async-dis] is based on [`dispatch_async_f`][dis-async-f].
- [`sync_dispatch`][sync-dis] is based on [`dispatch_sync_f`][dis-sync-f].
- [`async_dispatch`][async-dis] and [`sync_dispatch`][sync-dis] take [_Rust closures_][rs-closure], instead of [Apple's _block_][apple-block], as one of their parameters.
- The [_Rust closure_][rs-closure] (it's actually a struct) will be `box`ed, which means the _closure_ will be moved into heap, so the _closure_ cannot be optimized as _inline_ code. (Need to find a way to optimize it?)
- Since the _closure_ will be run on an asynchronous thread, we need to move the _closure_ to heap to make sure it's alive and then it will be destroyed after the task of the _closure_ is done.
- Borrowing Issues
1. Pass `AudioUnitContext` across threads. In _C_ version, we [pass the pointer to `cubeb` context across threads][cubeb-au-ptr-across-threads], but it's forbidden in _Rust_. A workaround here is to
1. Cast the pointer to a `cubeb` context into a `usize` value
2. Pass that value to threads. The value is actually be **copied** into the code-block that will be run on another thread
3. When the task on another thread is run, the value is casted to a pointer to a `cubeb` context
2. We have a [`mutex`][ocs-rust] in `AudioUnitContext`, and we have a _reference_ to `AudioUnitContext` in `AudioUnitStream`. To sync what we do in [_C version_][cubeb-au-init-stream], we need to _lock_ the `mutex` in `AudioUnitContext` then pass a _reference_ to `AudioUnitContext` to `AudioUnitStream::new(...)`. To _lock_ the `mutex` in `AudioUnitContext`, we call `AutoLock::new(&mut AudioUnitContext.mutex)`. That is, we will borrow a reference to `AudioUnitContext` as a mutable first then borrow it again. It's forbidden in _Rust_. Some workarounds are
1. Replace `AutoLock` by calling `mutex.lock()` and `mutex.unlock()` explicitly.
2. Save the pointer to `mutex` first, then call `AutoLock::new(unsafe { &mut (*mutex_ptr) })`.
3. Cast immutable reference to a `*const` then to a `*mut`: `pthread_mutex_lock(&self.mutex as *const pthread_mutex_t as *mut pthread_mutex_t)`
- Complexity of creating unit tests
- We have lots of dependent APIs, so it's hard to test one API only, specially for those APIs using mutex(`OwnedCriticalSection` actually)
- It's better to split them into several APIs so it's easier to test them
- APIs that cannot be called in parallel
- The APIs depending on `audiounit_set_buffer_size` cannot be called in parallel
- `kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize` cannot be set when another stream using the same device with smaller buffer size is active. See [here][chg-buf-sz] for reference.
- The *buffer frame size* within same device may be overwritten (no matter the *AudioUnit*s are different or not) ?
[cubeb]: "Cross platform audio library"
[cubeb-au]: "Cubeb AudioUnit"
[ocs]: "owned_critical_section"
[ocs-rust]: src/backend/ "OwnedCriticalSection"
[dis-sync]: "dispatch_sync"
[dis-async]: "dispatch_async"
[dis-async-f]: "dispatch_async_f"
[dis-sync-f]: "dispatch_sync_f"
[dis-block]: "dispatch_block_t"
[c-ext-block]: "Blocks: C language extension"
[apple-block]: "Working with Blocks"
[rs-closure]: "Closures"
[sync-dis]: src/backend/
[async-dis]: src/backend/
[osx-dis-gist]: "gist"
[cubeb-au-ptr-across-threads]: "Pass pointers across threads"
[cubeb-au-init-stream]: "Init stream"
[cubeb-rs]: "cubeb-rs"
[cubeb-rs-stmparamsref]: "StreamParamsRef"
[cubeb-rs-capi-stm-reg-dev-chg-callback]: "stream_register_device_changed_callback"
[cubeb-backend]: "cubeb-backend"
[cubeb-pulse-rs]: "cubeb-pulse-rs"
[cubeb-backend-stm-reg-dev-chg-cb]: cubeb-backend-stream_register_device_changed_callback.diff "Implementation of stream_register_device_changed_callback"
[cubeb-pulse-rs-reg-dev-chg-cb]: cubeb-pulse-rs-register_device_changed_callback.diff "Impelement of register_device_changed_callback"
[chg-buf-sz]: "issue on changing buffer size"