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Discourse plugin which automatically sets category email-in addresses based on their slug

Build Status

Bug reports

Bug reports should be filed by following the process described here.


Follow the Discourse Install a Plugin guide.


Email-in address autogeneration can be disabled on particular categories by opening their category edit modal, going to "Settings", and ticking the "Disable auto-email-in plugin on this category and subcategories" option. Now the email-in address can be manually set, or removed altogether.

If auto_email_in_append is enabled then this plugin won't overwrite existing email-in addresses, but will append newly generated addresses to the chain of possible addresses.

Then, if an admin manually edits the email in value, the generated address will be appended (if it doesn't already exist). This can be used to clear old addresses on categories.

If auto_email_in_append is disabled, then this plugin will overwrite all existing email-in addresses with the ones it generates, and admins won't be able to edit addresses.


MPL 2.0