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Here lies the API for Galaxy.

There is a REST HTTP API and WebSocket API. The REST API can be consumed by game developers. The WebSocket API is intended to be consumed by galaxy.js, a simple drop-in JavaScript API for multiplayer, web-based games.

Note: This project is not ready for prime time. Not an official Mozilla project. Pre-alpha everything. Anything and everything at your own risk.


  1. Ensure prerequisities are installed:

    • PostgreSQL

      To install using Homebrew on Mac OS X:

        brew install postgresql
        brew info postgresql
  2. Install Node dependencies:

     npm install

    These production dependencies will be installed:

    • hapi: a simple framework for developing web services + APIs
      • boom: utilities for returning HTTP errors
      • joi: schema validator for JS objects and API request payloads
    • pg: a PostgreSQL client with pure JS and optional native libpq bindings
    • es6-promise: to polyfill ES6 promises for Node, so we can avoid callbacks
    • steam: wrapper around Steam's HTTP API (can be used for authentication and friends)

    And these developer dependencies will be installed:

  3. Create a PostgreSQL database (using settings.POSTGRES_URL from settings_dev.js):

     npm run refreshdb-dev
  4. Initialise settings, if you haven't already:

     cp ./settings_dev.js.dist ./settings_dev.js
     cp ./settings_prod.js.dist ./settings_prod.js
     cp ./settings_test.js.dist ./settings_test.js

Developing locally

Initialise settings, if you haven't already:

cp ./settings_dev.js.dist ./settings_dev.js

To run the local web server:

npm run dev

To run with a different settings file:

GALAXY_API_SETTINGS=./some_different_settings_dev.js npm run prod

npm run gulp -- lint

To run linting tools:

gulp lint

Deploying to production

Initialise settings, if you haven't already:

cp ./settings_prod.js.dist ./settings_prod.js

To run the web server in production:

npm run prod

To run with a different settings file:

GALAXY_API_SETTINGS=./some_different_settings_prod.js npm run prod

Alternatively, without npm:

NODE_ENV=production GALAXY_API_SETTINGS=./settings_prod.js node index.js
NODE_ENV=production GALAXY_API_SETTINGS=./some_different_settings_prod.js node index.js

Running tests

Initialise settings, if you haven't already:

cp ./settings_test.js.dist ./settings_test.js

To run tests:

npm test

To run a single test:

npm test -- test/lib/db.js

To run tests without destroying the database first:

npm run test-keepdb

To run tests with coverage and linting:

npm run test-verbose

Working with the database

All data is currently stored in a relational PostgreSQL database (previously redis was used).

gulp tasks

These are the available gulp tasks for PostgreSQL database and migration operations:

  • gulp createdb - create a PostgreSQL database using settings.POSTGRES_URL.
  • gulp dropdb - delete the database.
  • gulp migratedb - run migrations.
  • gulp migratedb-create --name <name> - create a new migration file called <name>.
  • gulp migratedb-up - run all up migrations from the current state.
  • gulp migratedb-up --num <num> - run <num> up migrations from the current state.
  • gulp migratedb-down - run a single down migration.
  • gulp migratedb-down --num <num> - run <num> down migrations from the current state.

psql commands

To access the PostgreSQL prompt:

psql -d galaxy-api

These are a few helpful PostgreSQL commands:

  • \h - view list of available commands.
  • \dt+ - list all tables in the database.
  • \d+ <table_name> - show a table's schema.
  • drop table <table_name> - delete a table.
  • \x on - view a table in "extended display" mode.

Examples of using the API

Below are sample curl commands for interacting with the REST API endpoints.

NOTE: This should eventually also live elsewhere in the real API docs, but for now: it's fine; it's fine.


[GET /games] gameControllers

To retrieve a list of all game resources.

curl 'http://localhost:4000/games' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i

[POST /games] gameControllers

To create a game resource.

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:4000/games' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i -d@- <<EOF
    "name": "mario bros",
    "game_url": "",
    "slug": "mario"

[GET /games/{idOrSlug}] gameControllers

To retrieve a game resource.

curl 'http://localhost:4000/games/1' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i
curl 'http://localhost:4000/games/mario' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i

[DELETE /games/{idOrSlug}] gameControllers

To (soft-)delete a game resource.

curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:4000/games/1' -i
curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:4000/games/mario' -i

[PUT /games/{idOrSlug}] gameControllers

To update a game resource.

curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:4000/games/1' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i -d@- <<EOF
    "name": "mario bros",
    "game_url": "",
    "slug": "mario"
curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:4000/games/mario' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i -d@- <<EOF
    "name": "mario bros",
    "game_url": "",
    "slug": "mario"
curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:4000/games/wario' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i -d@- <<EOF
    "name": "wario bros",
    "game_url": "",
    "slug": "wario"