Class RWLock


public final class RWLock
extends java.lang.Object

A "read-write" lock. This lock allows for an arbitrary number of simultaneous readers. The lock can be upgraded to a write lock in two ways. First, the lock can be upgraded without guaranteeing invariance across the transition (in other words, the read lock may need to be released before the write lock can be acquired). The other form of upgrade guarantees invariance; however, the upgrade can only be performed by initially locking the lock using the invariant read lock enter method. Upgrading the lock in either case involves waiting until there are no more readers. This implementation gives priority to upgrades and invariant locks which may lead to reader starvation.

Each thread using the lock may re-enter the lock as many times as needed. However, attempting to re-enter the lock with the invariant read lock will fail unless the lock was originally entered that way by the invoking thread.

Only one thread may enter the invariant read lock at a time; other threads attempting this will block until the owning thread exits the lock completely.

Note that the implementation assumes that the user of instances of this class properly pairs the enters/exits.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void enterInvariantReadLock()
          Enter the invariant read lock.
 void enterReadLock()
 void enterWriteLock()
 void exitInvariantReadLock()
 void exitReadLock()
 void exitWriteLock()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RWLock()
Method Detail


public void enterReadLock()
                   throws java.lang.InterruptedException


public void exitReadLock()


public void enterInvariantReadLock()
                            throws java.lang.InterruptedException
Enter the invariant read lock. Only one thread at a time can hold the invariant read lock. This lock guarantees to upgrade to a write lock without needing to release the read lock.


public void exitInvariantReadLock()


public void enterWriteLock()
                    throws java.lang.InterruptedException


public void exitWriteLock()