Class MimeBase64Encoder


public final class MimeBase64Encoder
extends MimeEncoder

Implements a Base64 -> plaintext decoder.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void eof(ByteBuf out)
          Tell the base64 encoder that no more input data will be forthcoming.
 void translate(ByteBuf in, ByteBuf out)
          Given a sequence of input bytes, produces a sequence of output bytes using the base64 encoding.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MimeBase64Encoder()
Method Detail


public final void translate(ByteBuf in,
                            ByteBuf out)
Given a sequence of input bytes, produces a sequence of output bytes using the base64 encoding. If there are bytes in `out' already, the new bytes are appended, so the caller should do `out.setLength(0)' first if that's desired.
translate in class MimeEncoder


public final void eof(ByteBuf out)
Tell the base64 encoder that no more input data will be forthcoming. This may result in output, as a result of flushing the internal buffer. This object must not be used again after calling eof(). If there are bytes in `out' already, the new bytes are appended, so the caller should do `out.setLength(0)' first if that's desired.
eof in class MimeEncoder