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Guide to Customizing and Distributing Mozilla 1.4.1

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Chapter 10   Verifying Your CCK Tool Customizations

After you run the CCK tool, you should install your customized version of Mozilla 1.4.1 and verify that your customizations have taken effect correctly. If you want to make any adjustments, you can run the CCK tool again and produce a modified installer in the same output directory.

Important: Verify and finalize your CCK tool customizations before you make any manual customizations. If you have to run the CCK tool again after making manual customizations to your installation files, the tool will erase all your manual customizations.

This chapter contains these sections:

Installing Your Customized Build
Verifying Your Browser Customizations
Verifying Your Mail and News Customizations
Verifying Your Installer Customizations

Installing Your Customized Build

After the CCK tool has generated your custom installer, follow these steps to install your customized build:

  1. On Windows, open the directory

  2. installation_directory\CCKTool\Configs\Output\my_config\

    and double-click the file setup.exe.
    On Linux, transfer the tar file from


    to a Linux system, extract the contents, and change the permission of the file mozilla-installer-bin to include executable permission. You can then run the install script by typing ./mozilla-installer.
  3. If you decided to include a CD autorun screen with your installer, verify that it appears and that it reflects any customizations you made with the CCK tool.

  4. If you have a preexisting profile installed, create a new profile for testing purposes. To do so, click Manage Profiles when the Profile Manager appears, then click Create Profile.

  5. You must test with a new, unmodified profile to verify that your customizations have taken effect.

Verifying Your Browser Customizations

While running a new, unmodified Mozilla profile, verify the following:

Verifying Your Mail and News Customizations

While running a new, unmodified Mozilla profile, follow these steps to verify your Mail & Newsgroups customizations:

  1. Open the Tasks menu and choose Mail & Newsgroups.

  2. The first New Account Setup screen appears. Verify that the Mail and Newsgroup provider name that you specified with the CCK Tool show up correctly.
  3. Select your customized mail account and click Next.

  4. The second New Account Setup screen appears. Verify that the domain name you specified for the mail account shows up correctly.
  5. Click Finish.

  6. Verify that the display name you specified for new mail accounts shows up correctly.
  7. Open the Edit menu and choose Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings.

  8. Click the name of the new mail account and examine the settings, then do the same for Server and Outgoing Server. Verify that the domain name, display name, account name, and server settings that you specified with the CCK tool all show up correctly.
  9. Click New Account and follow steps 1 through 4, except this time set up a new newsgroup account and checking the corresponding customizations.

Verifying Your Installer Customizations

While running any Mozilla profile, verify that only the components you selected in the final screen of the CCK tool are available. At a minimum, you should perform the checks described here as appropriate for each platform. See Table 9-1 (page 100) for details on platform support for each component.

Verify the presence of the optional components you selected as follows:

Table 10-1   



Sun Java 2

On Windows, open the Start menu, choose Settings, then Control Panel. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. You should see an entry for Java 2 (jre1.3.1) if it is installed.

Alternatively, in Mozilla 1.4.1, open the Help menu and choose About Plug-ins. You should see Java plug-ins listed there.


Open the Tasks menu and choose Mail & News. If you are running a profile for the first time, the Account Wizard should launch and guide you through the steps involved in setting up a new account.

Quality Feedback Agent

If you left this option selected, you may discover during verification that it's not present. This is because the agent will be installed only 20% of the time when it has been selected on the final CCK screen. This is done deliberately to reduce the download size for 80% of installers, while still providing Mozilla with statistically significant feedback.

Spell Checker

Open the Tasks menu, choose Composer, and enter some lines of text. Then open the Edit menu and choose Check Spelling. The spell checker should appear.

Classic skin

Open the View menu, choose Apply Themes, and confirm that the Classic theme appears in the submenu.

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Copyright © 2003 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated July 30, 2001