Class IDMap


public class IDMap
extends java.lang.Object

An identifier mapper. This provides a 1-1 map between strings and integers where the strings are unique within the map.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String idToString(int aID)
          Given an id, return the string it maps to.
 int stringBufToID(StringBuf aStrBuf)
          Given a StringBuf, find an id for it.
 java.lang.String stringBufToString(StringBuf aStrBuf)
 int stringToID(java.lang.String aStr)
          Given a string, find an id for it.
 java.lang.String stringToString(java.lang.String aStr)
          If the argument string is already present in the map return the original string object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IDMap()
Method Detail


public int stringToID(java.lang.String aStr)
Given a string, find an id for it. If the string is already present return the old id. Otherwise allocate a new one.


public int stringBufToID(StringBuf aStrBuf)
Given a StringBuf, find an id for it. If the string is already present return the old id. Otherwise allocate a new one.


public java.lang.String stringBufToString(StringBuf aStrBuf)


public java.lang.String stringToString(java.lang.String aStr)
If the argument string is already present in the map return the original string object. Otherwise, allocate a new id and return the argument string.


public java.lang.String idToString(int aID)
Given an id, return the string it maps to.